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Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gecim, H. S. (2022). "Accurate method to calculate noise figure in a low noise amplifier: Quantum theory analysis", Microelectronics Journal, Vol.128.Accurate method to calculate noise figure in a low noise amplifier: Quantum theory analysis(2022) Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gecim, H. Selcuk; 182579In this study, a low-noise amplifier is quantum-mechanically analyzed to study the behavior of the noise figure. The analysis view has been changed from classic to quantum, because using quantum theory produces some degrees of freedom, which may be ignored when a circuit is analyzed using classical theory. For this purpose, the Lagrangian is initially derived by considering the related nonlinearity of the transistor, and then using the Legendre transformation and canonical quantization procedure, the quantum Hamiltonian is derived. As an interesting point of this study, the low-noise amplifier is deliberately considered as two oscillators connecting to each other to share the photonic modes between them; accordingly, the voltage and current as measurable observations and the noise figure as a critical quantity in a low-noise amplifier are theoretically expressed in terms of the oscillator's mean photon number. The main goal of this work is to study quantities such as the noise figure in a sufficient detail using quantum theory. In addition, as an advantage of this theory, one can control and manipulate the noise figure only by manipulation of the oscillator's mean photon number and coupling it between two oscillators. Finally, the circuit is classically designed and simulated to verify the derived results using quantum theory. The comparison results show that there is a partial consistency between the two approaches; as the frequency increases, the noise figure becomes minimized at a particular frequency.Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gökçen, Dinçer (2020). "Analysis of Quantum Radar Cross-Section by Canonical Quantization Method (Full Quantum Theory)", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 205487-205494.Analysis of Quantum Radar Cross-Section by Canonical Quantization Method (Full Quantum Theory)(2020) Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gökçen, DinçerThis article investigates the difference between two quantum-based theories to calculate the radar cross-section (RCS). Quantum radar cross-section (QRCS) has been commonly analyzed using the dipole approximation method, and the related results show that it can improve the sidelobe of the interference pattern in contrast to the classical methods. This study, on the other hand, utilizes the canonical quantization (or microscopic) method, which is a more comprehensive theory than the dipole approximation method to calculate the radar cross-section. It is shown that there are some similarities between two methods; nonetheless, there are some crucial quantities and factors that have been ignored in the dipole approximation methods. The main difference arises due to the interaction Hamiltonian that two methods relied on. The theoretical calculation shows some critical points suggesting that the dipole approximation method cannot cover all aspects of the radar cross-section calculation. To verify the mentioned point, we establish a new method in which the radar cross-section is calculated by merging the quantum approach with the method of moment (MoM), called quantum-method of moment (QMoM). The simulation results show that the newly established method is in harmony with the canonical quantization method.Article Citation Count: Salmanoğli, A., Geçim, H.S. (2018). Array of nanoparticles coupling with quantum-dot: Lattice plasmon quantum features. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems&Nanostructures, 100, 54-62. of nanoparticles coupling with quantum-dot: Lattice plasmon quantum features(Elsevier Science BV, 2018) Salmanogli, Ahmad; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 182579In this study, we analyze the interaction of lattice plasmon with quantum-dot in order to mainly examine the quantum features of the lattice plasmon containing the photonic/plasmonic properties. Despite optical properties of the localized plasmon, the lattice plasmon severely depends on the array geometry, which may influence its quantum features such as uncertainty and the second-order correlation function. To investigate this interaction, we consider a closed system containing an array of the plasmonic nanoparticles and quantum-dot. We analyze this system with full quantum theory by which the array electric far field is quantized and the strength coupling of the quantum-dot array is analytically calculated. Moreover, the system's dynamics are