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A Collaborative and Content Based Event Recommendation System Integrated With Data Collection Scrapers and Services At A Social Networking Site

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There are many activities that people prefer/opt out attending and these events are announced for attracting people. An intelligent recommendation system can be used in a social networking site in order to recommend people according to content and collaboration assessment. This study is an effort to recommend events to users within a social networking site. It can be any networking environment. We have used social environment that has been designed as a facebook1 application. Our application has also been integrated with several web sites. System collects event data from several related web sites either by using web services or web scraping. It also permits users rating events they have attended or planned. Given the social network between people, system tries to recommend upcoming events to users. For this purpose a combination of content based and collaborative filtering has been used. We have also taken geographical location info and social concept of an event. © 2009 IEEE.



Collaborative Filtering, Recommender Systems, Web Services, Social Networking (Online), Event-Based Social

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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Ozyer, Sibel T. untranslated, Kayaalp, M., "A Collaborative and Content Based Event Recommendation System Integrated With Data Collection Scrapers and Services At A Social Networking Site", Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference On Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining, Asonam 2009, pp. 113-118, (2009).


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Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference On Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining, Asonam 2009



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