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Article Citation Count: Kılıç, İ.; Çatindağ, F. (2007). "Kapitalist sistemde insan hakları ve yurttaş hakları arasındaki gerilim", İnsan Hakları Yıllığı, Vol.25, pp.21-33.Kapitalist sistemde insan hakları ve yurttaş hakları arasındaki gerilim(2007) Kılıç, İlker; Çetindağ, Funda; 43431İnsan haklarının yanında bir de yurttaş haklarından bahsedebilmemizi kapitalist üretim biçiminin kendine özgü artı ürün elde etme tarzına borçluyuz. Özel ve kamusal ya da ekonomik ve politik alanlar arasında kurgulanan ayrım, ekonomik sömürüyü esaslı bir tehlikeye atmadan salt hukuksal ve politik özgürlük ile eşitliğin azami ölçüde gelişmesine olanak sağlar. Ancak demokratik ve eşitlikçi bir düzen içerisinde özgürlük, insan ve yurttaş hakları dikotomisinin ötesinde tanımlanabilir.Article Citation Count: Akagün Ergin, E.; Parıltı, N.; Özsaçmacı, B. (2007). "Impact of Loyalty Cards On Customers’ Store Loyalty", International Business & Economics Research Journal, Vol.6, No.2, pp.77-82.Impact of Loyalty Cards On Customers’ Store Loyalty(2007) Akagün Ergin, Elif; Parıltı, Nurettin; Özsaçmacı, Bülent; 120408; 19729In this paper, we try to determine whether loyalty cards issued by stores have an impact on customer loyalty and how loyalty cards compare with other factors companies can use to increase loyalty in general. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that loyalty cards have no impact on customers’s store loyalty. On the contrary, it is observed that customers that use their loyalty cards frequently tend to shop at different stores with different loyalty cards.Article Citation Count: Hasanov, M., Omay, T. (2008). Nonlinearities in emerging stock markets: evidence from Europe's two largest emerging markets. Applied Economics, 40(20), 2645-2658. in emerging stock markets: evidence from Europe's two largest emerging markets(Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, 2008) Omay, Tolga; Hasanov, MübarizRecent developments in time series analysis allow proper modelling of nonlinearities in economic and financial variables. A growing body of research was dedicated to investigation of potential nonlinearities in conditional mean of many economic and financial variables, mainly concentrating in developed economies. However, nonlinearities in financial variables in developing economies have not been fully examined yet. In this article we investigate potential nonlinearity and cyclical behaviour of stock returns in Europe's two largest emerging stock markets, mainly in the Greek and Turkish stock markets. Specifically, we use STAR family models, which allow to model nonlinearities in the conditional mean, for modelling monthly returns on stock exchange indices of the Athens Stock Exchange and Istanbul Stock Exchange. Although we find no nonlinearity in conditional variance, we do find strong evidence in favour of nonlinear adjustment of stock returns. It is found that allowing for nonlinearity in conditional mean results in a superior model and provides good out-of-sample forecasts, which contradicts to efficient market hypothesisArticle Citation Count: OMAY, T., (2008). Enflasyon ve büyüme belirsizliklerinin enflasyon ve büyüme ile olan ilişkileri: Türkiye örneği. Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Journal of Arts and Sciences, Sayı:10Enflasyon ve büyüme belirsizliklerinin enflasyon ve büyüme ile olan ilişkileri: Türkiye örneği(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2008) Omay, Tolga; 19320Çalışmada iki değişkenli Genelleştirilmiş Otoregresif Koşullu Değişen Varyans modeli yardımıyla büyüme, enflasyon oranı ve belirsizliklerinin arasındaki Granger nedensellik ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Türkiye ekonomisine uygulanan çalışma, 1986:6-2007:1 dönemini kapsamakta ve bu dönem 3 farklı alt döneme (1986:6-1994:3/1994:5-2001:1/2003:3-2007:1) ayrılarak analiz genişletilmektedir. Tam dönem ve alt dönemler itibari ile elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda, merkez bankasının fiyat istikrarını korumasına yönelik politika duruşunun optimal olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.Article Citation Count: ALtıntaş, Kadir Murat, "Belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planlarında finansal eğitimin önemi: Katılımcıların finansal okur yazarlığı çerçevesinde alternatif bir yatırım modeli", Zonguldak Karaelmas Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Vol. 5, No. 9, pp. 151-176, (2009).Belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planlarında finansal eğitimin önemi: Katılımcıların finansal okur yazarlığı çerçevesinde alternatif bir yatırım modeli(2009) Altıntaş, Kadir Murat; 17561Belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planında katılımcıların finansal okur yazarlığının artırılması veya katılımcılarda asgari finansal yatırım kültürünün oluşturulması, toplumun sosyo ekonomik gelişimi için stratejik öneme sahip bir