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Conference Object Citation Count: Özaydın, Selma. "A Graphical Speech Analysis Teaching Tool", 2022 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications, ICECTA 2022, 23 November 2022through 25 November 2022, pp. 23-26.A Graphical Speech Analysis Teaching Tool(2022) Özaydın, Selma; 253019The widespread use of digital speech processing in today's technologies causes many electronics and computer engineering students to need a basic background in these subjects. The paper describes a toolbox designed to support undergraduate or graduate level courses on speech processing. The proposed educational toolbox is designed as a virtual lab for basic operations in digital speech processing-based courses. This graphical user interface (GUI) based speech analysis algorithm is built with six main function modules, which are signal input, noise addition, up-sampling/down-sampling, time domain feature analysis, pitch detection and frequency domain analysis. The toolbox involves different operations for measuring important speech feature parameters such as pitch, energy, zero-crossing ratio, FFT and power spectrum of an input speech signal. The toolbox has also been developed to easily manipulate and add some other possible speech processing methods. It is thought that the tool will make it easier for students to understand the methods that form the basis of digital speech processing, increase the interest in the lesson with its visual outputs, and allow new methods to be added easily when desired thanks to its simple and modular structure. The main aim of this paper to show how such a tool facilitates students understanding of technical concepts introduced in speech courses. © 2022 IEEE.Article Citation Count: Kılıç,T.; Yavuzel, E. (2023). "A Qualitative Analysis of Human Resources Practices in Yacht Harbors and Marinas in Türkiye", Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, Vol.14, No.37, pp.139-160.A Qualitative Analysis of Human Resources Practices in Yacht Harbors and Marinas in Türkiye(2023) Kılıç, Tamer; Yavuzel, Emre; 261218The study aims to analyze Human Resources Management (HRM) practices, especially Human Resources (HR) planning methods and to develop suggestions for yacht harbors and marinas in Türkiye. The study population comprises 41 yacht harbors and marinas on the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Marmara coasts. Semi-structured interviews are conducted with the HR managers of the companies. The content analysis method is used, the questions in the interview form are collected under three main themes, and the answers received from the participants are converted into data sets under the same themes. Although there is no HR department, the findings reveal that HR practices are carried out with a modern understanding in most yacht harbors and marinas. HR information systems are used in HR planning, recruitment, selection, performance evaluation, compensation, training, and development. Due to the difficulties in recruiting technical personnel in some companies, there are problems in employing eligible candidates at the right place and time. Since employees with higher education in the sector contribute more, they are primarily preferred in recruitment. As a result, with the HR specialists, significant improvements can be made in HRM, especially the efficiency of HR planning in yacht harbors and marinas.Book Part Citation Count: Özsaçmacı, Bülent; Dursun, Tolga. "A Relationship Marketing Strategy in Brand Communication: Influencer Marketing Strategy", Impacts of Online Advertising on Business Performance, IGI Global, 2020, pp. 52-80.A Relationship Marketing Strategy in Brand Communication: Influencer Marketing Strategy(IGI Global, 2020) Özsaçmacı, Bülent; Dursun, Tolga; 19729Influencer marketing increases brand awareness by generating appropriate content to attract the attention of consumers in a virtual environment in accordance with the brand texture. This chapter explores research to determine importance of influencer marketing in the brand communication area, which is based on relationship marketing. Authors mainly focus on influencer marketing and its connection with relationship marketing. They describe the constituent parts of the topics and illustrate them with the case studies and statistical facts. The authors strongly claim influencer marketing shares similar variables with relationship marketing and their basic keywords are related.Article Citation Count: Ökdem, Meltem (2020). "Assessment of Criminal Charges Brought Against Teachers", Journal of Education and Future, No. 17, pp. 83-94.Assessment of Criminal Charges Brought Against