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Item Citation Count: Çelik, Deniz; Demirbaş, Yağmur Saklı; Gençöz, Tülin (2023). "Sexual dysfunction among heterosexual women: Its relationships with reassurance-seeking, interpersonal problems and histrionic personality - Preliminary results", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY OPEN, Vol. 82, pp. 74-74.Sexual dysfunction among heterosexual women: Its relationships with reassurance-seeking, interpersonal problems and histrionic personality - Preliminary results(2023-10) Çelik, Deniz; Demirbaş, Yağmur Saklı; Gençöz, Tülin; 320299; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüItem Citation Count: Kaynak, Hande (2023). "Relations between cognitive knowledge and emotion regulation: Mediating role of cognitive flexibility", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, p. 218.Relations between cognitive knowledge and emotion regulation: Mediating role of cognitive flexibility(2023-12) Kaynak, Hande; 101097; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüItem Citation Count: Karakuş, Cansu; Göncü Köse, Aslı. Mediating roles of locus of control and impression management in the links of big five with altruism, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 58, pp. 871-871.Mediating roles of locus of control and impression management in the links of big five with altruism(2023-12) Karakuş, Cansu; Göncü Köse, Aslı; 166202; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüItem Citation Count: Demircioğlu, Zeynep I.; Göncü Köse, Aslı. Mediating role of need for approval in the link between attachment styles and social media addiction, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 58, pp. 695-695, 2023.Mediating role of need for approval in the link between attachment styles and social media addiction(2023-12) Demircioğlu, Zeynep I.; Göncü Köse, Aslı; 166202; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüItem Citation Count: Sümer, H. al. (2024). "Incivility, Mobbing, and Abusive Supervision: A Tripartite Scale Development Study", Journal of Psychology.Incivility, Mobbing, and Abusive Supervision: A Tripartite Scale Development Study(2024) Sümer, H. Canan; Göncü Köse, Aslı; Toker Gültaş, Yonca; Acar, F. Pınar; Karanfil, Derya; Ok, A. Başak; 166202; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüUsing qualitative and quantitative methodologies, in three consecutive studies with employed samples, we developed measures of workplace incivility, mobbing, and abusive supervision sensitive to the nuances of a non-Western context (i.e., Türkiye). In Study 1, we first conducted 15 focus groups (N = 149), identified culture-specific and universal themes underlying the focal mistreatment types, and developed the initial scales. We then pilot-tested (N = 427) and refined the scales using exploratory factor analytic procedures. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analyses (N range = 456-524) and associations between the new scales and their widely used counterparts (N = 353) yielded evidence for the construct validity of the scales. Study 2 also involved the development of short forms of relatively long incivility and abusive supervision scales. In Study 3 (N = 482), we first examined the extent to which the three scales were operationally distinct. Second, we examined the scales’ ability to predict burnout and organizational commitment. Results supported operational distinctiveness as well as the criterion-related validity of the scales. A dominance analysis revealed that the three scales had equivalent contributions in explaining the two outcome variables, further justifying their distinctiveness. We argue that the use of present scales is not necessarily restricted to the Turkish context and may prove useful more broadly in other neo-traditional contexts.Item Citation Count: Öztürk, İ al. "How young female and male drivers differ in terms of eye movements and driver behaviors", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 58, pp. 1013-1013.How young female and male drivers differ in terms of eye movements and driver behaviors(2023-12) Öztürk, İbrahim; Üzümcüoğlu, Yeşim; Bacaksız, Pınar; Özkan, Türker; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüItem Citation Count: Civit, Selinay; Göncü Köse, Aslı (2023). "Effects of the Dark Triad on OCBs and CWBs: Mediating roles of incivility towards different targets", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 58, pp. 625-625.Effects of the Dark Triad on OCBs and CWBs: Mediating roles of incivility towards different targets(2023-12) Civit, Selinay; Göncü Köse, Aslı; 166202; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüItem Citation Count: Soylu, Gül Çağla; Topçu, Merve (2023). "Comorbidity with bipolar disorder and its adverse effects on caregivers - A literature review", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 58, pp. 191-191.Comorbidity with bipolar disorder and its adverse effects on caregivers - A literature review(2023-12) Soylu, Gül Çağla; Topçu, Merve; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüItem Citation Count: Genç Aksaray, Sevgi; Özçelik, Erol (2023). "Attention mediates the effect of emotional arousal on learning