süreçtir. Çünkü, gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan pek çok ülkede yapılan akademik ve sosyal araştırmaların büyük çoğunluğu, belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planı katılımcılarının yeterli finansal okur yazarlığının bulunmadığına işaret etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planlarında, katılımcılar açısından yatırım eğitiminin gerekliliğini (bireylerin finansal bilgi birikimi ve donanımı çerçevesinde) ortaya çıkarmak, diğer bir ifadeyle belirlenmiş katkı esaslı emeklilik planlarının muhtemel katılımcılarının finansal okur yazarlığının ölçülmesi ve temel yatırım eğitimine ilişkin alternatif çözüm uygulamaları geliştirmektir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen verilerin analizinden, yatırım eğitimi programının deneklerin finansal bilgi birikimi ve donanımlarını dikkat çekici ölçüde artırdığı gözlenmiş ve bu durum yapılan istatistiksel analiz yardımıyla da doğrulanmıştır.Article Citation Count: Araz-Takay, B., Arın, K.P., Omay, T. (2009). The endogenous and non-linear relationship between terrorism and economic performance: Turkish evidence. Defence And Peace Economics, 20(1), 1-10. endogenous and non-linear relationship between terrorism and economic performance: Turkish evidence(Taylor&Francis INC, 2009) Arın, K. Peren; Omay, Tolga; Araz, Bahar; 177438This paper investigates the macroeconomic effects of terror by using a novel data set from Turkey for the period of 1987:1 to 2004:4. This research contributes to the literature by controlling for the possible non-linear and endogenous relationship between political conflict and economic activity. Empirical evidence from both linear and non-linear models confirms that terrorism has a large significant negative impact on economic activity. Finally, the results from the non-linear model show that the impact of terrorism on the aggregate economy is more severe during expansionary periods, and that the impact of economic activity on terrorism is significant only in recessionary periodsArticle Citation Count: Uçar, N., Omay, T. (2009). Testing for unit root in nonlinear heterogeneous panels. Economics Letters, 104(1), 5-8. for unit root in nonlinear heterogeneous panels(Elsevier Science S A, 2009) Uçar, Nuri; Omay, Tolga; 189073We develop unit root tests for nonlinear heterogeneous panels where the alternative hypothesis is an exponential smooth transition (ESTAR) model, and provide their small sample properties. We apply our tests for investigating the income convergence hypothesis in the OECD sampleArticle Citation Count: OMAY, T., (2010). Türkiye için reaksiyon fonksiyonunun doğrusal olmayan modelle tahmin edilmesi. Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7/2 (Kasım 2010), ss.467–490. ISSN 1309-6761Türkiye için reaksiyon fonksiyonunun doğrusal olmayan modelle tahmin edilmesi(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2010) Omay, Tolga; Hasanov, Mübariz; 19320In this paper we have estimated the monetary reaction function of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. The originality of the paper is that we have used smooth transition functions (STR) that allow for proper modelling of nonlinearities and asymmetries in the relationship between variables under consideration. The estimated models suggest that the backward-looking instead of foreward-looking models best characterize the Central Bank’s reaction function, that is, the Central Bank reacted to past inflation rates rather than to future rates. This finding is in conformity with earlier research. We have found that the main purpose of expansionary policy of the Central Bank is to stabilize output whereas contractionary policies aimed only at reducing the inflation rate. The fact that the Central Bank has disregarded inflation in conducting expansionary policy and focused only on output stabilisation may explain why the Central Bank was not successful in fighting inflation. Besides, neither in expansionary policy regime nor in contractionary policy regime, real exchange rate is not targeted by the Central Bank. Moreover, budget deficit is targeted only in the contractionary policy regimeArticle Citation Count: Omay, T. Kan, E.Ö. (2010). Re-examining the threshold effects in the inflation-growth nexus with cross-sectionally dependent non-linear panel: Evidence from six industrialized economies. Economic Modelling, 27(5), 996-1005. the threshold effects in the inflation-growth nexus with cross-sectionally dependent non-linear panel: Evidence from six industrialized economies(Elsevier Science Bv, 2010) Omay, Tolga; Kan, Elif ÖznurThis paper analyzes the empirical relationship between inflation and output growth using a novel panel data estimation technique, Panel Smooth Transition Regression (PSTR) model, which takes account of the non-linearities in the data. By using a panel data set for 6 industrialized countries that enable us to control for unobserved heterogeneity at both country and time