Diamond alpha Bennett-Leindler type dynamic inequalities and their applications
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Kayar, Zeynep
Kaymakçalan, Billur
Pelen, Neslihan Nesliye
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In this paper, two kinds of dynamic Bennett-Leindler type inequalities via the diamond alpha integrals are derived. The first kind consists of eight new integral inequalities which can be considered as mixed type in the sense that these inequalities contain delta, nabla and diamond alpha integrals together due to the fact that convex linear combinations of delta and nabla Bennett-Leindler type inequalities give diamond alpha Bennett-Leindler type inequalities. The second kind involves four new inequalities, which are composed of only diamond alpha integrals, unifying delta and nabla Bennett-Leindler type inequalities. For the second type, choosing alpha=1 or alpha=0 not only yields the same results as the ones obtained for delta and nabla cases but also provides novel results for them. Therefore, both kinds of our results expand some of the known delta and nabla Bennett-Leindler type inequalities, offer new types of these inequalities, and bind and unify them into one diamond alpha Bennett-Leindler type inequalities. Moreover, an application of dynamic Bennett-Leindler type inequalities to the oscillation theory of the second-order half linear dynamic equation is developed and presented for the first time ever.
Bennett's Inequality, Copson's Inequality, Diamond-Alpha Derivative, Hardy's Inequality, Leindler'sinequality, Oscillation of the Second-Order Half Linear Dynamic Equation
Kayar, Zeynep; Kaymakçalan, Billur; Pelen, Neslihan Nesliye (2022). "Diamond alpha Bennett-Leindler type dynamic inequalities and their applications", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp .2797-2819.