Alchemy revived: Fraudulent evolution of power politics from Dr. Frankenstein to Dr. Huntington
Koç, Ertuğrul
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Mary Shelley’nin Frankenstein, Samuel P. Huntington’ın Clash of Civilizations ve Who Are We? adlı eserleri yazıldıkları dönemler, tür ve içerikleri ile taşıdıkları politik söylemler göz önüne alındığında, birbirlerinden tamamen farklıymış gibi görünebilir. Ancak, Huntington’ın “medeniyetler çatışması” projesi ve “Batı’nın kimlik sorunu” söyleminin daha iyi algılanması için Mary Shelley’nin eserindeki iki karakter arasında (Dr. Frankenstein ve Monster) yarattığı çatışmayı ve bu çatışmanın sebeplerini ve anlamını incelemek gerekir. Çünkü bu karakterler Huntington’ın öngördüğü Doğu ve Batı paradigmaları arasındaki daimi çatışma ve iki medeniyetin kendini karşıtıyla tanımlaması gerektiği tezine uymaktadır. Bu makalede, Huntington’ın yeni dünya düzeni, Mary Shelley’nin Frankenstein adlı eserinde kullandığı mecazdan yola çıkarak, Huntington’ın “çatışma” projesine yeni bir ahlaki bakış önerilmektedir. Mary Shelley’nin bakış açısından kimlik sorunu ve çatışma, oluşturulmuş olgulardır. Bu görüş ışığında Huntington’ın eserleri değerlendirilecek olursa, Doğu ve Batı paradigmalarının yüz yüze kaldığı kimlik bunalımı ve çatışma, iktidardaki oligarşi tarafından amaçlı bir şekilde yaratılmaktadır. Böylesi bir kimlik sorunu yaratan plütokratik yapı da, her zaman yapay ve zorlama siyasi oluşumları ortaya çıkarmıştır. Dolayısıyla, bu makalede; gücü istemenin ve kullanmanın ardındaki sosyal ve psikolojik dinamikler araştırılmakta ve Frankenstein adlı eserde Dr. Frankenstein’ın hem kendisinin hem de ailesinin yok oluşuna sebep olan canavarı nasıl oluşturduğu ile Huntington’ın toplu yok oluşa neden olabilecek muhtemel “çatışan dünya” tezi arasında paralellikler kurulmaktadır. Makale, Huntington’ın tezinin aslında emperyalizm ve kolonyalizm kavramlarının yeni bir boyut kazanmasına hizmet ettiğini ortaya koymakta; Batı medeniyetinin tıpkı Dr. Frankenstein gibi yapay oluşumlar peşinde koştuğunu; Batı’nın, inşa ettiği Doğu dünyası sayesinde kendini tanımlama yoluna gittiğini ve bunu yaparken de 21. yy. da hegemonyasını devam ettirmenin asıl amacı olduğunu anlatmaktadır. Mary Shelley’nin bakış açısından böylesi bir “simyagerlik,? emperyal Batı medeniyetinin ahlaki çöküşünün bir belirtisi ve aynı zamanda Doğu dünyasını ikiyüz yıldır dönüştüren Batı paradigmasının sapkın psikolojisinin bir göstergesidir.
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Samuel P. Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations and Who Are We? can be seen as completely different works in terms of the eras in which they were written, in terms of form and content, and in terms of the political messages they reveal. However, to be able to comprehend Huntington’s “clashing civilizations” project and the “identity problem” of the Eastern and Western worlds, Mary Shelley’s work is of great help, for the two clashing characters in her novel (Dr. Frankenstein and the Monster) may come to represent the two “different” paradigms which, Huntington suggests, must be in perpetual conflict so that the Western paradigm can define itself through its opposite: the Eastern paradigm. In this article, Huntington’s new world order is analyzed under the light of the conflict created by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein between the empowered creator and the disempowered created, which generates the metaphor to help us judge Huntington’s project of the clash with a new moral vision. When looked at from Mary Shelley’s moral perspective, identity crisis is a constructed phenomenon, and by extension, the constructed identity lacunae, experienced by both the Eastern and Western worlds, is the result of the manipulative and imperialistic designs of the oligarchy in power, and such a plutocratic system has always had the upper hand in constituting artificial or imposed political systems. Hence, the article explores the social and psychological dynamics behind the desire for power, and draws parallels between Dr. Frankenstein’s construction of a monster in Frankenstein who causes a great ruin for both his creator and the creator’s family, and Huntington’s proposal of a world in conflict as the new post-colonial world order which is likely to cause a great devastation for the world. The article reaches the conclusion that Huntington, in fact, proposes a neoimperialist, neo-colonialist world order in which the West, like Dr. Frankenstein, will be forming artificial (political) bodies in the East in order to define itself through its opposite, and continue its hegemony in the 21st century. From Mary Shelley’s perspective, such an alchemical construction (or contraption) is a sign of the moral decadence of Western culture, and reveals, at the same time, the perverse psychology of the creator, or the Western paradigm that has been forming and deforming the Eastern world for the last two centuries.
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Samuel P. Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations and Who Are We? can be seen as completely different works in terms of the eras in which they were written, in terms of form and content, and in terms of the political messages they reveal. However, to be able to comprehend Huntington’s “clashing civilizations” project and the “identity problem” of the Eastern and Western worlds, Mary Shelley’s work is of great help, for the two clashing characters in her novel (Dr. Frankenstein and the Monster) may come to represent the two “different” paradigms which, Huntington suggests, must be in perpetual conflict so that the Western paradigm can define itself through its opposite: the Eastern paradigm. In this article, Huntington’s new world order is analyzed under the light of the conflict created by Mary Shelley in Frankenstein between the empowered creator and the disempowered created, which generates the metaphor to help us judge Huntington’s project of the clash with a new moral vision. When looked at from Mary Shelley’s moral perspective, identity crisis is a constructed phenomenon, and by extension, the constructed identity lacunae, experienced by both the Eastern and Western worlds, is the result of the manipulative and imperialistic designs of the oligarchy in power, and such a plutocratic system has always had the upper hand in constituting artificial or imposed political systems. Hence, the article explores the social and psychological dynamics behind the desire for power, and draws parallels between Dr. Frankenstein’s construction of a monster in Frankenstein who causes a great ruin for both his creator and the creator’s family, and Huntington’s proposal of a world in conflict as the new post-colonial world order which is likely to cause a great devastation for the world. The article reaches the conclusion that Huntington, in fact, proposes a neoimperialist, neo-colonialist world order in which the West, like Dr. Frankenstein, will be forming artificial (political) bodies in the East in order to define itself through its opposite, and continue its hegemony in the 21st century. From Mary Shelley’s perspective, such an alchemical construction (or contraption) is a sign of the moral decadence of Western culture, and reveals, at the same time, the perverse psychology of the creator, or the Western paradigm that has been forming and deforming the Eastern world for the last two centuries.
Frankenstein, Huntington, East, West, Oligarchy, Plutocracy, Neo-Imperialism, Doğu, Batı, Oligarfli, Plütokrasi, NeoEmperyalizm
Koç, Ertuğrul, "Alchemy revived: Fraudulent evolution of power politics from Dr. Frankenstein to Dr. Huntington", Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 133-153, (2009).