evaluated and studied via the Heisenberg-Langevin equations to attain the system optical modes. We also analytically examine the Purcell factor, which shows the effect of the lattice plasmon on the quantum-dot spontaneous emission. Finally, the lattice plasmon uncertainty and its time evolution of the second-order correlation function at different spatial points are examined. These parameters are dramatically affected by the retarded field effect of the array nanoparticles. We found a severe quantum fluctuation at points where the lattice plasmon occurs, suggesting that the lattice plasmon photons are correlated.Conference Object Citation Count: Meral, al. "Biomedical Device for Early Breast Cancer Detection: Device Performance Improving By Plasmonic-Photonic Mask",Bioimaging 2019 - 6th International Conference On Bioimaging, Proceedings, pp. 161-166, (2019).Biomedical Device for Early Breast Cancer Detection: Device Performance Improving By Plasmonic-Photonic Mask(SciTePress, 2010) Meral, Sanem; Yalçınkaya, Ezel; Eroğlu, Metin; Salmanogli, Ahmad; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 280089In this article, a new device to detect breast cancer at an early stage, is presented. The main advantages of the device are its easy operational procedure, portability, high accuracy due to usage of plasmonic-photonic mask and the low cost. In fact, the novelty of the device presented is to apply the new mask called plasmonic-photonic mask for precise analysis of the captured images. In the early stage of the work, a phantom model is employed and the operation of the system is realized. It is shown that the image processing toolbox is safely matched with the device. It should be noted that for the in-vivo imaging, the device should be completed and equipped with a high accuracy charge coupled device (CCD) and laser. © 2019 by SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reservedArticle Citation Count: Salamogli, A. (2023). "Enhancing quantum correlation at zero-IF band by confining the thermally excited photons: InP hemt circuitry effect", Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol.55, No.8.Enhancing quantum correlation at zero-IF band by confining the thermally excited photons: InP hemt circuitry effect(2023) Salmanogli, AhmadThe microwave quantum correlation as a crucial issue in quantum technology is analyzed and studied. An open quantum system operating at 4.2 K is designed in which InP HEMT as the nonlinear component couples two external oscillators. The quantum theory is applied to analyze the system completely. The Lindblad Master equation is used to analyze the time evolution of the expanded closed system that covers the environmental effects. In the following, the state of the system defined is determined in terms of the ensemble average state using the density matrix; then, the ensemble average of the different operators is calculated. Accordingly, the covariance matrix of the quantum system is derived, and the quantum discord as a key quantity to determine the quantum correlation is calculated. As an interesting point, the results show that InP HEMT mixes two coupling oscillator modes so that the quantum correlation is created at different frequency productions, especially the zero-IF band. Nonetheless, the main point is that one can strongly manipulate the quantum correlation in the zero-IF using circuitry engineering. It is established by increasing the operational frequencies in the quantum system leading to dramatically limiting the thermal noise since the zero-IF band remains unchanged.Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, Ahmad. (2022). "Entangled microwave photons generation using cryogenic low noise amplifier (transistor nonlinearity effects)", Quantum Science and Technology, Vol.7, No.4.Entangled microwave photons generation using cryogenic low noise amplifier (transistor nonlinearity effects)(2022) Salmanogli, AhmadThis article mainly focuses on important quantum phenomenon called entanglement arising the nonlinearity property. This study uses a unique approach in which transistor nonlinearity effect (third-order nonlinearity) entangled microwave photons are created in a cryogenic low-noise amplifier (LNA). For entanglement analysis, the Hamiltonian of the designed cryogenic LNA (containing two coupled oscillators) is derived, and then, using the dynamic equation of motion, the oscillator's number of photons and the phase-sensitive cross-correlation factor are calculated in the Fourier domain to calculate the entanglement metric. The oscillators are coupled to each other through the gate-drain capacitor, and nonlinear transconductance is as an important factor strongly manipulating the entanglement. As a main conclusion, the study shows that the designed circuit using transistor third-order nonlinearity has the ability to generate the entangled microwave photons at very low intrinsic transconductance and more importantly when the noise figure (NF) is strongly minimized. As a complementary task, the printed circuit board of the cryogenic LNA is designed and simulated to verify the ability of the circuit to achieve an ultralow NF, by which the probability of the generation of entangled microwave photons is increased.Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, Ahmad. (2023). "Entangled state engineering in the 4-coupled qubits system", Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, Vol.479.Entangled state engineering in the 4-coupled qubits system(2023) Salmanogli, AhmadThis article studies the behavior of the avoided level crossing in the 4-coupled qubit to each other and mainly focuses on how to engineer it. This phenomenon occurs due to the two transitions out of the ground state in a two-coupled qubit, contributing to the entangled states. This essential and unique behavior can be engineered in a quantum circuit. For this reason, a quantum circuit containing 4 qubits is designed, and its quantum Hamiltonian and dynamic equation of the motion are theoretically derived. Analysis of the entanglement between each coupled qubit using the entanglement metric reveals that the strength of the qubit-qubit coupling factor and the qubit's non-linearity play an essential role in engineering the photonic mode entanglement. The results show that the avoided level crossing appears in the photonic mode entanglement. In other words, two or more transitions from the ground state to the multiple excited states for each bias current. However, the interesting point is that the avoided level crossing just occurs for the qubits connected capacitively to the driven field (the first qubit in this work), not for all.Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gokcen, Dincer; Gecim, H. Selcuk, "Entanglement of Optical and Microcavity Modes by Means of an Optoelectronic System", Physical Review Applied, Vol. 11, No. 2, (2019).Entanglement of Optical and Microcavity Modes by Means of an Optoelectronic System(Amer Physical Soc, 2019) Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gökçen, Dinçer; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 280089Entanglement between optical and microwave cavity modes is a critical issue in illumination systems. Optomechanical systems are utilized to introduce coupling between the optical and microwave cavity modes. However, due to some restrictions of the optomechanical system, especially sensitivity to the thermal photon noise at room temperature, an alternative optoelectronic system is designed to address the problem. We study a method by which it may be possible to remove the mechanical part of the previous systems to minimize the thermally generated photons. Unlike optomechanical systems, in our system, the optical mode is directly coupled to the microwave cavity mode through the optoelectronic elements without employing any mechanical parts. The utilized approach leads to generating the entangled modes at room temperature. For this purpose, the dynamics of the motion of the optoelectronic system is theoretically derived using the Heisenberg-Langevin equations from which one can calculate the coupling between optical and microwave cavity modes. The direct coupling between the optical and microwave cavity modes is the most important feature and is achieved through the combination of the photodetector and a Varactor diode. Hence, by controlling the photodetector current, that is, the photocurrent, depending on the optical cavity incident wave and the Varactor diode-biased voltage, the coupling between the optical and microwave cavity modes is established. The voltage across the Varactor diode also depends on the generated photocurrent. Consequently, our results show that the coupled modes are entangled at room temperature without the requirement for any mechanical parts.Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gökçen, Dinçer (2021). "Entanglement Sustainability Improvement Using Optoelectronic Converter in Quantum Radar (Interferometric Object-Sensing)", IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 9054-9062.Entanglement Sustainability Improvement Using Optoelectronic Converter in Quantum Radar (Interferometric Object-Sensing)(2021) Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gökçen, DinçerIn this study, the main focus is laid on the design of an optoelectronic converter as a part of the quantum radar to enhance the entanglement between retained and returned modes at high temperatures. The electro-opto-mechanical converter has been widely studied, and the results showed that the operation at high temperature is so crucial to generate and preserve the entanglement between modes. The main problem