outcomes in multimedia learning: an eye-tracking study", Educational Psychology, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 38-56.Attention mediates the effect of emotional arousal on learning outcomes in multimedia learning: an eye-tracking study(2023) Genç Aksaray, Sevgi; Özçelik, Erol; 115500; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüRecent findings from psychological studies have shown that emotional arousal improves human memory. However, more evidence is necessary if these results are generalisable to multimedia learning environments. Considering these needs, the study has the goal to examine the effect of emotional arousal on multimedia learning. Fifty-seven participants were presented with instructional materials with either high- or low-arousing words and pictures in an experimental study. The eye movements of participants were recorded while they studied the instructional materials to examine the online processes during learning. The results suggest that emotional arousal enhanced recall and transfer scores. The eye-tracking results demonstrate that emotional arousal attracted attention. The results of the mediation analysis suggest that fixation time on emotional pictures as an indicator of attention mediated the relationship between emotional arousal and learning outcomes. The findings show the importance of the guidance of attention by emotional multimedia elements for learning.Item Citation Count: Demircioğlu, Zeynep Işıl; Göncü Köse, Aslı (2023). "Antecedents of problematic social media use and cyberbullying among adolescents: attachment, the dark triad and rejection sensitivity",Current Psychology, Vol. 42, No. 35, pp. 31091-31109.Antecedents of problematic social media use and cyberbullying among adolescents: attachment, the dark triad and rejection sensitivity(2023-12) Demircioğlu, Zeynep Işıl; Göncü Köse, Aslı; 166202; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüWith the acceleration of internet use, problematic social media use (PSMU) is included in our lives. When looking at the antecedents of PSMU, being young has been found to be a risk factor for PSMU. In addition to the benefits of technological advances in education and training, rapid technological developments may also result in problematic behaviors, especially among children and young. Recently, possibilities brought by technology and more widespread use of technology by young people have created a new concept, namely, cyberbullying. The present study aims to examine the effects of attachment anxiety and avoidance on PSMU and cyberbullying as with the partial mediating effects of the Dark Triad personality traits, angry rejection sensitivity, and anxious rejection sensitivity among adolescents. In general, the findings supported the proposed theoretical model. The results are discussed in terms of theoretical and practical implications along with suggestions for future research.Item Citation Count: Göncü Köse, Aslı; Onaran, Sami O. (2023). "Antecedents of football fan violence: The dark triad, impulsivity, identification and aggression", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 58, pp. 981-981.Antecedents of football fan violence: The dark triad, impulsivity, identification and aggression(2023-12) Göncü Köse, Aslı; Onaran, Sami O.; 166202; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüItem Citation Count: Çağlar, Elçin; Kaynak, Hande. (2021). "Working memory functions in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A review", Journal Of Clinical Psychology Research, Vol.5, No.2, pp.202-212.Working memory functions in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A review(2021) Çağlar, Elçin; Kaynak, Hande; 101097; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüAutism spectrum disorder, one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders, is a lifelong condition, especially with difficulties in social communication, limited interest, and repetitive behavior. Working memory, as a basic executive function, is a cognitive process also associated with impulse control, inhibition, organization, mental flexibility, focusing on one's attention, planning, responding to new situations, initiating and monitoring actions, problem solving, and goal-directed behaviors. Studies suggest that working memory impairments are associated with repetitive behaviors, and the risk for academic failure observed in autism spectrum disorder, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. From this point of view, working memory deficits are often found in neurodevelopmental disorders, especially in autism spectrum disorder. In the current study, following an introduction to autism and working memory, working memory functions associated with autism spectrum disorder were reviewed in detail. In this context, brain imaging studies highlighting the importance of frontal lobe functions, links between repetitive behaviors and working memory, and age differences in working memory functions were summarized. Next, working memory deficits in other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and pervasive developmental disorder were discussed in comparison with autism. Finally, the conclusion part of the current