Analysis of radio wave propagation for a specific metro station
Kayserilioğlu, Nilüfer Merve
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Bu tezde Ümitköy ve İnönü Mahallesi metro istasyonlarında telsiz yayılma alanlarının farklı mesafe ve yüzeylerdeki analizi yapılmıştır. Aynı zamanda telsiz kapsama alanında meydana gelen yol kayıpları incelenmiştir. Farklı mesafelerde ve koşullarda değişkenlik gösteren metro istasyonlarındaki telsiz kapsama alanının modellenmesi üzerine çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Ampirik formüllerle teorik olarak yapılan hesaplamalar, sahada mevcut metro istasyonu üzerinde yapılan ölçümlerle de kontrol edilmiştir. Ortam koşullarına, kullanılan malzemeye ve kurulum noktalarına bağlı olarak gözlemlenen kayıplar neticesinde optimizasyonun kurulum öncesinde yapılabilmesini sağlayabilecek metot geliştirilmiştir. Yol kaybı modelleme çeşitlerine göre Matlab programında yazılan kodlarla hesaplanmış ve grafikleri çizdirilmiştir. Elde edilen teorik sonuç ve analizler sahada yapılan ölçümlerle karşılaştırılarak hata oranı çıkarılmıştır. Gözlemlenen ve hesaplanan sonuçlar doğrultusunda optimizasyon çalışmaları için gerekli düzenlemeler yapılmış olup telsiz kapsama alanı için ideal tasarım yapılarak, telsiz çekmeme sorunlarının ve gereksiz malzeme kullanımlarının önüne geçilmiştir.
In this thesis, radio propagation areas at Umitkoy and Inonu Neighborhood metro stations were analyzed at different distances and surfaces. At the same time, path losses in the radio propagation area were investigated. Studies have been carried out on the modeling of wireless coverage area in subway stations that vary in different distances and conditions. The theoretical calculations with empirical formulas were also controlled by measurements on the existing subway station in the field. As a result of the losses observed depending on the ambient conditions, the material used and the installation points, a method has been developed to enable optimization before the installation. The path loss was calculated using the codes written in the MATLAB program and the graphics were drawn according to the modeling type. The theoretical results and analyzes were compared with the field measurements and the error rate was obtained. In accordance with the observed and calculated results, necessary arrangements were made for the optimization studies and the ideal design for the radio coverage area was avoided, preventing the problems of non-reception and unnecessary material usage.
In this thesis, radio propagation areas at Umitkoy and Inonu Neighborhood metro stations were analyzed at different distances and surfaces. At the same time, path losses in the radio propagation area were investigated. Studies have been carried out on the modeling of wireless coverage area in subway stations that vary in different distances and conditions. The theoretical calculations with empirical formulas were also controlled by measurements on the existing subway station in the field. As a result of the losses observed depending on the ambient conditions, the material used and the installation points, a method has been developed to enable optimization before the installation. The path loss was calculated using the codes written in the MATLAB program and the graphics were drawn according to the modeling type. The theoretical results and analyzes were compared with the field measurements and the error rate was obtained. In accordance with the observed and calculated results, necessary arrangements were made for the optimization studies and the ideal design for the radio coverage area was avoided, preventing the problems of non-reception and unnecessary material usage.
Radio Wave, Radio Coverage Area, Path Loss, Modelling, Radyo Dalgası, Telsiz Kapsama Alanı, Yol Kaybı, Modelleme
Kayserilioğlu, nilüfer Merve (2019). Analysis of radio wave propagation for a specific metro station / Özel metro istasyonu için radyo dalga yayılımının analizi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.