Are Teens at Risk? An Overview of Social Media Addiction among Adolescents

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Demircioğlu, Zeynep Işıl
Göncü Köse, Aslı

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Belongingness and interpersonal communication are among the most essential human needs. However, the ways individuals satisfy these needs change with the advances in technology. Especially with the increase of internet usage, social media platforms became the primary source that satisfies these needs of individuals. However, despite of its contribution to social communication, recent research also revealed the negative consequences of social media use, especially those of social media addiction. Social media addiction (SMA) is defined as possessing a high motivation or inner tendency to use social media to an extent that it leads to dysfunctional outcomes such as failure in work/academic performance, decline in psychological well-being, or breakdown in social relationships. As an initial step for prevention programs, identifying the antecedents and the protective factors for SMA is as important as revealing its consequences. In the present chapter, characteristics of SMA, along with antecedents and consequences of SMA among adolescents are summarized. Furthermore, future directions for SMA research, practical implications and intervention strategies indicated in the literature to prevent SMA among adolescents are presented.




Demircioğlu, Zeynep Işıl; Göncü Köse, Aslı. Are Teens at Risk? An Overview of Social Media Addiction among Adolescents. in Advances in Sociology Research, Nova Science Publishers, Vol. 37, pp. 115-146, 2021.