levels, we find that there exists a statistically significant negative relationship between inflation and growth for the inflation rates above the critical threshold level of 2.52%, which is endogenously determined. Furthermore, we also control cross-section dependency by using the CD test modified to non-linear context and remedy cross-section dependency with Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations through Generalized Least Squares (SURE-GLS) and newly proposed Common Correlated Effects (CCE) estimation techniques. We find that these methods change the critical threshold value slightly. The estimated threshold values from these estimation methods are 3.18% and 2.42%, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reservedArticle Citation Count: Nigmatullin, R.R., Omay, T., Baleanu, D. (2009). On fractional filtering versus conventional filtering in economics. Communications In Nonlinear Science And Numerical Simulation, 15(4), 979-986. fractional filtering versus conventional filtering in economics(Elsevier Science, 2010) Nigmatullin, Raoul R.; Omay, Tolga; Baleanu, DumitruIn this study, we compare the Hodrick-Prescott Filter technique with the Fractional filtering technique that has recently started to be used in various applied sciences like physics, engineering, and biology. We apply these filtering techniques to quarterly GDP data from Turkey for the period 1988:1-2003:2. The filtered series are analyzed using Minimum Square Error (MSE) and real life evidence. In the second part of the study, we use simulated data to analyze the statistical properties of the aforementioned filtering techniquesArticle Citation Count: Ucar, Nuri; Guler, Huseyin, "Testing stochastic income convergence in seasonal heterogeneous panels", Economic Modelling, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 422-431, (2010).Testing Stochastic Income Convergence In Seasonal Heterogeneous Panels(Elsevier, 2010) Uçar, Nuri; Güler, Hüseyin; 189073In this paper we introduce a seasonal version of the Solow-Swan growth model and acquire an empirical income convergence equation. We take this equation as a basis to investigate whether income convergence exists in an OECD sample. To do this, we propose the test statistics under various asymptotic properties for some of the seasonal frequencies in the context of nonstationary heterogeneous panels. Critical values and moments of our statistics are generated and their finite sample performances are examined via Monte Carlo simulations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: Omay, T., Hasanov, M. (2008). The effects of inflation uncertainty on interest rates: a nonlinear approach. Applied Economics, 42(23), 2941-2955. effects of inflation uncertainty on interest rates: a nonlinear approach(Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, 2010) Omay, Tolga; Hasanov, MübarizIn this article, we investigate the effects of inflation variability on short-term interest rates within a nonlinear smooth transition regression framework. The test results suggest that only the conditional mean of the inflation is a nonlinear process whereas the conditional variance is time variant but linear. Using the square root of conditional variance as a proxy for inflation risk, we estimate Fisher equation augmented with inflation risk. Although the estimated Fisher equations suggest that inflation risk reduces short-term interest rates, we find that the effects of inflation risk on interest rates are regime-dependent. Particularly, we find that the negative effects of inflation variability on nominal rates are greater in low-inflationary regimes when compared to high-inflationary regimes. On the other hand, it is found that both inflation and inflation uncertainty raise the expected inflation effectArticle Citation Count: Omay, T., Hasanov, M. (2011). The relationship between inflation, output growth, and their uncertainties: evidence from selected CEE countries. Emerging Markets Finance And Trade, 47(3), 5-20. relationship between inflation, output growth, and their uncertainties: evidence from selected CEE countries(M E Sharpe Inc, 2011) Hasanov, Mübariz; Omay, TolgaIn this paper, we examine causal relationships between inflation rate, output growth rate, inflation uncertainty, and output uncertainty for ten Central and Eastern European transition countries. For this purpose, we estimate a bivariate GARCH model that includes output growth and inflation rates for each country. Then we use conditional standard deviations of inflation and output to proxy nominal and real uncertainty, respectively, and perform Granger causality tests. Our results suggest that inflation rate induces uncertainty about both inflation rate and output growth rate, which is detrimental to real economic activity. At the same time, we find that output growth rate reduces macroeconomic uncertainty in some countries. In addition, we also examine and discuss causal relationships between the remaining variablesArticle Citation Count: Altıntaş, K.M. (2011). The dynamics of financial literacy within the framework of personal finance: An analysis among Turkish University Students. African Journal of Business Management, 5(26), 10483-40191. 