6102 sayılı TTK’ nun haksız rekabete dair düzenlemelerinin amacı ve koruduğu menfaatler çerçevesinde dürüst ve bozulmamış rekabet kavramı
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Şirin, Güven
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6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun (TTK) haksız rekabete dair hükümleri(TTK m. 54vd.), 1986 tarihli İsviçre Haksız Rekabete Karsı Kanunu’ndan esinlenilerek kaleme alınmıştır. Buna göre, haksız rekabete ilişkin hükümlerin amacı, bütün katılanların lehine dürüst ve bozulmamış rekabetin temin edilmesidir. "Bütün katılanlar" dan, rekabet oyununa doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak katılan herkesin haksız rekabet hükümlerinin sağladığı korumanın süjesi olarak kabul edilmesi ve böylece haksız rekabet hükümlerinin rakipler arası ilişkilere özgülenmemesi gerektiği anlaşılmalıdır. Korunan menfaatler ise, piyasaya katılan herkesin ve toplumun, işleyen bir rekabetin ayakta tutulmasından dolayı sağlayacağı menfaatlerdir. "Dürüst ve bozulmamış rekabet" kavramları ise, korumanın konusu olup; genel ilkeyi ortaya koymakta, rekabetin niteliğini belirtmekte ve hukuken tanımlanabilir bir rekabeti vurgulamaktadır. Somutlaştırmak gerekirse, dürüstlük ilkesine aykırı ve rekabete karşı olarak ya da rekabetten beklenen olumlu sonuçların elde edilmesini, özellikle de rekabetin işliğinler engellemek için yapılan her davranış, haksız rekabet olarak nitelendirilecektir.
The provisions with regard to unfair competition of Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102 are written out with the inspiration from Swiss Federal Code Against Unfair Competition from 1986. The aim of these provisions is, in the favour of all participants, to ensure a fair and undistorted competition. By "all participants" is meant, anyone who directly or indirectly participates in competition shall be considered as a subject of protection by these provisions and so they shall not be dedicated to the relations between rivals. The benefits of anyone who is involved in the market and the community, that will derive from the maintenance of a functional competition are protected. By "fair and undistorted competition", which is the object of protection, the general principle is laid out and it expresses the quality of competition and emphasizes a descriptive competition. To concretize, every act made against fairness principle and against competition or in order to prevent the positive results of competition, in particular the functioning of it shall be deemed as unfair competition.
The provisions with regard to unfair competition of Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102 are written out with the inspiration from Swiss Federal Code Against Unfair Competition from 1986. The aim of these provisions is, in the favour of all participants, to ensure a fair and undistorted competition. By "all participants" is meant, anyone who directly or indirectly participates in competition shall be considered as a subject of protection by these provisions and so they shall not be dedicated to the relations between rivals. The benefits of anyone who is involved in the market and the community, that will derive from the maintenance of a functional competition are protected. By "fair and undistorted competition", which is the object of protection, the general principle is laid out and it expresses the quality of competition and emphasizes a descriptive competition. To concretize, every act made against fairness principle and against competition or in order to prevent the positive results of competition, in particular the functioning of it shall be deemed as unfair competition.
Haksız Rekabet, 6102 Sayılı TTK, Dürüst Rekabet, Bozulmamış Rekabet, 1986 Tarihli İsviçre Haksız Rekabete Karsı Kanunu, Unfair Competition, Turkish Commercial Code Numbered 6102, Fair Competition, Undistorted Competition, Swiss Federal Code Against Unfair Competition
Şirin, G. (2012). 6102 sayılı TTK’ nun haksız rekabete dair düzenlemelerinin amacı ve koruduğu menfaatler çerçevesinde dürüst ve bozulmamış rekabet kavramı. Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi,Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi, pp.175-187.