Teachers(2020) Ökdem, Meltem; 45368The aim of this study was to assess the charges brought against teachers in criminal courts in Turkey. A qualitative research method was used in the study. The study used the document analysis method because it involved the study of legal documents. In order to determine what cases against teachers were brought to trial between 2004 and 2018, charges filed against teachers were obtained via www.kazancı.com and databases. The themes in the study were determined in accordance with the Turkish Criminal Law as crimes against the person, crimes against the nation and the state, and crimes against society. The study was initiated as a result of the fact that cases of violence in schools have increased rapidly in recent years. One factor in this is offenses committed by teachers, and this situation will cause grave social problems in the future if no measures are taken. It was found that most charges brought against teachers in the criminal courts were cases related to crimes against the person. This was followed by crimes against the nation and state and crimes against society. The curriculum of Faculties of Education should include courses such as human rights, education law, anger control and conflict management to raise teachers’ awareness of these issues.Article Citation Count: Kılıç, Ayşe Funda (2020). "Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesinde Önemli Zarar Kriteri ve 15 Numaralı Protokolde Yapılan Değişiklik", Çankaya Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 2017-2036.Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesinde Önemli Zarar Kriteri ve 15 Numaralı Protokolde Yapılan Değişiklik(2020) Kılıç, Ayşe Funda; 1842114 Numaralı Protokolle, AİHS’in kabul edilebilirlik koşullarının yer aldığı 35. maddesine eklenen kriterlerden biri, başvurucunun önemli bir zarara uğramasıdır. Bu kabul edilebilirlik kriteri, insan haklarına saygı ilkesinin başvurunun esastan incelenmesini gerektirmesi veya ihlal iddiasının ulusal mahkeme tarafından gereğince incelenmemiş olması halinde uygulanmamaktadır. 15 Numaralı Protokol bu koruyucu hükümlerden ikincisini Sözleşme metninden çıkarmaktadır. Çalışmada, iki temel sorunsal değerlendirilmektedir. Bunlardan ilki AİHS’de yer alan hak kategorilerinin önemli bir zarar doğmadığı gerekçesiyle koruma kapsamından çıkarılması ve ikincisi Sözleşmenin 15 Numaralı Protokolle değiştirilecek haliyle, bu hakların bütün olarak yargısal denetimin dışına çıkarılmasına olanak tanıyan yeni düzenlemedir.Article Citation Count: Kılıç, İlker. "Başkanlık Sistemi Eleştirisi: Karl Marx’ın Mirası", Ankara: 16. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 2019.Başkanlık Sistemi Eleştirisi: Karl Marx’ın Mirası(2019) Kılıç, İlker; 43431Article Citation Count: ALtıntaş, Kadir Murat, "Belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planlarında finansal eğitimin önemi: Katılımcıların finansal okur yazarlığı çerçevesinde alternatif bir yatırım modeli", Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol. 5, No. 9, pp. 151-176, (2009).Belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planlarında finansal eğitimin önemi: Katılımcıların finansal okur yazarlığı çerçevesinde alternatif bir yatırım modeli(2009) Altıntaş, Kadir Murat; 17561Belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planında katılımcıların finansal okur yazarlığının artırılması veya katılımcılarda asgari finansal yatırım kültürünün oluşturulması, toplumun sosyo ekonomik gelişimi için stratejik öneme sahip bir süreçtir. Çünkü, gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan pek çok ülkede yapılan akademik ve sosyal araştırmaların büyük çoğunluğu, belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planı katılımcılarının yeterli finansal okur yazarlığının bulunmadığına işaret etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planlarında, katılımcılar açısından yatırım eğitiminin gerekliliğini (bireylerin finansal bilgi birikimi ve donanımı çerçevesinde) ortaya çıkarmak, diğer bir ifadeyle belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planlarının muhtemel katılımcılarının finansal okur yazarlığının ölçülmesi ve temel yatırım eğitimine ilişkin alternatif çözüm uygulamaları geliştirmektir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen verilerin analizinden, yatırım eğitimi programının deneklerin finansal bilgi birikimi ve donanımlarını dikkat çekici ölçüde artırdığı gözlenmiş ve bu durum yapılan istatistiksel analiz yardımıyla da doğrulanmıştır.Article Citation Count: Özsuca Erenoğlu, E.A.; Acar, E.Ö. (2020). "Can US Wage Increases be Regarded as a Leading Indicator for Bond Rates?", World Journal of Applied Economics, Vol.6, No.2, pp.169-176.Can US Wage Increases be Regarded as a Leading Indicator for Bond Rates?