İç Mimarlık Bölümü Tezleri
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Item Citation Count: Shateh, Hadi Ali Suliman (2002). Development and use of traditional patterns for design in hot arid zones. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Development and use of traditional patterns for design in hot arid zones(2002) Shateh, Hadi Ali Suliman; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüIn spite of the hard conditions of the desert, the architectural pattern of its traditional buildings was designed on the basis of broad experience and knowledge in responding to such conditions. Through the compact connection of a group of design methods, it managed to act in a unit system of hundreds of buildings as a pattern similar to a single house. The overall construction is still a proof of the level of the thermal convenience that was achieved by the traditional pattern as a result of conducting a group of design methods in order to create the environmental convenience. Also in spite of being in an undeveloped area for hundreds of years, it contains architectural design ideas for environmental mitigations with a high scientific level, which emphasizes the uniqueness of traditional desert architecture in the hot arid regions. The case study of this thesis is the old Libyan city of Gadames that is located in the hot arid region of the desert. Depending on a special construction pattern, the environmental buildings of this city were adapted to be suitable for the climate and social conditions of the desert inhabitants. The residential buildings were multi-storey and interacted, which eased to a great extent to reduce the direct and indirect thermal effects by creating shadows in the roads and isolating the horizontal and vertical temperature using design methods that depend on the introversion of the building in order to create a balanced thermal mass. This design made it possible to protect the general and private spaces inside the complex mass from the outer climatic conditions, which increased the ability of thermal storage for buildings group and supported the physical characteristics of the different construction materials. From another point of view, the multi storey buildings and the unified ventilating system, using road spaces and -different house mopenings, eased to reduce the effect of the wide range of temperatures between day and night to a convenient average. The design location of the kitchen on the roof enabled the usage of this area mainly by women, which in turn greatly served the social requirements from the aspect of privacy. In addition, the strong social relationship among the desert -society members widely helped in creating compact masses, which are environmentally suitable for this climate. The distribution of spaces and the interior design of different elements, from the aspects of design and finishing, played a positive role in supporting the level of thermal convenience. The dependence on semi-closed interior courtyards provided suitable natural lighting for the inner spaces and created a ventilating system among these spaces and the road (Openings making use of the difference in pressure between the cold air inside and the hot air outside, and this reduced the thermal gain. The choice of colors and the method of finishing using low emissivity colors, with forms that express the local culture, had a significant effect in adding beauty to the functional elements and in creating an interior microclimate isolated from the climatic conditions outside the desert residential complex. Through the above mentioned description of the most important characteristics of the traditional construction pattern in the desert, this thesis studies the possibility of extracting the basic design ideas of the traditional pattern, and developing them by using the modern techniques by maintaining the traditional design characteristics in creating thermally convenient, socially accepted and approved, and economically suitable spaces. The design proposals in the thesis, which depend on design mitigation methods using traditional pattern and local construction materials, achieved several factors that are considered as the basics for creating the thermal convenience. In addition to the creation of shadows, ventilation, natural illumination, and a thermally balanced mass, the proposed design also suitably maintained the privacy aspect as well as it provided sufficient area to practice activities in each space. IVThe members' patterns and design methods that are dealed in this thesis as a design proposal for the complex houses, has good ability in environmental mitigation, it can be designed in different architectural models, and its material quality is vulnerable to continuous development. This is considered as a humble step towards developing the pattern of the local architectural identity and maintaining its special architectural style.Item Citation Count: Shateh, Hadi Ali Suliman (2002). Development and use of traditional patterns for design in hot arid zones. