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Article Citation Count: Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; Demirbaş, Özgen Osman (2019). "Biyofilik Tasarım Kapsamında Peyzaj Mimarlığı ve İç Mimarlık Arakesiti: Eğitim Programlarının Karşılıklı Değerlendirilmesi", Türkiye Peyzaj Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 50-60.Biyofilik Tasarım Kapsamında Peyzaj Mimarlığı ve İç Mimarlık Arakesiti: Eğitim Programlarının Karşılıklı Değerlendirilmesi(2019) Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; Demirbaş, Özgen Osman; 17572Yaşam Dostu Tasarım ya da son dönemde yaygın kullanımı ile Biyofilik Tasarım (Biophilic Design) kavramı bir tasarım eylemi olarak aslında yeni bir kavram değil. İnsanın, doğayla olma, doğayla bağlantı kurma ve doğada olma içgüdülerine dayalı doğuştan gelen eğilimlerinin tümü Biyofili kavramı kapsamında tanımlanmaktadır. Biyofilik Tasarım ya da Yaşam Dostu Tasarım kavramı ise içinde bulunduğumuz yapılı çevrenin yenilikçi bir bakış açısı ile doğayla bağlantılı olarak tasarlanmasıdır. Peyzaj Mimarlığı en genel tanımı ile sanat, çevre, mimari, mühendislik, sosyoloji ve tasarım unsurlarının tümünü bir arada kapsayan farklı ölçek ve kapsamlarda hem açık alan hem kapalı mekanların tasarlanması pratiğidir. 21. yüzyılın iç mimari pratiği dikkate alındığında, iç mekan kurgusunda hiç olmadığı kadar biyofilik tasarım anlayışının tasarımcılar tarafından benimsendiği ve özellikle stres düzeyinin yüksek olduğu kamusal mekanlarda doğaya dönük, doğaya karışan ve/veya doğadan esinlenen tasarım yaklaşımlarının gün geçtikçe daha da kuvvetlendiği gözlenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın temel odağı biyofilik tasarım kapsamında Peyzaj Mimarlığı ve İç Mimarlık alanlarının etkileşimi ile yapılı çevre ile doğanın bütünleştirilmesi ile daha konforlu ve sağlıklı yaşam mekanlarının tasarlanmasında disiplinlerarası olasılıkların örnekler üzerinden değerlendirilmesidir. Bu kapsamda ülkemizde her iki alanda eğitim veren farklı isimlerde ve farklı akademik yapılar altında olan programların müfredat yapılarının karşılıklı olarak karşılaştırılması ile mevcut durum değerlendirilmesi yapılmaktadır. Çeşitli kapsamdaki fakülteler altında eğitim vermekte olan Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Kentsel Tasarım ve Peyzaj Mimarlığı, İç Mimarlık ve İçmimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı programlarının müfredat yapıları incelendiğinde, bazen aynı fakülte altında bile yer almalarına rağmen, çok az programda karşılıklı olarak disiplinlerarası ders önerildiği izlenmiştir. Yaşam dostu tasarım kapsamında iki disiplin arasındaki diyaloğun kuvvetlendirilmesi ve bunun öncelikle eğitimden başlaması gerektiği vurgulanmaktadır.Article Citation Count: Mutlu Tunca, G.; Demirbaş, G.U. (2021). "Designing parametric rhizomes in architectural space", GRID - Architecture Planning and Design Journal, Vol.4, No.2, pp.163-192.Designing parametric rhizomes in architectural space(2021) Mutlu Tunca, Gülru; Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; 17487; 17572The technological developments in the world present a challenge to design studio students and educators alike since the incorporation of computer-aided design software into design education has become a necessity. This paper focuses on the 2019-2020 Spring Semester of INAR 302 Interior Design Studio IV at Çankaya University, which is a parametric design studio where students are encouraged to experiment and utilize computer-based form-finding strategies, concentrating on the interior space. The rhizome concept of Deleuze and Guattari is reinterpreted by Studio 302 as a design methodology, allowing students to experience the unorthodoxy of space-user dialectics in the inner voids of the parametric forms over the term project of re-functioning a part of Ulus Square Office Complex as a city hotel with a futuristic extension. The study examines and evaluates the students' works, which derive conceptual ideas from the formal analyses of ceramic artworks in the Anafartalar Bazaar and environmental analyses of the historic site, transforming them into the parameters of futuristic architectural form and diverse rhizome interpretations. The findings indicate that students' reinterpretations of "variations" in the ceramic artworks uncover multifaceted outcomes of digital design strategies, maintaining diverse rhizomatic progress, which synchronically determines and is determined by the functional mutations.Article Citation Count: Demirbaş, G.U. ; Küçükarslan, M. (2004). "İnsan Mekan Yapı", Yapı-Yaşam Sanatı, Vol.1, No.1, pp.63-64.