(2020) Özsuca Erenoğlu, Ekin Ayşe; Acar, Elif Öznur; 237965; 48566After the subprime meltdown, the Federal Reserve focused its attention on US non-farm payroll data in order to pave the way for its fund rate hikes. As time went by,the Federal Reserve deemed particularly one sub-component of this data, namely theincrements on average weekly wage growth as a proxy for inflation and thus a plausibleexplanation for raising the interest rates. In that aspect, we decide to elaborate on thisissue further and examine whether this implemented strategy indeed had a reflection inthe real market. For doing so, we intend to determine whether there is any causalityrelation in either direction between US average weekly wage increases and 10-yearTreasury Bond rates. We utilize the Toda-Yamamoto causality approach and comeup with a statistically significant result between wages and bond rates. For robustness,we also consider the unemployment rate and consumption expenditures as independentvariables.Conference Object Citation Count: Özçetin, M.; Maraş, Hadi Hakan. "CBS Tabanlı Suç Analizi Yöntemleri", Türkiye Ulusal Fotogrametri ve Uzaktan Algılama Birliği VII. Teknik Sempozyumu (TUFUAB’2013), 23-25 Mayıs 2013, KTÜ, Trabzon, 2013.CBS Tabanlı Suç Analizi Yöntemleri(2013) Özçetin, M.; Maraş, Hadi Hakan; 34410Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) günlük hayatımızda önemi sürekli olarak artan uygulamalara sahiptir. CBS’nin popüler ve kritik uygulama alanlarından biri de mekânsal suç analizidir. Günümüzde suç oranları artış göstermekte ve bu yüzden suç eğilimlerini analiz etmek ve suçu önleyici tedbirler almak büyük önem arz etmektedir. Suçlar çoğu zaman mekânsal ve zamansal modeller göstermektedir. Örneğin, bazı suç türleri bazı lokasyonlarda nispeten yüksek oranlarda işlenebilmektedir. Bazıları ise gün içinde belli saat aralıklarında yüksek oranlarda olabilmektedir. Klasik suç analiz yöntemlerine coğrafi destek eklemek, tablosal veya istatistiksel metotların sunamayacağı son derece önemli ve müstesna faydalar sağlayabilir. Örneğin, belli bir suç türünün mekânsal dağılımını görmek veya farklı suç türlerinin lokasyonlarını harita üzerinde karşılaştırmak, karar verme pozisyonundaki yöneticilere kritik ve önemli ipuçları verebilir. Bu yüzden, suç analiz yöntemlerine mekânsal boyut katmak emniyet birimlerindeki çalışmalara önemli bir destek sağlamaktadırArticle Citation Count: Özaydın, Selma (2018). "Comparative Analysis of Early Studies on Turkish Whistle Language and a Case Study on Test Conditions", Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 126-136.Comparative Analysis of Early Studies on Turkish Whistle Language and a Case Study on Test Conditions(2018) Özaydın, Selma; 253019This paper examines the early studies on Turkish Whistle Language and it argues that they have some controversial results. The study considers these issues need to be discussed and searched again in terms of linguistic and phonetic form. Unfortunately, there are few research studies on Turkish whistle language and most of them were performed nearly fifty years ago despite the fact that this language still has been used in Kuskoy region. Therefore, the findings of these early research studies could give valuable information to start to a new research study on the subject. The first scientific study on Turkish Whistle language was performed by a French scientist R.G. Busnel with his multidisciplinary research team in 1967. Some of this research’s results were published in the book. A Turkish scientist O. Baskan also participated in Busnel’s research group and published a paper on TWsL in 1968. However, some assertions such as people having a tendency to understand the Turkish whistle language with three vowels and three consonants have not been in the research results of R.G. Busnel. In addition, a Turkish scientist D. Aksan in Turkey had performed another research at Kuskoy region with his own team. Their test methods were different from the previous ones. This paper analyzes these research results on a comparative basis and presents the common and conflicted issues to discuss the uncertain points. The comparative evaluation of these past research studies aims to highlight the controversial position of the results on Turkish Whistle Language. In this scope, this paper opens a discussion about the selection of test conditions for an acoustic and linguistic analysis of the Turkish whistle language.Article Citation Count: Özaydın, Selma; Ahmad, Imteyaz (2024). "Comparative Performance Analysis of Filtering Methods for Removing Baseline Wander Noise from an ECG Signal", Fluctuation