Yoğun kullanımlı yapılarda asansör trafiğinin kullanıcı odaklı değerlendirilmesinde dinamik simülasyon programlarının kullanımı; Gazi Üniversitesi Hastanesi örneği
Deligöz, Dostcan
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Asansörler günümüzde önemli yapı elemanlarındandır. Asansörlerin yapı içindeki tasarımı ise sayı ve kapasitelerini de kapsayan trafik analizine göre yapılmaktadır. Asansör tasarımı, farklı alandan uzmanlarca yapı, kullanıcı, sistem özelliklerine bağlı çözümlenen bir tasarım problemidir. Bu da yeni yapılarda ve süreç içindeki artan kullanıma bağlı olarak sistemlerinin yenilenmesi gereken mevcut yapılarda kapsamlı bir trafik analizi ile çözülebilir. Ayrıca analiz; kullanıcı konforu odaklı, yapının verimli şekilde kullanılabileceği, sistem yenilemesi kaynaklı harcamaların minimum olduğu bir tasarım yapabilmek için de önemlidir. Türkiye'de yürürlükteki mevzuata göre yapılması zorunlu olan trafik analizinde, yaygın olarak tercih edilen geliş-gidiş süresi hesabı (RTT-Round Trip Time) yönteminde, sınırlı değişken ve bir dizi formüle göre asansör tasarımı yapılmaktadır. Tüm günlük kullanımın görülebileceği ve bütün yolcu, sistem değişkenlerinin sınanabileceği simülasyon yöntemi ise son derece kapsamlı analizlere imkan vermektedir. Trafik analizinde yaygın olarak kullanılan RTT yöntemiyle simülasyon yönteminin kıyaslanacağı araştırmada simülasyon programı kullanım imkanlarının ve kısıtlarının, doğru analiz edilmiş bir tasarıma ne ölçüde imkan verdiğini tespit etmek amaçlanmaktadır. Yerli literatürde konuyla ilgili yapılan çalışmaların sınırlı olması, mevzuatta ise yöntemle ilgili izlencenin net olmaması, tez konusunun seçilmesinde önemlidir. Bu kapsamda yoğun kullanımlı kompleks bir sağlık yapısı olan, T.C. Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi C blok kullanıcı asansörlerinin örnek olay olarak incelendiği araştırmada, RTT yöntemine kıyasla simülasyonun mevcut ve karşılaşılabilecek farklı durumlardaki kullanım senaryolarına ait kapsamlı bir hesaplama ve değerlendirmeye imkan verdiği görülmüştür. Ayrıca COVID-19 salgını kaynaklı sosyal mesafe kurallarının asansör kullanımına ve asansör trafik analizine etkileri de ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır.
Elevators are one of the important building elements nowadays. The design of the elevators in the building is made as a result of the traffic analysis, which is including the number and capacity. Elevator design is a design problem that is solved by experts from different fields depending on the building, user and system features. This can be solved by a comprehensive traffic analysis in new structures and existing buildings whose systems need to be upgraded due to increased use in the time. Moreover analysis; It is also important to be able to make a design focused on user comfort, in which the building can be used efficiently, and expenditures due to energy consumption and revision cost are minimum. Traffic analysis in Turkey that must be done according to the prevailing regulations, widely preferred RTT (Round Trip Time) method allows the traffic analysis according to a set of formula with a limited variable. Simulation which can be performed for any time period in a day, allows extremely comprehensive analysis thanks to the dynamic simulation programs used. In the research, the RTT method, which is widely used in traffic analysis, and the simulation are compared. Moreover, to determine the possibilities of using the simulation program, which variables can be tested in traffic analysis and to what extent it allows a correctly analyzed design is one of the aim of this research. It is important in the selection of the thesis subject that the studies on the subject are limited in the regional literature and the analysis method about the traffic analysis is not clear in the legislation. In this context, the complex healthcare building which has intensive use, T.C. Gazi University Medical Faculty Hospital C block passenger elevators were examined as a case study. Final reports of the case study was seen that the simulation unlike to the RTT method, allows a comprehensive calculation and evaluation of the current and possible usage scenarios. Furthermore, the effects of social distance rules caused by the COVID-19 epidemic on elevator use and elevator traffic analysis were tried to be revealed.
Elevators are one of the important building elements nowadays. The design of the elevators in the building is made as a result of the traffic analysis, which is including the number and capacity. Elevator design is a design problem that is solved by experts from different fields depending on the building, user and system features. This can be solved by a comprehensive traffic analysis in new structures and existing buildings whose systems need to be upgraded due to increased use in the time. Moreover analysis; It is also important to be able to make a design focused on user comfort, in which the building can be used efficiently, and expenditures due to energy consumption and revision cost are minimum. Traffic analysis in Turkey that must be done according to the prevailing regulations, widely preferred RTT (Round Trip Time) method allows the traffic analysis according to a set of formula with a limited variable. Simulation which can be performed for any time period in a day, allows extremely comprehensive analysis thanks to the dynamic simulation programs used. In the research, the RTT method, which is widely used in traffic analysis, and the simulation are compared. Moreover, to determine the possibilities of using the simulation program, which variables can be tested in traffic analysis and to what extent it allows a correctly analyzed design is one of the aim of this research. It is important in the selection of the thesis subject that the studies on the subject are limited in the regional literature and the analysis method about the traffic analysis is not clear in the legislation. In this context, the complex healthcare building which has intensive use, T.C. Gazi University Medical Faculty Hospital C block passenger elevators were examined as a case study. Final reports of the case study was seen that the simulation unlike to the RTT method, allows a comprehensive calculation and evaluation of the current and possible usage scenarios. Furthermore, the effects of social distance rules caused by the COVID-19 epidemic on elevator use and elevator traffic analysis were tried to be revealed.
Asansör, Asansör Trafik Analizi, Asansör Trafik Analizinde Simülasyon Kullanımı, Asansör Tasarımı,, Elevator, Elevator Traffic Analysis, Using Simulation in Elevator Traffic Analysis, Elevator Design
Deligöz, Dostcan (2021). Yoğun kullanımlı yapılarda asansör trafiğinin kullanıcı odaklı değerlendirilmesinde dinamik simülasyon programlarının kullanımı; Gazi Üniversitesi Hastanesi örneği / Use of dynamic simulation programs in user-oriented evaluation of elevator traffic in high density buildings; sample of Gazi University Hospital. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.