Multivariate curve fitting for the analysis of short members as the basis for structural grading
Atayı, Mustafa
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Bu çalışmada çoklu doğrusal regresyon ve çoklu doğrusal olmayan regresyon yöntemleri araştırılmış ve bambu gibi kısa elemanların detaylı analizine göre en uygun çoklu eğri uydurma yöntemi seçilmiştir. Bambunun fiziksel özellikleri ile basınç dayanımı ve nihai çekme yükü arasındaki ilişki gözlemlenmiş ve bunlar üzerinde çoklu regresyon yöntemleri uygulanmıştır. Sonucunda en uygun yöntem olarak çoklu doğrusal regresyon yöntemi belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca test amaçlı kullanılan bambuların sayısı azaltılarak koruma politikası ile ekonomik açıdan da tasarruf sağlanmıştır.
In this study, multiple linear regression and multiple nonlinear regression methods were investigated and the most suitable multiple curve fitting method was selected according to the detailed analysis of short elements such as bamboo. The relationship between the physical properties of bamboo, compressive strength and ultimate tensile load was observed and multiple regression methods were applied on them. As a result, multiple linear regression method was determined as the most suitable method. In addition, the number of bamboos used for testing purposes has been reduced and economic savings have been achieved with the protection policy.
In this study, multiple linear regression and multiple nonlinear regression methods were investigated and the most suitable multiple curve fitting method was selected according to the detailed analysis of short elements such as bamboo. The relationship between the physical properties of bamboo, compressive strength and ultimate tensile load was observed and multiple regression methods were applied on them. As a result, multiple linear regression method was determined as the most suitable method. In addition, the number of bamboos used for testing purposes has been reduced and economic savings have been achieved with the protection policy.
Bamboo, Curve Fitting, Multiple Regression, Least Squares Method, Compressive Strength, Ultimate Load, Bambu, Eğri Uydurma, Çoklu Regresyon, En Küçük Kareler Metodu, Basınç Dayanımı, Nihai Çekme Yükü
Atayı, Mustafa (2021). Multivariate curve fitting for the analysis of short members as the basis for structural grading / Yapısal derecelendirmenin temeli olarak kısa elemanların analizi için çok değişkenli eğri uydurma.Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.