İnsan Mekan Yapı(2004) Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; Küçükarslan, Melahat; 17572Article Citation Count: Mertyürek, S.; Demirbaş, G.U. (2023). "Modern and traditional representation in mosque architecture: Analytic comparison of three mosques in Ankara, Turkey", GRID, Vol.6, No.2, pp.745-773.Modern and traditional representation in mosque architecture: Analytic comparison of three mosques in Ankara, Turkey(2023) Mertyürek, Serkan; Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; 118959; 17572This article examines three "modern" mosques in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. Specifically, it researches examples of innovative and authentic mosque architecture, which considerably varies from "Ottoman-type" mosques that heavily dominate the inventory of mosques in Turkey. The Republican period after the Ottoman Empire in Turkey witnessed an ongoing discussion and competition between modern and traditional examples of mosque architecture. Although this problem has been considered in different dimensions, it has generally been discussed by classifying the mosques as "modern" or "traditional" in the academy. It is thought that this classification should be based on the different physical characteristics of mosques, which form the repertoire of tradition in mosque architecture. In this study, the exemplary mosques selected for the inquiry were examined according to 18 different factors that were grouped under six categories considering the physical and interior features of the mosques: namely, mass and facade design, spatial organization, interior forms, architectural program, material selection and ornament details. The research aims to contribute to discussing modern and traditional representation in mosque architecture and clarify ambiguity in understanding and distinguishing between "tradition," "traditional," and "modern," which are essential meanings in mosque architecture.Conference Object Citation Count: Mutlu Tunca, Gülru; Akbay, Saadet; Demirbaş, Ufuk. "Parametric Design Studio in Interior Architecture Education: A Case of Integration of Colour Design", AIC 14th Congress, 30 August-3 September 2021, Milano, Italy, pp. 1091-1096, 2021.Parametric Design Studio in Interior Architecture Education: A Case of Integration of Colour Design(2021) Mutlu Tunca, Gülru; Akbay, Saadet; Demirbaş, Ufuk; 21742; 17572This paper aims to disclose the alternative ways in which the interior architecture students integrate their colour design decisions as one of the main determinants of the project from the beginning of the design process. This revised approach is proposed in the third-year interior design studio course mainly specialises in the parametric design approaches in interior spaces. This paper outlines how colour design is integrated into stages thoroughly in the parametric interior design studio. The main motivation is to maintain a procedure that will make colour design decisions evolve through the whole design process as an integral part of it. This study suggests that producing colour charts from the initial stages of the design process, making colour design decisions for interior environments in 3D visualisations at all stages are critical for improving the student projects and helps them to envision and effectively reflect their atmosphere creations.Conference Object Citation Count: Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; Uluğ, Ali; Demirbaş, Özgen Osman. "The betterment of wayfinding process in complex hospital environments by using mobile navigation systems: A proposal for a mobile wayfinding system", 4T Conference: Design, Technology and Experience, İzmir.The betterment of wayfinding process in complex hospital environments by using mobile navigation systems: A proposal for a mobile wayfinding system(2011) Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; Uluğ, Ali; Demirbaş, Özgen Osman; 17572Article Citation Count: Uysal Bilge, Fulay Doğu; Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk (2022). "Urbanity in the Open Spaces in Developing Nodes along Main Arteries: Söğütözü Node on Dumlupınar Road in Ankara", ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 165-192.Urbanity in the Open