Incivility, Mobbing, and Abusive Supervision: A Tripartite Scale Development Study

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Sümer, H. Canan
Göncü Köse, Aslı
Toker Gültaş, Yonca
Acar, F. Pınar
Karanfil, Derya
Ok, A. Başak

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Using qualitative and quantitative methodologies, in three consecutive studies with employed samples, we developed measures of workplace incivility, mobbing, and abusive supervision sensitive to the nuances of a non-Western context (i.e., Türkiye). In Study 1, we first conducted 15 focus groups (N = 149), identified culture-specific and universal themes underlying the focal mistreatment types, and developed the initial scales. We then pilot-tested (N = 427) and refined the scales using exploratory factor analytic procedures. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analyses (N range = 456-524) and associations between the new scales and their widely used counterparts (N = 353) yielded evidence for the construct validity of the scales. Study 2 also involved the development of short forms of relatively long incivility and abusive supervision scales. In Study 3 (N = 482), we first examined the extent to which the three scales were operationally distinct. Second, we examined the scales’ ability to predict burnout and organizational commitment. Results supported operational distinctiveness as well as the criterion-related validity of the scales. A dominance analysis revealed that the three scales had equivalent contributions in explaining the two outcome variables, further justifying their distinctiveness. We argue that the use of present scales is not necessarily restricted to the Turkish context and may prove useful more broadly in other neo-traditional contexts.



Abusive Supervision, Measurement, Mobbing, Neo-Traditional, Personnel, Scale Development, Turkey, Well-Being, Workplace Incivility


Sümer, H. al. (2024). "Incivility, Mobbing, and Abusive Supervision: A Tripartite Scale Development Study", Journal of Psychology.