and Noise Letters.Comparative Performance Analysis of Filtering Methods for Removing Baseline Wander Noise from an ECG Signal(2024) Özaydın, Selma; Ahmad, Imteyaz; 253019ECG signals play a vital role in the diagnosis of cardiovascular conditions. However, they often su®er from the e®ects of various noise sources, including baseline wandering, respiratory artifact noise, power line interference and electrode motion artifacts. To overcome these challenges, it is imperative to implement low-frequency signal noise reduction strategies. Such strategies aim to signi¯cantly improve the quality of ECG signals, thus promoting more accurate and reliable diagnosis of cardiovascular disorders. This paper conducts a comparative analysis to assess the e®ectiveness of commonly used ¯ltering and wavelet techniques in reducing Baseline Wander (BW) noise within ECG signals generated by the in°uence of breathing or electrode movements. It is common to observe the selection and evaluation of only one particular technique in the existing literature. In contrast, this study aims to provide a comprehensive comparative analysis, providing insight into the performance and relative merits of di®erent techniques. Our research uses both ¯ltering and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) techniques in baseline noise removal. In this context, a reference point is established utilizing noise-free signals and a meticulous investigation of the wavelet-based approach that most e®ectively eliminates the resulting noise is provided. Subsequently, we assess the reference input and output signal via Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistical test measurements. The most important contribution of this work to the scienti¯c community resides in the comprehensive examination of IIR/FIR-based and wavelet method-based ¯ltering methods capable of yielding the highest SNR levels across various ECG signals with various types of BW noise. Additionally, the e®ectiveness of the Chebychev-II ¯lter in BW noise removal is highlighted. Our study was conducted using the MATLAB platform and code command lines were shared to facilitate the reproduction of our study by other researchers. It is considered that this study will be an important reference in the selection of e®ective techniques for removing BW noise within ECG signals.Conference Object Citation Count: Özaydın, Selma. "Design of a Voice Activity Detection Algorithm based on Logarithmic Signal Energy", International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA), pp. 19-22, 2022.Design of a Voice Activity Detection Algorithm based on Logarithmic Signal Energy(IEEE, 2022) Özaydın, Selma; 253019This article presents a new method for calculating the signal energies of speech segments in voice activity detection algorithms. In the study, the µ-law signal compression method is adapted to calculate short-term signal energies. A simple voice activity detection (VAD) algorithm is designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The same VAD algorithm was also run with two different conventional energy calculation formulas and the performance of each VAD was evaluated using time-domain short-time energy features. The G729 standard VAD algorithm was also used for performance comparison. During the test of the analyzed detectors, many kinds of input speech signals with various types of background environmental noise, such as restaurants, vehicles, and streets, were tested. Using the new energy calculation method, the VAD detector has improved detection accuracy compared to VAD detectors based on the other two energy methods and was able to effectively identify voice-active regions even in noisy conditions at low SNR levels. The results revealed that the VAD detector designed with the proposed new energy calculation formula outperforms traditional energy-based voice activity detection methods and provides noticeable increases in detection rate even under adverse conditions.Article Citation Count: Erünlü, Zeynep. (2018). "Do Depreciations Really Trigger an Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment? The Case of Turkey", Sosyoekonomi, Vol.26, No.37, pp.257-272.Do Depreciations Really Trigger an Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment? The Case of Turkey(2018) Erünlü, Zeynep; 103521In this study, the relationship between real exchange rate and foreign direct investment is examined using the Logistic Smooth Transition - Autoregressive Distributed Lag (LST-ARDL) model. Analyzing the effect of real exchange rate changes on foreign direct investment is very crucial for a developing country like Turkey which has a relatively large foreign debt stock. The