review tried to provide a contribution to future studies.Item Citation Count: Taştepe, Taşkın; (2016). "Türkiye’de Okul Öncesi Dönemde Kaynaştırma Konusunda Yapılan Lisansüstü Tezlerin İncelenmesi", International Journal of Social Science, No.49, pp.501-514.Türkiye’de Okul Öncesi Dönemde Kaynaştırma Konusunda Yapılan Lisansüstü Tezlerin İncelenmesi(2016) Taştepe, Taşkın; Öztürk Serter, Gülden; Yurdakul, Yeşim; Taygur Altıntaş, Tansen; Bütün ayhan, Aynur; 344723; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüBu araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye’de okul öncesi dönemde kaynaştırma konusunda yapılan lisansüstü tezlerin incelenmesidir. Betimsel nitelikte olan bu araştırmada, genel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya, YÖK Yayın Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı tarafından arşivlenen ve tam metnine ulaşılabilen yirmi beş lisansüstü tez alınmıştır. Araştırma kapsamındaki tezler, doküman analizi tekniği kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Lisansüstü tezlerden yirmi üçünün yüksek lisans ve ikisinin doktora tezi olduğu, lisansüstü tezlerde 2005 yılından itibaren artış olduğu ve araştırmaların 2010 yılında en fazla sayıya ulaştığı görülmektedir. Araştırmaya dâhil edilen lisansüstü tezlerden on dokuzu nicel, dördü nitel ve ikisinin hem nicel hem de nitel olduğu belirlenmiştir. Nicel desenin kullanıldığı lisansüstü tezlerde, en fazla betimsel yöntemin kullanıldığı dikkati çekerken, deneysel yöntem ile yapılan çalışmaların daha az sayıda olduğu görülmüştür. Araştırmada lisansüstü tezlerin ele aldığı çalışma konuları; "kaynaştırmaya yönelik görüş ve tutumlar", "kaynaştırma ortamında bulunan özel gereksinimi olan ve olmayan çocuklar", "kaynaştırma eğitim programlarının etkililiği", "kaynaştırma uygulamalarında öğretmenlerin değerlendirilmesi ve kaynaştırma ortamı" olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada, en fazla kaynaştırmaya yönelik görüş ve tutumların incelendiği; kaynaştırma ortamında bulunan özel gereksinimi olan ve olmayan çocukların incelenmesinde en fazla sosyal duygusal gelişime odaklanıldığı; kaynaştırma eğitimi ile ilgili geliştirilen ve uygulanan eğitim programlarının etkili olduğu; kaynaştırma uygulamalarında öğretmenler ve kaynaştırma ortamının değerlendirilmesinde, öğretmenlerin kaynaştırma eğitimi ile ilgili yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadığı ve kaynaştırma ortamının fiziksel açıdan yetersiz olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.Item Citation Count: Kıylıoğlu, Levent; Sönmez, Ali. (2021). "Risky Sexual Behavior Among Heterosexual Male Turkish University Students", Abant Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol.21, No.2, pp.405-426.Risky Sexual Behavior Among Heterosexual Male Turkish University Students(2021) Kıylıoğlu, Levent; Dönmez, Ali; 173556; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüThe aim of this study was to investigate the variables influencing risky sexual behaviors of heterosexual male Turkish university students. The sample of the study consisted of 382 university students studying at Ankara University and METU. As measurement instruments demographic questionnaire, sexual sensation seeking scale, sexual risk-taking scale, religious attitude scale, HIV knowledge scale, self-efficacy scale for AIDS prevention and Bem sex-role inventory were used. In addition to descriptive analysis, correlation and regression analyses were used. Findings showed that participants’ age, having sexually transmitted infection other than HIV, getting HIV test, sexual sensation seeking level and masculinity positively predicted sexual risk taking behavior. Using condom in first intercourse, condom use self-efficacy, and the femininity negatively predicted sexual risk-taking behavior. Findings once more proved protective effect of lifelong condom useItem Citation Count: Özçelik, Erol; Tekman, Hasan Gürkan. (2021). "Short-Term Consolidation of Information for Episodic Memory: The Role of Attention", Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol.38, no.2, pp.287-307.Short-Term Consolidation of Information for Episodic Memory: The Role of Attention(2021) Özçelik, Erol; Tekman, Hasan Gürkan; 115500; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüPieces of evidence from rapid serial visual presentation, attentional blink, and dual-task interference phenomena propose that human beings have a significant limitation on the short-term consolidation process. Short-term consolidation is transferring perceptual representations to a more durable form of memory. Although previous research has shown that masks presented after targets interrupt the consolidation process of information, there is not enough evidence for the role of attention in consolidation for episodic memory. Three experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of attention and stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between targets and masks on episodic memory. Masks were presented after targets with varying SOAs. The participants in the divided attention condition performed the attention-demanding secondary task after the presentation of the masks, whereas participants in the full attention