Türk Borçlar Kanunuyla Getirilen Yeni Bir Müessese: Borca Katılma
Turan Başara, Gamze
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Borca katılma, borca katılan ile alacaklı arasında yapılan ve katılanın borçlu ile birlikte sorumlu olması sonucunu doğuran bir sözleşmedir. Borca katılmada, ilk borçlu ve borca katılan alacaklıya karşı müteselsile sorumlu olurlar. Geçerli bir borca katılmadan söz edebilmek için, mevcut gerçerli bir borcun varlığı gerekir. Borca katılanın alacaklıya karşı sorumluluğunun kapsamı ve içeriği, kural olarak, katılma konusu borcun katılma anındaki kapsamına ve içeriğine göre belirlenmelidir. Ancak belirtmek gerekir ki, borca katılma, yalnızca kuruluş anı itibariyle feri nitelik taşımakta olup, katılma gerçekleştikten sonraki aşamada borca katılanın borcu ilk borçlunun borcundan bağımsızdır. Aralarında müteselsil borçluluk ilişkisi bulunan borca katılan ve ilk borçludan her biri borcun tamamından sorumludur. Ancak iç ilişkide borca katılan ve ilk borçlu sorumluluğu paylaşırlar ve her biri borçtan kendi payına düşen miktarla sorumlu olur. Alacaklıya payından fazla ifada bulunan borçlu, payını aşan kısmı için diğerine rücu edebilir.
Cumulative assumption of debt is a contract which is signed between debt accessor and creditor and which results joint responsibility amongst debt accessor and debtor. In Cumulative assumption of debt, the first debtor and debt accessor are solidary responsible against the creditor access the charge. To be able to mention about an applicable charge cumulative assumption of debt, it requires the existence of an applicable debt. The content and scope of responsibility of debt accessor against creditor should be determined according to content and scope of debt subject to accession in the time of cumulative assumption of debt in principle. However, it is necessary to mention that cumulative assumption of debt has accessory qualification at the time of establishment and after the cumulative assumption of debt is completed, the debt of accessor is independent from the debt of first debtor. Each of debt accessor and first debtor who have solidary indebtedness relationship amongst is responsible for the whole of the debt. However in internal relationship, debt accessor and first debtor share the responsibility and each of them is responsible for the amount of their own share in the debit. The debtor who fulfills to creditor more than his own share, may have recourse to the other for the part which exceeds his own share.
Cumulative assumption of debt is a contract which is signed between debt accessor and creditor and which results joint responsibility amongst debt accessor and debtor. In Cumulative assumption of debt, the first debtor and debt accessor are solidary responsible against the creditor access the charge. To be able to mention about an applicable charge cumulative assumption of debt, it requires the existence of an applicable debt. The content and scope of responsibility of debt accessor against creditor should be determined according to content and scope of debt subject to accession in the time of cumulative assumption of debt in principle. However, it is necessary to mention that cumulative assumption of debt has accessory qualification at the time of establishment and after the cumulative assumption of debt is completed, the debt of accessor is independent from the debt of first debtor. Each of debt accessor and first debtor who have solidary indebtedness relationship amongst is responsible for the whole of the debt. However in internal relationship, debt accessor and first debtor share the responsibility and each of them is responsible for the amount of their own share in the debit. The debtor who fulfills to creditor more than his own share, may have recourse to the other for the part which exceeds his own share.
Borca Katılma, Müteselsil Borçluluk, Borcun Üstlenilmesi, Sözleşmeye Katılma, Teminat, Cumulative Assumption of Debt, Solidary Indebtedness, Assumption of Debt, Accession to Contract, Guarantee
Duran Başara, Kader; Turan Başara, Gamze, "Türk Borçlar Kanunuyla Getirilen Yeni Bir Müessese: Borca Katılma", Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 419-447, (2014).