Application of the physical optics method to impedance wedge diffraction problem
Küçükkara, Nebahat Yağmur
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Bu tezde, empedans yarı düzlemi ile saçılan elektrik alanı ve mükemmel bir elektrik iletken (PEC) kama, fiziksel optik (PO) yöntemi kullanılarak incelenecektir. Kama kırınım problemi için fiziksel optik yöntemi genişletilmiştir. Gelen ve yansıyan saçılan dalgalardan oluşan fiziksel optiğin integrali, bir mükemmel iletken yarı düzlemi tarafından düzlem dalgalarının kırınım probleminde ele alınır. Fiziksel optik yöntemine dayalı saçılan elektrik alanlarının ifadesi, bir mükemmel iletken kama için türetilmiştir. Ek olarak, bir mükemmel kamanın bölgeleri ve yüzey dalga alanları için fiziksel optik integralinin çözümleri incelenmiştir. İntegraller, stasyonel faz ve köşe nokta metodu kullanılarak hesaplanmıştır. Düzgün kırınımlı dalgalar, fiziksel optik integralinin asimptotik değerlendirilmesiyle elde edilir. Saçılan elektrik , gelen ve yansıyan fiziksel optik integraller, toplam, toplam geometrik optik, kırınımlı ve tekdüze kırınımlı alanların grafikleri çizdirilmiş ve sayısal olarak analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar ayrıca literatür ile karşılaştırılmıştır.
In this thesis, the scattered electric field by impedance half-plane and a perfect electric conducting (PEC) wedge will be investigated by using the method of physical optics (PO). The physical optics method is enlarged for the wedge diffraction problem. The integral of physical optics, which consists of the incident and reflected scattered waves, is considered in the diffraction problem of plane waves by a PEC half-plane. The expression of scattered electric fields based on the physical optics method are derived for a PEC wedge. In addition, the solutions of physical optics integral are examined for the regions of a PEC wedge and surface wave fields. The integrals are evaluated by using the stationary phase and edge point methods. The uniform diffracted waves are obtained by the asymptotic evaluation of the physical optics integral. The behaviours of the scattered electric field, the incident and reflected physical optics integrals, total, total geometric optics, diffracted, and uniform diffracted field were plotted and analyzed numerically. The results were also compared with the literature.
In this thesis, the scattered electric field by impedance half-plane and a perfect electric conducting (PEC) wedge will be investigated by using the method of physical optics (PO). The physical optics method is enlarged for the wedge diffraction problem. The integral of physical optics, which consists of the incident and reflected scattered waves, is considered in the diffraction problem of plane waves by a PEC half-plane. The expression of scattered electric fields based on the physical optics method are derived for a PEC wedge. In addition, the solutions of physical optics integral are examined for the regions of a PEC wedge and surface wave fields. The integrals are evaluated by using the stationary phase and edge point methods. The uniform diffracted waves are obtained by the asymptotic evaluation of the physical optics integral. The behaviours of the scattered electric field, the incident and reflected physical optics integrals, total, total geometric optics, diffracted, and uniform diffracted field were plotted and analyzed numerically. The results were also compared with the literature.
Physical Optics, Wedge Diffraction, Impedance Surfaces, Fiziksel Optik, Kama Kırınımı, Empedans Yüzeyler
Küçükkara, Nebahat Yağmur (2021). Application of the physical optics method to impedance wedge diffraction problem / Empedans kama kırınım problemlerinde fiziksel optik metodun uygulanması. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.