condition were not requested to perform the secondary task after the presentation of masks. The results showed that reducing SOA between targets and masks caused an impairment in memory performance for divided attention but not for full attention, providing evidence for the necessity of attention for the short-term consolidation process.Item Citation Count: Fidantek, Hülya; Yazıhan, Nakşidil; Tuna, Ezgi. (2022). "The Mediator Role of Positive and Negative Affect in the Relationship Between Sleep Quality, Depressive Symptoms and Anxiety in Young Adults", Journal of Turkish Sleep Medicine, Vol.9, No.2, pp.120-129.The Mediator Role of Positive and Negative Affect in the Relationship Between Sleep Quality, Depressive Symptoms and Anxiety in Young Adults(2022-05) Fidantek, Hülya; Yazıhan, Nakşidil; Tuna, Ezgi; 163887; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüObjective: It is known that individuals with poor sleep quality show significantly more depression and anxiety symptoms. It is important to investigate possible factors that may make individuals more vulnerable to develop depression and anxiety. For this purpose, the possible mediator roles of positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA) in the relationship between sleep quality and depression- anxiety symptoms in young adults were tested by using multiple mediation analysis. Materials and Methods: The sample of the study consisted of 387 volunteer participants aged between 18 and 35 years (mean=22.83, standard deviation=3.20). Data consisting of Pittsburgh sleep quality index, positive and negative emotion scale, and brief symptom inventory were collected through an online computer-assisted protocol. Results: Significant positive correlations were found between low sleep quality scores and both depressive and anxiety symptoms. According to the two mediator variable models, low sleep quality influenced depressive symptoms indirectly through PA and NA, and anxiety through only NA. Alternative models of the results showed that depressive symptoms influenced sleep quality partially through PA and NA, while anxiety mediated this relationship only through PA. Conclusion: Alternative models tested to understand the direction of the relationship between depressive-anxiety symptoms and sleep quality. Although the results were significant, the explained variance was found to be less explanatory than the first and second models. The results of the study supported the idea that sleep quality, PA and NA should be targeted while developing prevention and intervention programs for depression and anxiety.Item Citation Count: Aydin, Oyku; Kaynak, H. (2021). "The mediating role of cognitive flexibility in the relationship between metacognition and psychologicalhealth:Astudyinanon-clinicalsample", The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, Vol.34, No.4, pp.320-328.The mediating role of cognitive flexibility in the relationship between metacognition and psychologicalhealth:Astudyinanon-clinicalsample(2021) Aydin, Oyku; Kaynak, Hande; 101097; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüObjective: Metacognition is a concept that refers to the awareness and control of individuals’ cognitive processes. In this regard, metacognitive processes may promote cognitive flexibility. The present study investigates the impact of metacognitions on adults’ psychological health and the mediating role of cognitive flexibility through bootstrap analysis. Method: The sample comprised of 212 university students. All volunteers had no history of psychiatric/neurological disorders and no use of medication affecting the central nervous system for the last six months. Participants were required to complete the Metacognitions Questionnaire-30, the General Health Questionnaire-12, and the Cognitive Flexibility Inventory via an online survey. Results: According to the correlation analyses, cognitive flexibility was found to be negatively correlated with dysfunctional metacognition (r=-0.227, p<0.01) and poor psychological health (r=-0.397, p<0.01); dysfunctional metacognition was positively correlated with poor psychological health (r=0.399, p<0.01). We conducted mediation analyses via the bootstrapping method using a 95% confidence interval and 5000 bootstrap samples. The results showed that cognitive flexibility had a significant partial mediating role in the relationship between metacognition and psychological health [R2=0.26, F(2, 209)=36.38, p<0.001]. Conclusion: The findings highlighted the importance of cognitive flexibility as an underlying mechanism through the relationship between metacognition and psychological health in a non-clinical sample. The results suggested the need to take “cognitive health” into account while attempting to promote “psychological health.”Item Citation Count: Kızıl, Özel, Erguvan Tuğba; (2013). "Öznel bellek yakınmaları anketi türkçe formunun psikometrik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi", Türk Geriatri Dergisi, Vol.16, No.2, pp.150-154.