Dehen Altıner’in Sevgili Üniversite romanında kurmaca gerçeklik üzerine
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Ekiz, Tevfik
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Çankaya University
Kurmaca ve Gerçeklik kavramları Dehen Altıner’in Sevgili Üniversite romanından hareketle irdelenmiştir. Roman, 1933 yılı Nazi iktidarı sonrası Almanya’dan ve Almanca konuşulan ülkelerden Türkiye’ye gelen ve Türk üniversitelerinin gelişimine katkı sağlayan çoğu Yahudi asıllı göçmen üniversite hocalarının Türk üniversitelerindeki yaşantılarını ve o dönemi konu edinmektedir. Çalışma, romanın kurmaca gerçeklik kavramı temelinde ele alınması gerektiğini amaçlamaktadır. Bir başka deyişle, Yahudi bilim insanlarının ülkemizde yaşadıkları gerçekliklerle, romandaki gerçeklikler arasında koşutluklar kurmaya çalışmanın kurmaca bir uğraş olduğu gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır.
In this paper the concepts of ‘fiction’ and ‘reality’ are analyzed on the basis of Dehen Altıner’s novel Sevgili Üniversite. The novel takes as its subject the period when a number of academics, mainly of Jewish background, came to Turkey from Germany and other German-speaking areas after the rise of the Nazis in 1933. The novel depicts their experiences and their contribution to the development of Turkish universities. This study aims to show that the novel must be understood in terms of the relationship between ‘fiction’ and ‘reality’. In other words, the attempt is made to demonstrate that it is itself a work of fiction to compare the realities of the experiences of the Jewish academics in Turkey with the realities as they are presented in the novel.
In this paper the concepts of ‘fiction’ and ‘reality’ are analyzed on the basis of Dehen Altıner’s novel Sevgili Üniversite. The novel takes as its subject the period when a number of academics, mainly of Jewish background, came to Turkey from Germany and other German-speaking areas after the rise of the Nazis in 1933. The novel depicts their experiences and their contribution to the development of Turkish universities. This study aims to show that the novel must be understood in terms of the relationship between ‘fiction’ and ‘reality’. In other words, the attempt is made to demonstrate that it is itself a work of fiction to compare the realities of the experiences of the Jewish academics in Turkey with the realities as they are presented in the novel.
Roman, Kurmaca, Gerçeklik, Alımlayıcı, Novel, Fiction, Reality, Reader
EKİZ, T., (2013). Dehen Altıner’in Sevgili Üniversite
romanında kurmaca gerçeklik üzerine. Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10/2 (Kasım 2013), ss.153–162