10.5897/AJBM11.401The dynamics of financial literacy within the framework of personal finance: An analysis among Turkish University Students(Academic Journals, 2011) Altıntaş, Kadir Murat; 17561Poor financial choices could have a number of negative consequences for young people. Financially illiterate graduates might be subject to various financial or judicial enforcements, such as bankruptcy, mortgage crises or financial frauds. In order to protect young adults from the costly consequences of financial illiteracy, the evaluation of financial literacy must be analyzed for transforming them into financially knowledgeable individuals by the help of financial education. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the special characteristics that influence the financial literacy of university students, as well as to evaluate their financial literacy level. Results show that university students do not have adequate knowledge on personal finance and financial management, in other words they need to enhance their financial literacy in order to protect their financial security at the medium and long run. In addition, the most important factors that affect the overall personal financial literacy of university students within the framework of the survey are class rank, age, family's income level, and students' discussion potential with their parents about financial mattersArticle Citation Count: Kılıç, İlker. (2012). "Kanun hükmünde kararnameler ve kapitalizmin ruhu", İktisat Dergisi, No.520, pp.16-18.Kanun hükmünde kararnameler ve kapitalizmin ruhu(2012) Kılıç, İlker; 43431Conference Object Citation Count: Özçetin, M.; Maraş, Hadi Hakan. "CBS Tabanlı Suç Analizi Yöntemleri", Türkiye Ulusal Fotogrametri ve Uzaktan Algılama Birliği VII. Teknik Sempozyumu (TUFUAB’2013), 23-25 Mayıs 2013, KTÜ, Trabzon, 2013.CBS Tabanlı Suç Analizi Yöntemleri(2013) Özçetin, M.; Maraş, Hadi Hakan; 34410Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) günlük hayatımızda önemi sürekli olarak artan uygulamalara sahiptir. CBS’nin popüler ve kritik uygulama alanlarından biri de mekânsal suç analizidir. Günümüzde suç oranları artış göstermekte ve bu yüzden suç eğilimlerini analiz etmek ve suçu önleyici tedbirler almak büyük önem arz etmektedir. Suçlar çoğu zaman mekânsal ve zamansal modeller göstermektedir. Örneğin, bazı suç türleri bazı lokasyonlarda nispeten yüksek oranlarda işlenebilmektedir. Bazıları ise gün içinde belli saat aralıklarında yüksek oranlarda olabilmektedir. Klasik suç analiz yöntemlerine coğrafi destek eklemek, tablosal veya istatistiksel metotların sunamayacağı son derece önemli ve müstesna faydalar sağlayabilir. Örneğin, belli bir suç türünün mekânsal dağılımını görmek veya farklı suç türlerinin lokasyonlarını harita üzerinde karşılaştırmak, karar verme pozisyonundaki yöneticilere kritik ve önemli ipuçları verebilir. Bu yüzden, suç analiz yöntemlerine mekânsal boyut katmak emniyet birimlerindeki çalışmalara önemli bir destek sağlamaktadırArticle Citation Count: Yaşar Başkaraağaç, Nermin (2014). "The Stochastic Futures of the Natural Gas Prices: Russian Federation in Caspian Region", Vol.1, No.2, pp.8-16.The Stochastic Futures of the Natural Gas Prices: Russian Federation in Caspian Region(2014) Yaşar Başkaraağaç, Nermin; 230528This study examines the convergence hypothesis of natural gas price series of Russian Federation and USA using both linear and nonlinear time series techniques Russian Federation and USA during the period of 1991-2011. Although the linear Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF), Philips Perron (PP), test provide evidence of the existence of a unit root, which means that the series are nonstationary, KPSS test result support the null hypothesis of existence of the stationary series. A nonlinear test as an alternative approach to investigate whether there are nonlinearities in the series is also taken into consideration. KSS, the nonlinear testing procedure provide some supportive evidence of a nonlinear price convergence among the Russian Federation and USA.Article Citation Count: Parıltı, N.; Külter Demirgüneş, B.; Özsaçmacı, B. (2014). "Ethical İssues İn Marketing: An Application For Understanding Ethical Decision Making", Vol.38, No.2, pp.245-298.Ethical İssues İn Marketing: An Application For Understanding Ethical Decision Making(2014) Parıltı, Nurettin; Külter Demirgüneş, Banu; Özsaçmacı, Bülent; 19729In recent years business ethics and social responsibility have gained great importance in marketing practices, especially in societal marketing practices. Businesses infinitely struggle to indicate their contributions to society. Consumers consciously evaluate this contribution. Manipulated consumer