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Development and use of traditional patterns for design in hot arid zones(2002) Shateh, Hadi Ali Suliman; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüÖZET Çalışmamız, Libya'nın Gadames şehrindeki binaların çölün sert iklim şartlarına rağmen geniş bir deneyimle oluşturulan mimari şekli ile ilgili bilgilere dayanmaktadır. Bu tasarım, bir anonim tasarım metoduyla yüzlerce binayı tek bir binayla birleştiren bir bağlantıyı kurmayı başarmıştır. Çevresel uygunluğu yaratacak bir grup tasarım metodunu kullanarak sonuçlanan geleneksel mimari stilin günümüzde de ısıl seviyeye uygunluk göstermesi, yüzyıllardır değişmemiş olmasına rağmen çevresel yapının başarılı olduğunun ispatıdır. Ayrıca bu tasarım geleneksel çöl mimarisinin sıcak ve kurak bölgelerde bilimsel gerçeklerle uyumlu çevresel dindirme için mimarı tasannu da içermektedir. Bu tezde incelenen konu sıcak ve kurak bir bölgede bulunan. Eski Libya Gadames şehrindeki bina gruplarının durumudur. Buradaki binalar özel yapı şekline dayalı olarak çölde yaşayanların sosyal ve iklimi şartlarına uygun olacak şekilde adapte edilmiştir. Mesken binaları çok atlı ve birbirleriyle etkileşen binalar olup, bu binalar yollarda gölgeler yaratarak, direkt ve endirekt ısıl etkiyi büyük ölçüde azaltma yoluyla dengeli bir ısıl kütle oluşturmak üzere tasarlanmış olup binanın içe dönüklüğü ve dayalı bulunan tasarım metotlarının kullanılması ile dikey ve yatay sıcaklıkları izole etmektedirler. Bu tasarım, karmaşık kütlenin içerisinde bulunan genel ve özel hacimlerin, binalar grubunun ısıl muhafazası için yeteneğini artıran ve değişik yapı malzemelerinin fiziksel karakteristiklerini destekleyen bir korumayı mümkün kılmaktadır. Diğer bir acıdan ise, yol hacimleri ile farklı ev açıklıklarım kullanan, çok katlı binalar ve birleşik havalandırma sistemi, gündüz ile gece arasındaki sıcaklık farklarını uygun bir ortalamaya indirmek açısından yarar sağlamaktadır. vıMutfağın çatıya yerleştirilmesi ise bu alanın, büyük ölçüde ayrı kalmasını gerektiren sosyal ihtiyaçlara dolaylı olarak hizmet edecek şekilde esasen kadınlar tarafından kullanılmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Bunlara ilaveten, çöl toplumunun bireyleri arasındaki güçlü bağ çevreye uygun yerleşim birimleri oluşturmada büyük bir etken olmuştur. Tasarım ve estetik bakımından hacimlerin dağılımı ve çeşitli elemanların iç tasannu, ısıl uygunluğun seviyesini desteklemekte pozitif bir rol oynamaktadır. Yan kapalı iç avlulara bağımlılık, iç hacimlerin doğal şekilde aydınlatılmasını sağlamaktadır. İçerideki soğuk hava ile dışarıdaki sıcak hava arasındaki basınç farkından faydalanan ve bu alanlar ile yol açıklıkları arasında bir havalandırma sistemi yaratılmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu da ısıl kazancı azaltmaktadır. Yerel kültürü ifade eden renk seçimi ile düşük yayılımlı renkleri kullanan renklendirme metodunun çöl meskeni kompleksinin dışında bulunan iklim şartlarım yansıtmayan bir bizimde evin içindeki mikro iklim ile fonksiyonel elemanlarına güzellik katmadan büyük rolü olmaktadır. Bu tez çöldeki geleneksel yapı şeklinin karakteristiklerinden yukarıda açıklanan yöntemlerden yararlanarak geleneksel şekle en uygun tasarımının çıkartılması ve bunların ısıl olarak uygun, sosyal yönden kabul edilmiş ve onaylanmış ve ekonomik olarak da uygun hacimler yaratmada geleneksel tasarım ilkeleri oluşturarak modern teknikler kullanarak geliştirilmesi imkanını incelemektedir. Tezde yer alan öneriler geleneksel şekil ve yerel inşaat malzemelerini kullanarak dindirme metotlarına dayanmakta ısıl uygunluk yaratmak için gerekli olan çeşitli faktörleri elde edilmektedir. Önerilen tasarım, gölgelerin, havalandırmanın doğal aydınlatmanın ve aynı zamanda da ısıl olarak dengeli bir kütleye ilave olarak mahremiyet hususu ile ayrıca her bir hacimde faaliyetlerin yerine getirilmesi için de yeterli alam sağlamaktadır. Bu tezde değinilen yerel malzeme ve tasarım metotlarından yararlanılarak yapılan konut gruplarının tasarımına ilişkin öneriler çevresel faktörlere uygum göstermekte olup tasarlanan mimari modeller ve önerilen malzemeler de sürekli gelişmeye açıktır. Bu husus yerel mimari kimlik şeklinin geliştirilmesi ve özel mimari "sitilinin sürdürülmesi yönünde mütevazı bir adım sayılabilir.Item Citation Count: Sharif, Salem (2003). A Comparative socio-cultural and environmental study on traditional interior courtyard houses of Tripoli and Antakya / Tripoli ve Antakya kentlerindeki iç avlulu geleneksel evlerin arasında sosyo-kültürel ve çevresel faktörleri karşılaştırmalı araştırma. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.A Comparative socio-cultural and environmental study on traditional interior courtyard houses of Tripoli and Antakya(2003) Sharif, Salem; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık Bölümühis research focuses on traditional interior courtyard houses as one of the fundamental topologies of housing. It is an attempt to investigate the socio-cultural and environmental factors that are assumed to have an important role in shaping and configuring the interior courtyard house. The interior courtyard house has been investigated in detail within this socio-cultural framework starting from the theoretical literature and field studies. Consequently case-studies in both Tripoli (Libya) and Antakya (Turkey) are selected to examine the several concluded principles that have been driven from the theoretical reviews and applied in fieldwork. Comparing the results of both studies in interior courtyards in Tripoli and Antakya exposes differences in interior courtyard configurations due to socio-cultural context as well as environmental aspects. Interior courtyards are integral parts in creating house identity and core construction for spatial relations among other spaces of the dwelling units. While this study reveals several interesting results about effects of socio-cultural and environmental factors in the interior courtyards, it primarily discusses different methods for analyzing the interior courtyard from different perspectives. The literature review exposes several aspects concerning the interior courtyard configurations in the houses. While most researchers focus only on one specific functional or climatic topic, this thesis includes important elements from both socio- mcultural and environmental aspects; as one of the ultimate goals of this study is to produce individual identities through creative design principles for interior courtyard houses for the designers.Item Citation Count: Akcan, Sumruhan (2003). Cultural reflections in the Orthodox sacred space / Ortodoks kutsal mekanı üzerine kültürel yansımalar. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri EnstitüsüCultural reflections in the Orthodox sacred space(2003) Akcan, Sumruhan; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüThe definitions of self by human beings have been a matter of interpretation concerning space for a long time. Space can be defined as an appropriate media for a social group to explain itself and its distinctions from other groups disregarding the dominancy of the number of members. These social groups, while finding ways to express themselves, establish their religious architecture within their inner dynamics. While doing so, they use their established profile in all of their creations. In this sense, it can be said that when examining a social group, the focus should be on those spaces with a high symbolic value for expressing themselves as being different from the others. In general, the religious space has a high symbolic value, with quite a number of social hints within. This thesis is based on a comparative structure which evaluates and proves this reality while interpreting the inner dynamics of space creation, as visual and literal data enhances the theorethical basis. This study examines the factors affecting the formation of the religious interiors of the Eastern Orthodox minority groups in Anatolia. It aims to compare and evaluate the interpretation of interiors by three different social groups, examining their socio-cultural and architectural position. The thesis analyses the formation of their ecclesiastical IIIarchitecture and culture using the space in the outside and the inside, but with an emphasis on the space withinItem Citation Count: Sharif, Salem (2003). A Comparative socio-cultural and environmental study on traditional interior courtyard houses of Tripoli and Antakya / Tripoli ve Antakya kentlerindeki iç avlulu geleneksel evlerin arasında sosyo-kültürel ve çevresel faktörleri karşılaştırmalı araştırma. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.A Comparative socio-cultural and environmental study on traditional interior courtyard houses of Tripoli and Antakya(2003) Sharif, Salem; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüBu araştırma konutların temel değişmez özelliklerinden (topolojilerinden) biri olarak, geleneksel iç avlulu evler üzerinde durmaktadır. Bu çalışma, iç avlulu evlerin şekillendirilmesinde ve guruplaştınlmasmda sosyo-kültürel ve çevresel faktörleri araştırmanın önemli bir rolü olduğunu gösterme çabasıdır. İç avlulu evler sosyo kültürel çerçevede, kuramsal kaynaklar ile alan çalışmalarından başlayarak ayrıntıları ile incelenmiştir. Daha sonra da Libya Tripoli ile Türkiye Antakya'da örnek durum çalışmaları, kuramsal gözlemleri ve saha çalışmalarındaki uygulamalardan çıkan sonuç ilkeleri incelemek üzere seçilmişlerdir. Tripoli ile Antakya' daki iç avlularla ilgili bulguların karşılaştırılması sonucunda sosyo-kültürel ve çevresel koşulların şekillendirme ferkhhklarmın oluşmasında önemli rolleri