Öznel bellek yakınmaları anketi türkçe formunun psikometrik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi(2013) Kızıl Özel, Erguvan Tuğba; Duman, Berker; Altıntaş, Özge; Kırıcı, Sevinç; Baştuğ, Gülbahar; Baran, Zeynel; Altunöz, Umut; 48292; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüAmnestik tip Hafif Bilişsel Bozulma (HBB) öznel bellek yakınmaları ve bellek testlerinde bozulma ile özellikli bir bozukluktur. Bu çalışma yaşlı HBB hastalarında Öznel Bellek Yakınmaları Anketi (ÖBYA)'nin Türkçe formunun geçerlik ve güvenirliğini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmanın örneklemini 45 HBB hastası ile 44 sağlıklı yaşlı oluşturmuştur. ÖBYA “evet-hayır” biçiminde yanıtlanan, toplam 14 sorudan oluşan ve öznel bellek yakınmalarının şiddetini değerlendiren bir ankettir. ÖBYA'nın Türkçe formunun ayırdedici geçerliği için iki grubun ÖBYA puanları karşılaştırılmış, eşzamanlı geçerliği için ÖBYA puanları ile yaygın olarak kullanılan bilişsel tarama testlerinden Standardize Mini Mental Test ve ADAS-Cog puanları arasındaki korelasyon değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca ÖBYA'nın HBB için tanısal gücünü değerlendirmek amacıyla ROC analizi yapılmıştır. Anketin güvenirliği için iç tutarlılık hesaplanmıştır.Bulgular: HBB hastalarının ÖBYA puanları sağlıklı kontrollere göre yüksektir. ÖBYA ile SMMT arasında anlamlı negatif ve ÖBYA ile ADAS-cog puanları arasında anlamlı pozitif ilişki saptanmıştır. ÖBYA için Cronbach • değeri 0.83'tür. ROC analizinde ÖBYA'nın duyarlılığı %80, özgüllüğü ise %66 (kesme değeri 4.5 için) olarak bulunmuştur. Eğri altında kalan alan ise 0.843'tür.Sonuç: ÖBYA yaşlılarda öznel bellek yakınmalarını değerlendiren geçerli ve güvenilir bir araçtır. Bununla birlikte ÖBYA'nın bir tarama aracı olarak önerilmesi için toplum temelli çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardırItem Citation Count: Koçak, Hatice Nur; (2021). "Psychometric Properties Of The Turkish Version Of The Questionnaire Of Group Responsibility Of Cooperation in Learning Teams", Atatürk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, No.67, pp.376-389.Psychometric Properties Of The Turkish Version Of The Questionnaire Of Group Responsibility Of Cooperation in Learning Teams(2021-12) Koçak, Hatice Nur; Sayınta, Senanur; Karabacak, Şeyma Nur; Bıçakçı, Ozan; Özçelik, Erol; 115500; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüThe Questionnaire of Group Responsibility of Cooperation in Learning Teams (CRCG) was developed to assess university students' responsibility and cooperation skills in learning teams. The presented study aims to develop a Turkish version of the CRCG and to analyze its psychometric properties. The original scale was translated into Turkish and back-translated into English. Participants consisted of 231 (152 women, 79 men) university students. Cronbach's alpha of this questionnaire was high, indicating excellent internal consistency. The temporal reliability of the Turkish version of the CRCG and its convergent validity with the Dimensions of the Learning Organization Questionnaire was acceptable. The confirmatory factor analysis results pointed out that the two-factor structure of the test provided valid results. Taken together, all these results indicate that the questionnaire has good psychometric characteristics. As a result, the Turkish version of CRCG enables researchers and professors to measure students' responsibility and cooperation skills in learning teamsItem Citation Count: Bıçakçı, Ozan. (2022). "Nietzsche And Heidegger On Meaning: Inferences For The Era Of The Covid-19 Pandemic", İnönü University International Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.11, No.1, pp.156-164.Nietzsche And Heidegger On Meaning: Inferences For The Era Of The Covid-19 Pandemic(2022) Bıçakçı, Ozan; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji BölümüNietzsche points out that the noble taste of Greek lost its place to dialectic after Socrates, and thus, human beings lost their connection to their nature. After Socrates, through the exclusive use of conscious and logical language, the meaning became fixated in our society and we lost our connection to the dynamism in nature. Considering representations as meanings, in the Heideggerian sense, it should be noted that a represented object always implies a level of existence that is not limited to that representation but points to a Being of that representation. For Heidegger, in line with Nietzsche, however, there is a switch during the Hellenistic period from the understanding of “sign” as "showing for showing" to “sign” as an instrument to "designate", and that switch leads to the creation of representations between sign and its signified (hence the term "designation" with the focus instead on the signified). In today's neoliberal world, similarly, people are lost in and through representations (and even they become a representation to be consumed) and, in this way, lost in an inauthentic way of living. It is, then, not expected for the Covid-19 pandemic to lead us to the authentic way of living because the anxiety around it would be translated into fear, which is an inauthentic way of experiencing anxiety. As a solution, we should reinvent the language where the instinctual language of the real of our bodies and will would prevent the logical language from resulting in the fixation of meaning and representation.