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Book Part Citation Count: Tosçu, Saliha. "A review of research on telecollaboration in english as a foreign and second language learning contexts", Telecollaboration Applications in Foreign Language Classrooms, pp.1-22, (2023).A review of research on telecollaboration in english as a foreign and second language learning contexts(2023) Tosçu, Saliha; 19287This review intends to classify features, research purposes, methodologies, impacts, and limitations concerning telecollaboration in English as a foreign and second language education. The preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) method was utilized for the review. The main conclusions drawn from the analysis of the results showed that telecollaboration projects primarily involved bicultural groups of participants, the majority of the studies were conducted with the participation of language users at the tertiary level, the scope of research in most of the studies was based on the investigation of cultural awareness and the development of intercultural communicative competence, the methodology sections of the studies mostly involved qualitative research methods, the communication mode between/among the participants was asynchronous in most of the research, and telecollaboration projects present various benefits in EFL and ESL settings.Article Citation Count: İNAL, B., (2007). Akademik Amaçl› Okuma İzlencesi Oluşturmadaki Temel Kriterler. Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Journal of Arts and Sciences, Sayı: 7, pp.49-59Akademik amaçlı okuma izlencesi oluşturmadaki temel kriterler(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2007) İnal, Bülent; 16587The Most important tool in acquiring knowledge in an academic setting is realized through reading. Most of the information students process every day is obtained from written information through coursebooks and textbooks. This would show the importance of designing a reading syllabus for academic purposes in language teaching programs that aim to bring up the learner’s language proficiency to international standards. The basic criteria of designing a reading syllabus for academic purposes, which is vital for students to be efficient and successful readers, are explained in this articleBook Citation Count: Ekiz, Tevfik. Almanca Yazan Türklerde Metinlerarasılık, Ankara: Nika Yayınevi, p. 212, 2002.Almanca Yazan Türklerde Metinlerarasılık(Nika Yayınevi, 2002) Ekiz, Tevfik; 6769Article Citation Count: İNAL, B., (2006). Coursebook selection process and some of the most important criteria to be taken into consideration in foreign language teaching. Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Journal of Arts and Sciences, Sayı: 5, pp.19-29Coursebook selection process and some of the most important criteria to be taken into consideration in foreign language teaching(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2006) İnal, Bülent; 16587Türkiye’de yabancı dil öğretimi büyük ölçüde ders kitaplarına bağlı olarak sürdürülmekte ve pek çok okulda ders kitapları etkin bir dil öğretiminin tek öğesi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bir çok özel ve devlet okulunda kitap seçimleri her zaman bilimsel ölçütlerle yapılmadığı için alınan kararlar sonucunda, kullanılan materyaller dil öğretimine yeterli katkıda bulunmamakta ve program hedeflerine ulaşılamamaktadır. Ancak son yıllarda bir çok devlet, özel okulları ile üniversitelerde kitap seçimleri ile ilgili olumlu gelişmeler olmakta ders kitabı, materyal seçimi ve değerlendirmede bilimsel yöntem ve teknikler daha fazla kullanılmaktadır. Bu makalede ders kitabı seçimi ve söz konusu süreçteki önemli ölçütler sergilenmektedir.Article Citation Count: Toscu, Saliha; Erten, İsmail Hakkı (2020). "Developing intercultural communicative competence by the means of telecollaboration", Education and Information Technologies, pp. 4517-4534.Developing intercultural communicative competence by the means of telecollaboration(2020) Toscu, Saliha; Erten, İsmail Hakkı; 19287This paper presents the results of an eight-week quasi-experimental study of English as a foreign language (EFL) learners at the tertiary level in Turkey. The purpose of the study was to reveal the extent to which EFL learners’ intercultural communicative competence (ICC) was enhanced as a result of communication with native and non-native speakers of English with the means of a/synchronous communication tools as compared with the instruction given in a real classroom setting. The data were gathered using a variety of distinct means that entailed questionnaires administered before and after the treatment, weekly reflection papers to explore the participants’ thoughts about experience, and semi-structured interviews held after the treatment. All the data were analysed with the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 and Maximum Analysis of Qualitative Data (MAXQDA 10) software. The findings evidenced that telecollaboration had a positive impact on the participants’ intercultural communicative competence. The study explicates the benefit of telecollaboration for developing learners’ ICC over classroom instruction and underpins the necessity of integration of telecollaboration into language learning programs for educators, planners and institutions.Article Citation Count: Öz, Hüseyin; Karaazmak, Fulda (2019). "L2 Learners' Perceptions of Using L1 in EFL Classrooms", Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. 42, pp. 213-222.L2 Learners' Perceptions of Using L1 in EFL Classrooms(2019) Öz, Hüseyin; Karaazmak, Fulda; 32516Most foreign or second (L2) language teaching happens in classrooms where teachers and learners share the same first language (L1), and there has been a long-standing controversy over using L1 in language teaching classrooms. Thus, the present study sought to explore English learners' perceptions about using their L1 in English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms. The study further aimed to investigate whether English proficiency level had any effect on learners' preferences of using L1 in English classrooms. A total of 75 EFL learners enrolled in an English preparatory program at a foundation university in Ankara voluntarily participated in the study. Data were collected using a questionnaire to determine participants' views on using their L1 in English classes. The results revealed that EFL learners supported the use of English as the only medium of instruction in EFL classrooms and English proficiency level had an effect on