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Article Citation Count: Özsuca Erenoğlu, E.A.; Acar, E.Ö. (2020). "Can US Wage Increases be Regarded as a Leading Indicator for Bond Rates?", World Journal of Applied Economics, Vol.6, No.2, pp.169-176.Can US Wage Increases be Regarded as a Leading Indicator for Bond Rates?(2020) Özsuca Erenoğlu, Ekin Ayşe; Acar, Elif Öznur; 237965; 48566After the subprime meltdown, the Federal Reserve focused its attention on US non-farm payroll data in order to pave the way for its fund rate hikes. As time went by,the Federal Reserve deemed particularly one sub-component of this data, namely theincrements on average weekly wage growth as a proxy for inflation and thus a plausibleexplanation for raising the interest rates. In that aspect, we decide to elaborate on thisissue further and examine whether this implemented strategy indeed had a reflection inthe real market. For doing so, we intend to determine whether there is any causalityrelation in either direction between US average weekly wage increases and 10-yearTreasury Bond rates. We utilize the Toda-Yamamoto causality approach and comeup with a statistically significant result between wages and bond rates. For robustness,we also consider the unemployment rate and consumption expenditures as independentvariables.Article Citation Count: Özşuca, Ekin Ayşe (2023). "Firm Survival in Times of Crisis: Do Innovation and Financing Constraints Matter? Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic", Eastern European Economics, Vol. 61, No. 5, pp. 421-456.Firm Survival in Times of Crisis: Do Innovation and Financing Constraints Matter? Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic(2023) Özşuca, Ekin Ayşe; 237965Utilizing survey data collected over three rounds, this paper investigates the impact of pre-COVID innovation performance, innovation type, sources of knowledge, and the moderating role of financial constraints on survival following the outbreak of COVID-19. The findings pinpoint a strong and positive link between firm survival and innovation, especially process innovation, confirming the ability of innovators to adapt to new conditions as a determinant of survival. Moreover, relying on internal knowledge is found to increase the chance of survival and adaptability to times of crisis. The results further indicate that access to finance strengthens the positive impact of innovation on firm survival/adaptation.Article Citation Count: Özşuca Erenoğlu, Ekin Ayşe. (2018). "Is There a Financial Accelerator Mechanism in the Turkish Banking Industry?", Business and Economics Research Journal, Vol.9, No.4, pp.787-798.Is There a Financial Accelerator Mechanism in the Turkish Banking Industry?(2018) Özşuca Erenoğlu, Ekin Ayşe; 237965This paper empirically investigates the cyclical behavior of price-cost marginsfor Turkish banks over the 2002q1-2017q3 period by exploiting dynamic panel datamodeling approaches. The estimation results indicate that margins behavecountercyclically during economic fluctuations. It appears that Turkish banks’ price-costmargins tend to stay high acting countercyclical during economic downturns, which maylimit the supply of loans and thereby, cause a further reduction in production, deepeningthe contraction. Specifically, several bank-specific characteristics, that is; banks’liquidity, capitalization and size, together with the monetary policy and marketconcentration in the banking industry are found to be crucial in explaining thecountercyclical behavior of net interest margins in Turkey. Furthermore, the recentglobal financial crisis in the late 2008 seems to have a considerable effect on the banksmargins as well. Overall, these findings provide evidence for the existence of “financialaccelerator” at work in the Turkish economy during the period under investigation.Article Citation Count: Özşuca, Ekin Ayşe. (2018). "Türkiye’de Banka Sermaye Tamponları, Kredi Büyümesi Ve İş Çevrimleri", Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, Vol.6, No.2, pp.565-583.Türkiye’de Banka Sermaye Tamponları, Kredi Büyümesi Ve İş Çevrimleri(2018) Özşuca, Ekin Ayşe; 237965Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren bankaların sermaye tamponlarının iş çevrimleri ve kredi büyümesi ile ilişkisi 2002-2017 dönemi için üç aylık veriler kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Tahminler sistem genelleştirilmiş momentler metodu kullanılarak yapılmış ve söz konusu etkilerin bankaların faaliyet türlerine göre farklılık gösterip göstermediği ayrıca test edilmiştir. Elde edile sonuçlara göre, Türkiye’de banka sermaye tamponları iş çevrimlerine karşı döngüsel hareket etmektedir.Ancak bu bulgu yatırım ve kalkınma bankaları için geçerli değildir. Diğer yandan, bankalara özgü özelliklerle ilgili panel regresyon sonuçlarına göre, büyüklük, karlılık ve risk ticari bankaların sermaye tamponlarının anlamlı belirleyicileri olarak ortayaçıkmaktadır. Aynı zamanda, bankacılık sektörünün yapısı ve 2008 küresel finansal krizinin banka sermaye tamponları üzerinde etkili olduğu gözlenmiştir. Sermaye tamponlarının bankaların kredi arzı üzerindeki etkisine dair bulgular ise ters yönlü bir ilişkiye işaret etmektedir. Çalışmanın bulguları, banka sermaye yeterliliğine ilişkin düzenlemeler ile Basel III uzlaşısı kapsamında önerilen ve yakın zamanda uygulamaya koyulan döngüsel sermaye tamponuna dair sonuçları bakımından önem taşımaktadır