choices and unethical marketing applications can affect purchasing behavior. Particularly intense competition, globalization and societal consciousness transform businesses into social organizations and lead them into marketing efforts offering social value. Although business ethics and social responsibility of businesses have gained more attention in recent years, defining consumers’ perceptions on ethical issues is still minimal. This study presents an empirical research of consumer perceptions on ethical issues. Reflection of this perception on purchasing behavior is also another important issue to be considered. The aim of this study is to investigate the factors related with ethical issues in marketing practices and to reveal possible influences of these factors on consumers’ ethical decision making. The main objective of the study is to find out consumers’ perceptions on businesses’ ethical issues such as misleading advertising, deceptive packaging and to reveal the impact of these issues on their ethical purchasing behavior or ethical decision making. It also reveals which criteria is more important for ethical decision making. This study reveals that consumers reflect their ethical perceptions on their purchasing behavior. Each ethical issue has been found to be a positive effect on purchasing behavior. Businesses’ practices on packaging has been indicated as the most effective ethical issue on purchasing behavior. The study is considered to be a significant outcome for businesses to direct their advertising, packaging and other activities.Article Citation Count: Akagün Ergin, Elif; Özsaömacı, Bülent. (2014). "Insights into Consumer Preference of Foreign Brand Names: Reality or Myth?", International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol.6, No.4, pp.157-164.Insights into Consumer Preference of Foreign Brand Names: Reality or Myth?(2014) Akagün Ergin, Elif; Özsaçmacı, Bülent; 120408; 19729This study builds from LeClerc et al.’s (1989, 1994) work on foreign branding effects, but it does so in the context of a developing East European country; as in the case of Turkey. The purpose of this exploratory research is to examine consumers’ attitudes towards products with foreign brand names and also to assess the impact of foreign brand names on the purchasing decision making. In the data collection phase of the study an in-depth interviews were conducted with 23 participants in the city of Ankara, Turkey. The results show that products with foreign brand names elicit more positive consumer attitude than products with national brands. Overall, the findings suggest that consumers prefer to purchase products with foreign brand names for a variety of reasons which including quality, reliability, functionality and prestige. The results have important implications for domestic and foreign manufacturers with regards to the consumer-side effects of their decisions on branding strategies and on their competitive foreign branding decisions.Conference Object Citation Count: Demirgüneş, Banu Külter; Özsaçmacı, Bülent (2016). "EXPLORING THE EFFECT OF CONSUMERS' FOOD-RELATED DECISION MAKING STYLES ON NATIONAL BRAND VS. STORE BRAND CHOICE", PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, 4th IISES Business and Management Conference, pp. 108-137.EXPLORING THE EFFECT OF CONSUMERS' FOOD-RELATED DECISION MAKING STYLES ON NATIONAL BRAND VS. STORE BRAND CHOICE(2016) Demirgüneş, Banu Külter; Özsaçmacı, Bülent; 19729It is important for marketers to understand the individuals' buying decisions in a competitive environment. The concept of decision making style is one of the key determinants of consumers' behavioral patterns. This study aims to explore the effects of consumers' decision making styles on buying national and store branded food products. To examine consumer decision making styles, Sproles and Kendall's (1986) The Consumer Style Inventory (CSI) is adopted in the study. The framework of this study is based on eight consumer decision making style, expected to shape consumers' national and store brand choice on food products. The empirical analysis is based on data obtained from consumers living in Kirsehir, a city in Turkey. Questionnaires was handed over to 500 customer of retail stores both selling national and their own brands. Firstly, exploratory factor analysis is used to confirm the model, then multiple regression analysis is used to test the hypothesis and to compare consumer's national and store brand choice, in the context of their decision making styles. The study is expected to help retailers develop suitable strategies for national and store branded food products. In fact it is important to develop a certain and an accurate understanding of consumers' decision making styles for successful marketing and advertising strategies. Besides, different marketing strategies for both national and store branded food products can be tailored to the characteristics of consumers.