estimation results show that foreign direct investment inflows to Turkey increase when Turkish Lira appreciates against the US dollar and this effect is especially strong during periods of high investment inflows. Thus, for Turkey to attract productive capital flows rather than unstable short-term portfolio flows it has to maintain a strong currency against the US dollar.Conference Object Citation Count: Uçar, Nuri; Güler, Hüseyin. "Doğrusal Olmayan Bootstrap Koentegrasyon Testleri: OECD Ülkeleri için Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi Üzerine Bir Uygulama", 19. Uluslararası Ekonometri, Yöneylem Araştırması ve İstatistik Sempozyumu, İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi, pp. 95-96, 2018.Doğrusal Olmayan Bootstrap Koentegrasyon Testleri: OECD Ülkeleri için Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi Üzerine Bir Uygulama(2018) Uçar, Nuri; Güler, Hüseyin; 189073Bu çalışmanın doğrusal olmayan panel eşbütünleşme testleri önermesinin dışında ekonometri literatürüne ikinci katkısı ise, doğrudan eşbütünleşme testleri elde etmek yerine, uzun dönem denklemden elde edilen hata tahminlerinin hata düzeltme modellerine uzun dönem değişken olarak eklenip, doğrusal olmayan panel eşbütünleşme testlerini bu modeller üzerinden geliştirecek bootstrap yöntemi öne sürmesidir. Uygulamada, Bootstrap hipotez testleri, Monte Carlo yöntemiyle kritik değerler üretilip, bu kritik değerlere göre değerlendirilmiştir. Bootstrap tahminler için -hem parametre hem de istatistikler- Matlab da kod yazılmıştır. Üretilen eşbütünleşme testleri OECD ülkeleri için, Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi için uzun dönem ilişkinin olup olmadığını test etmek için kullanılmışlardır. Bu uygulamadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre, "diğer ülkelerde" uzun dönem ilişki varken, G7 ülkelerinde ise gözlemlenmemiştir. Satın Alma Gücü Paritesinin iki gurup arasında farklılaşması, ilginç bir sonuçtur. Veri seti oluştururken 2008 krizi dikkate alınarak oluşturulmuştur. Krizin 5 yıl öncesi ve sonrası veri setine dâhil edilmiştir. Buradaki amaç kriz şokunu ortak bir faktör olarak düşünmek ve bu faktörün yatay kesitte bağımlılığa neden olduğunu dikkate alarak bootstrap yaklaşımı ile parametre tahminlerini gerçekleştirmektir. Ayrıca, kriz öncesi dönemi kapsayan veriler içinde Satın Alma Gücü Paritesi araştırılmıştır. Tüm ülkeleri dikkate aldığımızda, kriz dönemini içeren 2003.01-2013.01 dönemi ile kriz öncesi dönem farklılaşmaktadır. Kriz öncesi doğrusal olmayan eşbütünleşme gözükürken, kriz döneminde böyle bir şey söz konusu değildir. Krizin neden olduğu ekonomik şokun ülke ekonomilerinde enflasyon ve döviz kuru verilerinde birlikte kırılmalara (co-breaking) neden olması bu değişkenler arasında doğrusal olmayan eşbütünleşmenin varlığı yönünde beklentiye neden olabilir. Bu doğrusal olmayan yapının "diğer ülkelerde" varlığını göstermesi fakat "G7" ülkelerinde ise eşbütünleşmenin gözlemlenmemesi, bu ülkelerin bu süreçte birbirlerinden ayrıştıklarını da göstermektedir Ekonometri teorisi açısından, bu çalışmada ortaya atılan testlerin istatiksel ve asimptotik özellikleri geliştirilmeye açıktır. Ayrıca, burada önerilen doğrusal olmayan testler uygulama açısından sadece bootstrap yaklaşımı ile değil, diğer yatay kesit bağımlılığını dikkate alan panel veri analizi içerisinde de geliştirilmeye uygundur. Uygulama aşamasında ise, döviz kurundaki değişen varyans problemini dikkate alan test istatistikleri ışığında Satın alma Gücü Paritesi geliştirilebilir.Conference Object Citation Count: Uçar, Nuri. "Doğrusal Olmayan Panel Eş bütünleşme Testleri Kullanılarak Fisher Etkisinin OECD Ülkeleri İçin Araştırılması", 2.Uluslararası Ekonomi Araştırmaları ve Finansal Piyasalar Kongresi, 2018.Article Citation Count: Ahmad, Imteyaz; Özaydın, Selma (2023). "ECG Signal Denoising with SciLab", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 853-859.ECG Signal Denoising with SciLab(2023) Ahmad, Imteyaz; Özaydın, Selma; 253019This paper presents a study on de-noising electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using Scilab, an open-source software package known for its signal processing capabilities. ECG signals are often contaminated by various noise sources, which can reduce the accurate diagnosis and monitoring of heart health. In this work, digital signal processing methods such as Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters are used to effectively suppress noise while preserving the essential features of the ECG waveform. We explore main noise sources that commonly affect ECG recordings, such as baseline wandering noise, power-line interference, and muscle artifacts, and discuss their respective