Antecedents of problematic social media use and cyberbullying among adolescents: attachment, the dark triad and rejection sensitivity
Demircioğlu, Zeynep Işıl
Göncü Köse, Aslı
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With the acceleration of internet use, problematic social media use (PSMU) is included in our lives. When looking at the antecedents of PSMU, being young has been found to be a risk factor for PSMU. In addition to the benefits of technological advances in education and training, rapid technological developments may also result in problematic behaviors, especially among children and young. Recently, possibilities brought by technology and more widespread use of technology by young people have created a new concept, namely, cyberbullying. The present study aims to examine the effects of attachment anxiety and avoidance on PSMU and cyberbullying as with the partial mediating effects of the Dark Triad personality traits, angry rejection sensitivity, and anxious rejection sensitivity among adolescents. In general, the findings supported the proposed theoretical model. The results are discussed in terms of theoretical and practical implications along with suggestions for future research.
Adolescence, Attachment, Cyberbullying, Problematic Social Media Use, Rejection Sensitivity, The Dark Triad Personality Traits
Demircioğlu, Zeynep Işıl; Göncü Köse, Aslı (2023). "Antecedents of problematic social media use and cyberbullying among adolescents: attachment, the dark triad and rejection sensitivity",Current Psychology, Vol. 42, No. 35, pp. 31091-31109.