A View on the Future of Judicial Review of Cons’t Amendments in Turkey
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Acar, Ali
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In this article, I discuss and analyse the Turkish case concerning judicial review of constitutional amendments in light of a recent decision by the Constitutional Court of Turkey (CCT). In the said decision, the CCT rejected carrying out judicial review over a controversial constitutional amendment, which lifted MPs’ parliamentary immunity. This decision urges to consider its implications for the possible future cases. I refer to comparative constitutional law with the hope to shed more light on the Turkish example and grasp it comprehensively. In this respect, I illustrate the most crucial arguments developed by the Supreme Court of India (SCI), the Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVG), and the Conseil Constitutionnel (FCC) in their case law. Based on the comparative account, I draw some lessons for the CCT and invite it to get into a judicial dialogue with other supreme/constitutional courts with regard to the issue.
Basic Structure Doctrine, Constitutional Court of Turkey, Constitutional Identity, Judicial Dialogue, Immunity Amendment, Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments
Acar, Ali (2019). "A View on the Future of Judicial Review of Cons’t
Amendments in Turkey", European Journal of Law Reform, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 291-312.