olduğu gözlenmiştir. İç avluların, konutların diğer mekanları arasında ev kimliğini yaratmada ve çekirdek sağlamakta ayrılmaz bir bölüm oluşturdukları açıktır. Bu çalışma, sosyo-kültürel ve çevresel faktörlerin iç avlulardaki etkinüğini farklı bakış açıları ile ortaya koyarken beraberinde farklı analiz yöntemlerini de getirmektedir. Şimdiye kadar yapılmış çalışmalarda çok sınırlı olarak ele alınan kaynakların tekrar gözden geçirilmesi sonucunda, konutların iç avlularının şekillenmesinde çok ilginç birçok konunun olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmanın ana hedeflerinden birisi de; sosyo-kültürel ve çevresel koşulların yarımda, yaratıcı tasarım becerüerinin katkısıile yeni kimliklerin kazanılmasına ve sonucunda da tasarım kararlarının farklı oluşabilmesine katkı sağlayabilmesidirItem Citation Count: Aslantamer, Özlem Nur (2003). An assesment on the effects of different design criteria on storefronts / Mağaza cephelerine etki eden farklı tasarım kriterleri üzerine bir değerlendirme.Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri EnstitüsüAn assesment on the effects of different design criteria on storefronts(2003) Aslantamer, Özlem Nur; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüThe aim of this thesis is to examine the effects of different design criteria on storefront architecture. The study defines a space and calls it "the threshold". This space, "the threshold", comes into being with filters. These filters; if listed from the beginning; are the front of the store, store facade, display window, and interior space of the store. This study focuses on this defined space in three phases: first, an investigation of the theoretical knowledge about the subject; second, a case study to choose a specific brand; and third, the case study of the brand KOTON. The thesis concludes that the space created by the filters is a threshold that helps consumers decide whether to enter a store or not. The case study results can be accepted as the proof of the thesis.Item Citation Count: Uluevli, Memduha Duygu (2004). Human prefarence for leisure in cafe a case study / Kafelerde boş zaman değerlendirmesi için insan tercihleri. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Human prefarence for leisure in cafe a case study(2004) Uluevli, Memduha Duygu; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüIn this study, definition of leisure' and 'public leisure space' is examined. After an introduction to the concept of leisure, its types, and its relations with public life, the study discusses leisure as sodal activity and how leisure is related to public life. Caf£ is presented as a leisure space and its supportive role in public life is explored. The aim of this thesis is to determine the spatial and individual factors in public space and to explain how human behavior is influenced by these factors. Personal space, territoriality, privacy, crowding and density, and place attachment are considered as spatial factors. Age, gender, culture, and occupation are analyzed as individual factors. A research conducted in Ankara, in three different cafes, is presented as a study on the use of public spaceItem Citation Count: Küçükarslan, Melahat (2004). Semiosis of resort interiors / Rezort otel iç mekanlarında anlam üretimi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Semiosis of resort interiors(2004) Küçükarslan, Melahat; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüThis study attempts to construct a methodology, originating from semiotic knowledge that enables to analyse the communication between the developers of tourism places and their users. It questions the legibility of intended meanings in the design of contemporary rising trends of touristic spaces by their receiver; the tourist. The choice of the subject is influenced from the rapid proliferation of themed resort hotel, which is taken as a complex of architectural objects -considering it as 'interior space' from the limits of its outer boundary and presupposed as a 'precoded system'. This statement expresses existence of two distinctive parts: the 'encoder' as designer and the 'decoder' as the tourist. This study probes to define variable characteristics of the precoded system to manifest the representations of meaning in architectural object. A particular emphasis is given to reproduction in the context of tourism. An interactive analysis of a case, the 'Topkapi Palace Resort Hotel', by conduct interviews with encoders, and informal interviews with decoders is to identify the intentions of the designer and meaning of the designed space -medium of these intentions- for the tourist. Indeed, the object of the study is to investigate how the precoded system is encoded. Moreover, the concentration is on the analysis of the 'decoder', the tourist, the authenticity of her/his experiences with the touristic space, to find out how the encoded system is decoded.Item Citation Count: Can, Sıtkı Tankut (2004). An analysis of the effects of modular furniture on preschool chıldren's group behaviours: A case study in Ankara / Modüler mobilyaların okul öncesi çocukların grup davranışları etkileri üzerine bir inceleme, Ankara. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.An analysis of the effects of modular furniture on preschool chıldren's group behaviours: A case study in Ankara(2004) Can, Sıtkı Tankut; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüThis study examines the effects of modular furniture on children's motor developments, group behavior and development. In order to determine preschool children behaviors and developmental criteria, necessary design criteria for preschool age period and kindergartens are investigated. Besides this, modular systems, design of place, psychological and social influences of environment which affect the child are stated. Within this framework focuses on 12 children between 5 and 6 age selected, by using systematic density observation technique.Item Citation Count: Duman, Jale (2004). Diversity of tastes and lifestyles in middle-class living spaces: A case study in Ankara / Orta sınıf yaşam mekanlarında beğeni ve yaşam tarzları çeşitliliği. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Diversity of tastes and lifestyles in middle-class living spaces: A case study in Ankara(2004) Duman, Jale; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüLiving spaces are places from which people can reflect their preferences, tastes and even their personalities. These places are social areas in which people identify themselves. These are the places in which people consume and spend their recreation time. Even if everyone lives their life in similar ways there are still some differences between the ways individuals live. This study examines these differences and the projections of these differences in terms of living areas. The term class, is used broadly in this study,including not only economic standards but also cultural, educational aspects,people's social origins, family histories, and traditions. The thesis explores different user profiles within the middle class and a diversity of lifestyles indicated by use of spaceItem Citation Count: Turhan, Çağla (2005). Winter garden design and its effects on inner place atmosphere: A case study in Ankara / Kış bahçesi tasarımı ve iç mekan atmosferine etkileri: Ankarada örnek çalışma. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Winter garden design and its effects on inner place atmosphere: A case study in Ankara(2005) Turhan, Çağla; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüToday, development of science and technology causes different problems. Clean energy sonrces are searched due to environmental pollution. in addition, studies on solar energy has been accelerated because today's energy resources are expensive, scarce and at the monopoly of certain countries. Therefore, different disciplines are conducting studies on solar energy. Öne of the most important problems of today is increasing number of reinforced concrete buildings and decrease in green areas because of crooked urbanization. Particularly, people living in city, yearn for narure. Winter gardens have an important place among architectural iiiisolution proposals for ali these problems. in architecture, winter garden is mentioned under several headings as "Ecological Architecture", "Benefiting from Solar Energy in Architecture', "Biological Architecture' ete. in history, greenhouse kind buildings are earliest form of winter gardens. Today, it is discovered that they have many benefits to the user. Reasons for preferring winter gardens are cultivating plants in balanced inner place climate, pleasant view and intermediate place gain. However, they also contribute to the savings of the integrated building's heating, cooling and artificial illumination costs by getting solar energy into the inner space. They have also positive effects on user's psychological and physical health due to ali these gains. A proper design of the vvinter garden is very important in terms of its efficiency. If a vvinter garden is implemented without taking required measures, it will cause damage rather than benefit to the user. Therefore, in this study, elements that effect winter garden design are analyzed. Under the light of informations obtained from ali these studies, a whıter garden, integrated to semi-detached villas in Mesa Koru housing area is criticized and analyzed and a solution proposal is developed. Then, both existing and proposed vvinter gardens are compared. Villa's situation before the integration of vvinter garden is also included into this comparison in order to highlight effects of vvinter garden's integration to the buildingItem Citation Count: Baştürk, Turgut Efe (2006). Functional approaches to pet hospital design: A comparative analysis on exam rooms in Ankara / Evcil hayvan hastanesi tasarımına fonksiyonel yaklaşımlar; Ankara evcil hayvan hastanelerindeki muayene odaları üzerine bir çalışma. