Sözleşmenin Devrinin Hukuki Sonuçları
Oğuz, Cemal
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Sözleşmenin devri, kendi daha önce taraf olarak sözleşmeye katılmamış olan, sözleşmeye yabancı üçüncü bir
kişinin, mevcut taraflardan birinin yerine geçerek devam eden bir sözleşme ilişkisine katılmasıdır. Sözleşmenin
devrinde, devrin hukuki sonuçları açısından, zamansal bakımdan sınırlı olan ile zamansal bakımdan sınırlı olmayan sözleşme devrinin birbirinden ayrı tutulması gerekmektedir. Zamansal bakımdan sınırlanmamış olan sözleşme
devrinde, devralanın üstlenmesi, geçmişe etkili sonuç doğurur (ex tunc). Buna karşılık, zamansal bakımdan sınırlanmış olan sözleşme devrinde, devralan, temel sözleşmeden doğan hak ve yükümlülüklerin sadece bir kısmını
üstlenir. Diğer kısım, sözleşmeden ayrılan tarafın üzerinde kalır. Bu genel kural çerçevesinde, devrin hukuki
sonuçları; yorum, temel sözleşmenin tek taraflı bağlamazlık yaptırımına tâbi olması, tasfiye, borca aykırılık, tazminat talepleri ve fer’i teminatlar bakımından incelenmiştir.
The transfer of the contract is the participation of a third person, who has not previously participated in the contract, to a contractual relationship that already continues, as a party of the contract by replacing one of the existing parties. In the transfer of contract, in terms of the legal consequences of the transfer, the contract transfer, which is limited in respect to time and not limited with regards to time, should be separated. In the transfer of the contract, which is not limited in terms of time, the takeover by the transferee has a retroactive legal effect (ex tunc). In contrast, in the transfer of the contract, which is limited in terms of time, the transferee undertakes only a part of the rights and obligations that arising from the transferred contract. The other part remains on the party leaving the contract. Within the framework of this general rule, the legal consequences of the transfer have been examined in terms of the interpretation, to be subject to sanction of uniliteral nullity of the transferred contract, the liquidation, the breach of obligation, the claims to compensation and secondary warranties.
The transfer of the contract is the participation of a third person, who has not previously participated in the contract, to a contractual relationship that already continues, as a party of the contract by replacing one of the existing parties. In the transfer of contract, in terms of the legal consequences of the transfer, the contract transfer, which is limited in respect to time and not limited with regards to time, should be separated. In the transfer of the contract, which is not limited in terms of time, the takeover by the transferee has a retroactive legal effect (ex tunc). In contrast, in the transfer of the contract, which is limited in terms of time, the transferee undertakes only a part of the rights and obligations that arising from the transferred contract. The other part remains on the party leaving the contract. Within the framework of this general rule, the legal consequences of the transfer have been examined in terms of the interpretation, to be subject to sanction of uniliteral nullity of the transferred contract, the liquidation, the breach of obligation, the claims to compensation and secondary warranties.
Transfer of Contract, Interpretation, Unilateral Nullity, Liquidation, Breach of Obligation, Sözleşmenin Devri, Yorum, Tek Taraflı Bağlamazlık, Tasfiye, Borca Aykırılık
Oğuz, Cemal (2020). "Sözleşmenin Devrinin Hukuki Sonuçları", Çankaya Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 417-436.