challenges. The de-noising methods has been extensively evaluated and demonstrated its ability to improve signal quality and diagnostic accuracy by eliminating noise artifacts. The results highlight Scilab's potential for de-noising ECG signals and its importance in improving patient care and biomedical signal processing applications. The efficacy of the de-noising methods is thoroughly evaluated through comparative analyses with other commonly used de-noising approaches. Experimental results demonstrate its superiority in preserving the QRS complex while efficiently eliminating noise artifacts, leading to more accurate and reliable diagnostic information. In conclusion, this paper presents a comprehensive study on de-noising ECG signals using Scilab, offering a valuable contribution to the field of biomedical signal processing. Researchers and practitioners in the domain of ECG signal processing can benefit from the insights and techniques presented herein to advance their studies and further applications.Book Part Citation Count: Şahin, Mehmet; Aytaç, Tufan. "Eğitime giriş", Ankara: Pegem Akademi, pp. 45-64, 2019.Eğitime Giriş(Pegem Akademi, 2019) Ökdem, Meltem; 45368Article Citation Count: OMAY, T., (2008). Enflasyon ve büyüme belirsizliklerinin enflasyon ve büyüme ile olan ilişkileri: Türkiye örneği. Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Journal of Arts and Sciences, Sayı:10Enflasyon ve büyüme belirsizliklerinin enflasyon ve büyüme ile olan ilişkileri: Türkiye örneği(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2008) Omay, Tolga; 19320Çalışmada iki değişkenli Genelleştirilmiş Otoregresif Koşullu Değişen Varyans modeli yardımıyla büyüme, enflasyon oranı ve belirsizliklerinin arasındaki Granger nedensellik ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Türkiye ekonomisine uygulanan çalışma, 1986:6-2007:1 dönemini kapsamakta ve bu dönem 3 farklı alt döneme (1986:6-1994:3/1994:5-2001:1/2003:3-2007:1) ayrılarak analiz genişletilmektedir. Tam dönem ve alt dönemler itibari ile elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda, merkez bankasının fiyat istikrarını korumasına yönelik politika duruşunun optimal olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.Article Citation Count: Parıltı, N.; Külter Demirgüneş, B.; Özsaçmacı, B. (2014). "Ethical İssues İn Marketing: An Application For Understanding Ethical Decision Making", Vol.38, No.2, pp.245-298.Ethical İssues İn Marketing: An Application For Understanding Ethical Decision Making(2014) Parıltı, Nurettin; Külter Demirgüneş, Banu; Özsaçmacı, Bülent; 19729In recent years business ethics and social responsibility have gained great importance in marketing practices, especially in societal marketing practices. Businesses infinitely struggle to indicate their contributions to society. Consumers consciously evaluate this contribution. Manipulated consumer choices and unethical marketing applications can affect purchasing behavior. Particularly intense competition, globalization and societal consciousness transform businesses into social organizations and lead them into marketing efforts offering social value. Although business ethics and social responsibility of businesses have gained more attention in recent years, defining consumers’ perceptions on ethical issues is still minimal. This study presents an empirical research of consumer perceptions on ethical issues. Reflection of this perception on purchasing behavior is also another important issue to be considered. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors related with ethical issues in marketing practices and to reveal possible influences of these factors on consumers’ ethical decision making. The main objective of the study is to find out consumers’ perceptions on businesses’ ethical issues such as misleading advertising, deceptive packaging and to reveal the impact of these issues on their ethical purchasing behavior or ethical decision making. It also reveals which criteria is more important for ethical decision making. This study reveals that consumers reflect their ethical perceptions on their purchasing behavior. Each ethical issue has been found to be a positive effect on purchasing behavior. Businesses’ practices on packaging has been indicated as the most effective ethical issue on purchasing behavior. The study is considered to be a significant outcome for businesses to direct their advertising, packaging and other activities.Conference Object Citation Count: Özaydın, Selma. "Evaluation of Acoustic Phonetic Properties of Turkish Whistle Language", symposium of philology, 2018.Evaluation of Acoustic Phonetic Properties of Turkish Whistle Language(2018) Özaydın, Selma; 253019