Spaces in Developing Nodes along Main Arteries: Söğütözü Node on Dumlupınar Road in Ankara(Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture, 2022) Uysal Bilge, Fulay Doğu; Demirbaş, Güler Ufuk; 17572The effects of the main transportation arteries on the urban sprawl and the formation of new public spaces is an important topic of discussion today. Considering the urban roads, major arteries trigger fast development and the formation of a significant amount of urban open space together with buildings. Vehicular roads are the main elements that bring out urbanity and centrality by providing a combination of circulation at different speeds and making possible the interaction of users from local and remote areas (Jacobs, 1969; Nijenhuis, 1994 and Read, 2006). In this context, sub-spaces were defined as public spaces that are beside / under / above / between / within vehicular roads and the sub-space perceptions of pedestrians in the case of the closest part of Ankara Eskişehir Road to the city center, were investigated in an earlier study (Alanyalı Aral and Demirbaş, 2015). In the current study, Söğütözü is defined as a developing node with its rapidly increasing built stock and function density on one of the most important transportation arteries of the city, and its urban features are discussed within the scope of the emerging open spaces. Despite the unsuitable conditions, Söğütözü node displays a constant pedestrian density, and with this feature, it exemplifies ‘activity’ as an important indicator, which Montgomery (1998) defines as one of the three components of the concept of ‘urbanity’. Accordingly, a conceptual framework is developed on the characteristics of urbanity, activity and public space, and then the components of the open space stock are discussed within the scope of spaces of ‘places’ and ‘flows’ (Nijhuis and Jauslin, 2015) specific to developing nodes. Spaces of ‘places’ in developing nodes include privately owned public use spaces, in-between spaces and informal public spaces -’fourth place’s (Aelbrecht, 2016). The spaces of the ‘flows’, on the other hand, are discussed as pedestrian spaces that enhance urbanity. In the case study, firstly the historical and current development of Söğütözü node is examined, and then a comprehensive model based on the relevant pedestrian needs is suggested to evaluate the activitybased urbanity in the node. The defining elements of the activity-based urbanity are explored via map analysis and on-site observations, whereas the pedestrian perceptions in the node are investigated with the applied questionnaires. The results show that the pedestrian experience is negatively affected due to the conditional and intermittent pedestrian access, as well as the inability to provide physical, psychological and physiological comfort; nevertheless, many and various activities add vitality to the area which result in many informal public spaces (fourth places) formed at the entrances and transitions to the public and semi-public spaces. The questionnaire survey, which was conducted with fewer but still comparable numbers of users due to the pandemic conditions, included the pedestrian perception questions in the survey conducted in 2005-2007. It is seen that although today the perception of traffic such as noise increased slightly, the perception of air pollution and traffic safety problems decreased. Additionally, the perception of public space qualities like well-known and dynamic / lively spaces increased significantly and constituted the most common perception after the perception of noisy / tiresome space. The results reveal that open spaces in the node of Söğütözü, where mixed use, large-scale and fragmented complexes are dominant, cannot provide environmental and internal continuity as well as appropriate walking environment within the framework of activity-based urbanization, and thus necessitate a holistic urban design approach. The urbanism formed in this rapidly developing node can be enhanced by temporal and spatial continuities; in addition to provision of pedestrian comfort with the arrangements to reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle dominance. The overall evaluation validates that the open spaces in the node should be enriched with accessible spaces for all users, carefully designed indooroutdoor relations, cultural uses, small-scale businesses and activities spanning time.