learners' preferences of using L1. Findings also indicated that learners with a low level of English proficiency had more positive opinions about using L1 in EFL classrooms as opposed to learners with a high level of English proficiency. On the other hand, regardless of the proficiency level, all participants agreed that they might use their L1 in the class if they really needed to do so. Another significant finding of the study was that learners' willingness to use L1 in the classroom decreased as their English proficiency level increased. In line with these findings, further recommendations were proposed regarding the place of L1 in EFL classrooms.Article Citation Count: Eryilmaz, Arzu; Burgaz, Berrin, "Levels of Organizational Alienation of Private and Public High School Teachers", Egitim Ve Bilim-Education and Science, Vol. 36, No. 161, pp. 161-286, (2011).Levels of Organizational Alienation of Private and Public High School Teachers(Turkish Education Assoc, 2011) Eryılmaz, Arzu; Burgaz, Berrin; 159404The concept of organizational alienation reflects a feeling of disappointment with career expectations and professional development as well as the disappointment over the inability to fullfill professional norms (Aiken & Hage, 1966). The aims and objectives of this study were to investigate the organizational alienation perception levels of public and private high school teachers in the central districts of Ankara, Turkey. It also aimed to determine the differences between teachers' perceptions of alienation levels in terms of some independent variables. The survey instrument factors were determined by Seeman (1959) as (I) powerlessness, (2) meaninglessness, (3) normlessness, (4) social-isolation and (5) self isolation. The participants of the study (362) were administered "The Scale of Organizational Alienation", developed by the researcher on the basis of the scales and researches obtained from the relevant literature. As a result of the study, teachers' perceptions of organizational alienation were determined at a moderate level (2.04). Finally, the highest percentages of organizational alieantion factors were identified as; "normlessness and powerlessness" whereas the lowest mean scores of organizational alienation were determined as "meaninglessness and social isolation".Article Citation Count: Bıkmaz, FH.; Aksoy, Erdem; Tatar, Ozden, "The Content Analysis of PhD Theses Completed in the Field of Curriculum and Instruction (1974-2009)" Egitim Ve Bilim-Education And Science, Vol.38, No.168, pp.288-303, (2013).The Content Analysis of PhD Theses Completed in the Field of Curriculum and Instruction (1974-2009)(Turkish Education Assoc, 2013) Hazır Bıkmaz, Fatma; Aksoy, Erdem; Tatar, Özden; Atak Altınyüzük, C.The purpose of this study is to analyze the PhD theses completed in the field of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) with regard to various variables. For this, all 358 doctoral dissertations completed in Turkey in the field of C&I until 2009 are analyzed. By using the content analysis, PhD theses were analyzed according to some variables such as the subject of the theses, university, and the design of the studies. It was observed that the PhD studies in the field of C&I frequently include theses based on the effects of teaching and learning approaches, methods and techniques, teacher education and practices, and curriculum evaluation studies follow these. It was also found that there was an increase in the number of dissertations. Besides, the experimental and descriptive researches are almost equally preferred more frequently and the usage of mixed method was increased dramatically in the last ten years.Article Citation Count: Karaazmak, Fulda (2018). "The Effects of a Grammar Error Correction Session on Language Learners' Success", International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, Vol.10, No.1, pp.61-70.The Effects of a Grammar Error Correction Session on Language Learners' Success(2018) Karaazmak, Fulda; 32516Error correction has a significant place in language teaching classrooms since language learning involves some kind of a trial and error process during which learners test their language related hypotheses. The present study sought to examine the effects of a grammar error correction session on 64 eleventh grade high school students’ success in a grammar test. The pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design involving the experimental and control groups was used in the study. In the data collection procedure, two parallel grammar tests were implemented to the learners. Results showed an increase in learners’ mean scores in the grammar test used as the post-test, which the learners took following the error correction session. However, the increase in the learners’ grades was not at a statistically significant level. The positive effects of the remedial error correction session were not explicit in the study.Article Citation Count: Toscu, Saliha (2020). "What Factors do Learners Attribute to Their Speaking Achievement?", European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, Vol. 4, No. 4.What Factors do Learners Attribute to Their Speaking Achievement?(2020) Toscu, Saliha; 19287This study aims to explore the factors affecting speaking achievement of language learners who were studying at an English preparatory school at the university level in Turkey. The study involved the participation of 131 language learners who had intermediate level of English proficiency. The participants were chosen using convenience sampling and took part in the study on a voluntary basis. The instrument used to collect data basically had two parts. The first part involved Language Achievement Attribution Scale (LAAS) developed by Hsieh (2004), which aimed to reveal the reasons which the participants attributed to their speaking scores. The second part included Attitude/ Motivation Test Battery questionnaire (on a 5-point Likert scale) developed by Gardner (1985), which revealed the participants’ attitudes towards language learning, integrative and instrumental motivation, interest in foreign language and speaking anxiety. The data were analyzed on the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and it was found that there was no statistically significant effect of motivation on language learners’ speaking achievement, but speaking anxiety influenced it. In addition, the study showed that there were differences among the participants in the reasons they attributed to their speaking success depending on how motivated and anxious they were.