arises because the mechanical part operating at a low frequency leads to a large number of thermally excited photons, and eventually, the entanglement between modes becomes lost. To solve the problem, we replace the mechanical part with the optoelectronic components. The optical cavity is coupled to the microwave cavity in the newly designed system through a Varactor diode excited by a photodetector. As the main goal, to improve the entanglement sustainability, the effect of the coupling factor of the microwave cavity to photodetector is investigated. The results show that the mentioned factor creates some degrees of freedom to enhance the entanglement at high temperatures compared to the electro-opto-mechanical converter. At some specific values of the coupling factor, the retained and returned fields remained completely entangled up to 5.5 K and partially entangled around 50 K.Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, Ahmad, "Modification of a plasmonic nanoparticle lifetime by coupled quantum dots", Physical Review A, Vol. 100, No. 1, (2019).Modification of a plasmonic nanoparticle lifetime by coupled quantum dots(Amer Physical Soc, 2019) Salmanogli, Ahmad; 280089In this study, the interaction between a plasmonic nanoparticle and coupled quantum dots is investigated to identify how the coupled particles can manipulate the plasmonic nanoparticle decay rate. This subject is very important, because most applications of the plasmonic system are restricted due to the nanoparticle decay rate and the related losses. Therefore, in the present work, we try to find out how and by which method the plasmonic nanoparticle decay rate can be manipulated. For this purpose, a plasmonic system containing a nanoparticle coupled to some small quantum dots is designed. The system dynamics of motions are analyzed with Heisenberg-Langevin equations. These equations are analyzed to study the effect of the plasmonic nanoparticles on the quantum dots' decay rate. In the following, as an interesting point, the quantum dot coupling influence on the nanoparticle's decay rate is theoretically analyzed in the transient and steady-state conditions. Additionally, a theoretical formula is derived by which one can explicitly find the dependency of the modified decay rate of the plasmonic nanoparticle on the number of the coupled quantum dots and the coupling strength. The simulation results show that it is possible to effectively control the nanoparticles' decay rate with regard to the application for which they are utilized.Article Citation Count: Kurt, Hasan al (2021). "Photodetector Engineering with Plasmonic Properties", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), Vol. 15, No. 2.Photodetector Engineering with Plasmonic Properties(2021) Kurt, Hasan Furkan; Atabey, Tuğba Nur; Dereli, Onat Cavit; Salmanogli, Ahmad; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 182579In the article, the main goal is to study the effect of the plasmonic properties on the photocurrent generated by a photodetector. Fundamentally, a typical photodetector is designed and simulated using the finite element methods. To utilize the plasmonic effect, gold nanoparticles with different shape, size and morphology are buried into the intrinsic region. Plasmonic effect is arisen through the interaction of the incoming light with nanoparticles by which electrical properties of the photodetector are manipulated. In fact, using plasmonic nanoparticles not only increases the absorption bandwidth of the incoming light, but also generates a high intensity near-field close to the plasmonic nanoparticles. Those properties strongly affect the generated photocurrent. The simulation results show that using plasmonic nanoparticles significantly enhances the electrical properties of the photodetectors. More importantly, one can easily manipulate the plasmonic properties of the gold nanoparticles through engineering the nanoparticles' size, shape and morphology. Another important phenomenon is plasmon-plasmon interaction inside the photodetector. It is shown that plasmon-plasmon interaction improves the electron-hole generation rate by which the rate of the current generation is severely enhanced. This is the key factor that we want to focus on, to improve the photodetector electrical properties.Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, Ahmad; Gecim, H. Selcuk; Piskin, Erhan, "Plasmonic System as a Compound Eye: Image Point-Spread Function Enhancing by Entanglement", Ieee Sensors Journal, Vol. 18, No.14, pp. 5723-5731, (2018)Plasmonic System as a Compound Eye: Image Point-Spread Function Enhancing by Entanglement(IEEE-INST Electrical Electronics Engineers INC, 2018) Salmanogli, Ahmad; Geçim, H. Selçuk; Pişkin, Erhan; 280089In this paper, we introduce a plasmonic system that can operate as a compound eye. Based on the advantages mentioned in some previous works for the compound eye, we designed a plasmonic system that contains faraway plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs) that act independently like an ommatidium in the compound eye. This plasmonic system performance is analyzed with full quantum theory by which it is theoretically proved that with the interaction of light with NPs, the scattering light, and generated phonon can be entangled due to the NPs Ohmic loss. Consequently, the quantum states of the system before, after, and during the absorption and scattering of the incident photon, were quantum mechanically subjected. By the introduced theoretical formula and modeling results, it is shown that the plasmonic system can operate similar to the compound eye, if the critical parameters, such as system's focus point, NPs scattering angle, and inter-distance between NPs are suitably designed. More importantly, due to the entanglement between the scattering light and the generated phonon, it is theoretically proved that the point-spread function is improved when the traditional lens in the compound eye is replaced by the plasmonic NPs leading to an enhanced image resolution. Finally, a simple conceptual design of the plasmonic system is presented and then a few contributed modeling results are introduced.Article Citation Count: Hatem, S.; Salmanogli, A.; Geçim, H.S. (2023). "Quantum dot transition rate modifying by coupling to lattice plasmon", Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol.55, No.9.Quantum dot transition rate modifying by coupling to lattice plasmon(2023) Hatem, Sude; Salmanogli, Ahmad; Geçim, H.Selçuk; 182579In this study, a plasmonic system coupled to a quantum dot is defined to generate the entanglement between two non-simultaneous emitted output modes. The quantum dot with three energy levels creates two different transition rates by which non-simultaneous photons are emitted. Thus, it seems that the entanglement between two emitted modes is forbidden. However, the simulation results show the entanglement between the output modes. It is because the original transition rates of the quantum dot are modified due to the lattice plasmon coupling effect. It means that the effective transition rate affected by the lattice plasmon plays a key role. The lattice plasmon coupling to quantum dot at some locations leads to a simultaneous transition by which the entanglement between output modes is established. The entangled output modes refer to the entangled photons with a specific frequency (e.g., the emission frequency). This unique behavior is theoretically discussed and the results show that using the lattice plasmon can change the transition rates by which the two emitted modes become entangled.Article Citation Count: Salmnoğli, A., Geçim, H.S. (2018). Quantum eye: Lattice plasmon effect on quantum fluctuations and photon detection. Quantum eye: Lattice plasmon effect on quantum fluctuations and photon detection. Annals of Physics, 394, 162-178. eye: Lattice plasmon effect on quantum fluctuations and photon detection(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018) Salmanogli, Ahmad; Geçim, H. Selçuk; 182579In this work, arrays of plasmonic nanoparticles coupled to a detector are designed and considered as a quantum eye. In the designed system, the plasmonic nanoparticles have a role like an ommatidium in the artificial compound eye; however, the quantum eye ommatidium acts with different functionality. To better understand this system, we analyze it with the full quantum theory, quantize lattice plasmon generated by the array of plasmonic nanoparticles, and finally derive bosonic operators using Heisenberg-Langevin equations. Moreover, we theoretically derive the radiative and non-radiative losses introduced by this system and examine lattice plasmon effect on spontaneous emission of the quantum dot (Purcell factor). The main goal of this article is to investigate the quantum eye's quantum properties such as quantum fluctuations, which is modeled and analyzed by studying the second-order correlation function. This function exhibits a significant bunching as a function of lattice plasmon optical properties. We can easily manipulate and improve the lattice plasmon optical properties, which dramatically depend on the array geometry. Finally, we study the quantum eye photon detection by a quantum measuring approach and show that the lattice plasmon has a strong effect on quantum properties after the one-count process.Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, Ahmad "Raman mode non-classicality through entangled photon coupling to plasmonic modes", Journal of the Optical Society of Amerıca B-Optical Physics, Vol.35, No. 10, pp. 2467-2477, (2018)Raman Mode Non-Classicality Through Entangled Photon Coupling To Plasmonic Modes(Optıcal Soc Amer, 2018) Salmanogli, Ahmad; 182579In this article, non-classical properties of Raman modes are investigated. The original goal, actually, is to identify how and by which method we can induce non-classicality in Raman modes. We introduce a plasmonic system in which Raman dye molecules are buried between two shells of the plasmonic materials, similar to an onionlike core/shell nanoparticle. This system is excited by the entangled two-photon wave, followed by analysis of its dynamics of motion using the Heisenberg-Langevin equations by which the time evolution of the signalidler mode and Raman modes are derived. Interestingly, the entangled two-photon wave is coupled to the plasmonic modes, which are used to improve the non-classicality. It is shown that the exciting system with the entangled photons leads to inducing the non-classicality in Raman modes and entanglement between them. Moreover, it is seen that the plasmon-plasmon interaction in the gap region has a strong effect on the non-classicality of the input modes and also affects entangling of the Raman modes, which means that plasmonic modes generated by the core/shell nanoparticles manipulate the Raman modes' quantum properties. It is shown that the quantum properties in the designed system are dramatically influenced by the environmental temperature and the location of the Raman molecules in the gap region. The modeling results demonstrate that by changing the location of the Raman molecules, the non-classicality of the Raman modes and their entanglement are altered. Finally, as an important result, it is revealed that the Raman modes, such as the Stokes and anti-Stokes modes, show a revival behavior, which is a quantum phenomenon. (c) 2018 Optical Society of America.Article Citation Count: Sana, Farzin Asghari; Farhadnia, Farshad; Salmanogli, Ahmad. (2019). "Silicon-based core-shell nanoparticle's nanobiomedical characterisation", International Journal of Nanoparticles, Vol.11, No.4, pp.283-293.Silicon-based core-shell nanoparticle's nanobiomedical characterisation(2019) Sana, Farzin Asghari; Farhadnia, Farshad; Salmanogli, AhmadUsing functionalised nanoparticles in nanobiomedical applications cause to raise questions about unintentional effect of such powerful agents on the human body. In other words, the study of nanoparticle toxicity can be considered as a curtail key for the biological applications. In this study, the core/shell nanoparticles such as Si/Au and SiO2/Au were synthesised and functionalised with some biological elements. For satisfying some medical standards and biomedical critical test conditions, a few in-vitro assays as cytotoxicity and haemolysis should be done. For this reason, cytotoxicity and haemolytic effects of the functionalised nanoparticles such as Si/Au/biotin and SiO2/Au/biotin and their derivatives were evaluated on Hep-G2 cells and humane red blood samples. It is shown that cytotoxicity and haemolysis effects of the all synthesised nanoparticles are concentration-dependent. Also, the results are shown that most cytotoxicity and haemolytic effects are observed for Si/Au and SiO2/Au without biotin groups after 48 hours and 30 minutes, respectively.Article Citation Count: Salmanogli, A. (2023). "Squeezed state generation using cryogenic InP HEMT nonlinearity", Journal of Semiconductors, Vol.44, No.5.Squeezed state generation using cryogenic InP HEMT nonlinearity(2023) Salmanogli, AhmadThis study focuses on generating and manipulating squeezed states with two external oscillators coupled by an InP HEMT operating at cryogenic temperatures. First, the small-signal nonlinear model of the transistor at high frequency at 5 K is analyzed using quantum theory, and the related Lagrangian is theoretically derived. Subsequently, the total quantum Hamiltonian of the system is derived using Legendre transformation. The Hamiltonian of the system includes linear and nonlinear terms by which the effects on the time evolution of the states are studied. The main result shows that the squeezed state can be generated owing to the transistor’s nonlinearity; more importantly, it can be manipulated by some specific terms introduced in the nonlinear Hamiltonian. In fact, the nonlinearity of the transistors induces some effects, such as capacitance, inductance, and second-order transconductance, by which the properties of the external oscillators are changed. These changes may lead to squeezing or manipulating the parameters related to squeezing in the oscillators. In addition, it is theoretically derived that the circuit can generate two-mode squeezing. Finally, second-order correlation (photon counting statistics) is studied, and the results demonstrate that the designed circuit exhibits antibunching, where the quadrature operator shows squeezing behavior.