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Functional approaches to pet hospital design: A comparative analysis on exam rooms in Ankara(2006) Baştürk, Turgut Efe; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüThe purpose of this thesis is to discuss and outline the functional suggestions onthe factors that need to be considered while designing pet hospitals. In addition,specific points that should be taken into consideration in designing pet hospitalshave been explained in detail through an analysis of hospital zones and sections.In addition, use of companion animal facility projects has been studied takingenvironmental care and public health into consideration. Moreover, definition andobjectives of the veterinary career has been explained and the history of theveterinary profession in Turkey and abroad has been defined. Practice andfunctions of veterinary in Turkey have been cited as well. From this point of view,a case study in relation to the exam rooms of pet hospitals in Turkey has beencarried out and studied under the headlines of this thesis. Marginal suggestionson exam rooms which conform to veterinary facility requirements in Turkey havealso been discussed.Item Citation Count: Nuri Ben Said, Samira (2006). Multicultural influences on Tripoli Architecture between 16th-19th century / XVI. ve XIX. yüzyıl Trablus mimarisinde çok kültürlülüğün etkisi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Multicultural influences on Tripoli Architecture between 16th-19th century(2006) Nuri Ben Said, Samira; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüÖZXVI. VE XIX. YÜZYIL TRABLUS MİMARİSİNDE ÇOKKÜLTÜRLÜLÜĞÜN ETKİSİBen Said Samira NuriBu çalışma bugünün Libya'sının özelikle Trablus'un mimari ve sanatsal birkimliğinin olmaması ve bunun nedenleri üzerinde durmak amacı ile yapılmıştır.Çalışmada kısaca İslam mimarisi, Libya'nın tarihsel perspektifte kendi sanatsal vemimari özellikleri araştırılmış ve 16. ve 19. Yüzyıllar arasında inşa edilen Osmanlıdönemi camilerinden dördü detaylı olarak incelenerek Libya mimari ve sanatsalmirasının özellikleri bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Süslemelerde kullanılan balık, çiçek,yıldız, ay, ya da hilal, servi ağacı ve el figürleri kullanımları ve anlamları, gerek bucamilerde gerekse bugünkü halkın görüşleri, tarihsel perspektifteki anlamları ilekarşılaştırılmış ve tartışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak geçmişte Libya'nın komşuları ve diğersosyal ilişkilerinden kaynaklanarak oluşan tarihi mirasının özümsenerek bir kimlikoluşturduğu görüşüne varılmış, bugün de ayni şekilde mimari ve sanatsal kimliğininoluşması gerektiği vurgulanmıştır.Item Citation Count: KARAİBRAHİMOĞLU, S. (2006). Improving the common use of housing backyards; the case of Ayrancı. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri EnstitüsüImproving the common use of housing backyards; the case of Ayrancı(2006-05) Karaibrahimoğlu, Selin; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüThe space is multi-dimensional and can not be thought separately from the life. Urban spaces however are the spaces where all types of human activities necessitated by the urban life are realized. This study covers spaces constituted as a result of gathering of the backyards of residence block shaped positioned as a result of the development rules. The study is carried out by adopting the idea of constituting a method aiming the improvement of common use of these areas, as a principle. In this context, the definitions concerning the issue, the place of the area within the urban space concept, present utilization types, potentials, Development Law articles supporting the present utilization are discussed by observing the examples in the world. In the light of inputs collected in these studies, Ayrancı case study area is preferred because its building organization and the appropriateness of its land use pattern to the context of the study. A housing backyards arrangement study is performed in a residential block of houses selected in Ayrancı area due to its various characteristics. In the light of study, a method is developed aiming of improvement of the common use housing backyards by taking into account the interest of residents. As a result of all these studies, the questions such as, "the minimal use of housing backyards having a large potential as green areas in the city", "the possibility of their utilization", "the requirements and expectations of the users towards these areas" are studied in thesis.Item Citation Count: Aydın, Saba Esin (2009). Analytic aproach to Mardin vernacular architecture in context of sustainble design / Mardin geleneksel mimarisinin sürdürülebilir tasarım yaklaşımları bağlamında analizi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Analytic aproach to Mardin vernacular architecture in context of sustainble design(2009) Aydın, Saba Esin; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüIn this thesis it is aimed for energy passive strategies in urban design and building design to be analyzed for hot dry zone in Mardin,Turkey. Moreover,it is also an İnspiration for sustainable urbanized living pattern. From such a point of view,certain themes such as harmony with topography,collaboration which climate and passive energy use will be discussed in addition to the sustainability of cultural values.Item Citation Count: BİLGİÇ, M. (2009). Furniture production system and design policy proposal for trademark of Ankara siteler. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri EnstitüsüFurniture production system and design policy proposal for trademark of Ankara siteler(2009-09) Bilgiç, Merve; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüThe aim of this study is to propose a design strategy for the furniture design problem and give suggestions on how Siteler can become a trademark, by studying the production properties of Siteler furniture industry. In this study, the historical development of furniture, how and to what degree it is modernized and brought to today‟s scene is explained. As much as furniture is a considerable part of human life, it is also a wide resource for spaces and designers. Furniture producers and companies are in competition for years as they know the importance of furniture. This chain which is growing day by day enables us to meet very famous brands together with it, and it also accommodates companies that only function in this chain and have no fame. In this sense, the study has also handled the branding problems and the criteria for a company to become famous. The right kind of branding and image studies may actually enable the firm to rise. Making a name is a long and effortful work. Siteler furniture was studied under these topics. Brief historical development of furniture and its state after the industrial revolution was explained, then, the birth of Siteler, its development and its current state was mentioned. Even though “Siteler furniture” has become a brand as a name, it is a dying complex today. The complex has design and sales problems, and some studies were carried out for it to overcome these problems. In the conclusion of these studies and investigations, some suggestions for Siteler furniture design problems and branding problems were introduced.Item Citation Count: ERGUN KOCAİLİ, B. (2010). Evolution of shopping malls: recent trends and the question of regeneration. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri EnstitüsüEvolution of shopping malls: recent trends and the question of regeneration(2010-01) Ergun Kocaili, Buket; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüIn the beginning of the history of shopping places, the shopping activity took place in open public spaces with other urban and public functions and activities of the city, like ancient Greek Agora or Roman Forum. After centuries, the enclosed shopping mall separated urbanity and shopping activity from each other. These fully-enclosed and environmentally controlled consumption spaces reinterpreted the urban fabric to simulate a city image and a street-like atmosphere indoors. Inside the walls a new city was created, where people shop, eat, entertain, and even sleep, get married or have college education as in the example of the Mall of America. Today, urban fabric and shopping mall integration is becoming more important. Open space and sustainable design for shopping malls are the rising trends in the world. So, the existing shopping malls are opening, integrating with urban fabric and continually updating themselves to compete with the emerging shopping places. This recent regeneration trend is called ‘De-malling’ in the world. Every shopping mall has different reasons in need of regeneration, which can be functional, managerial or structural, so, different regeneration strategies would be necessary for each shopping mall. Examining ‘main principles and criteria for shopping mall regeneration’ would help to put forward the specific strategies for different shopping malls. Finally, unprofitable or out-of-date or degenerated shopping malls could be recovered by these regeneration strategies.Item Citation Count: SARIMANOĞLU, U.C. (2010). Relevance of interior architecture with assessment systems of sustainable design. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri EnstitüsüRelevance of interior architecture with assessment systems of sustainable design(2010-04) Sarımanoğlu, Umut Cevat; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüThis study discusses relevance of sustainable design from the point of view of interior architecture. It introduces two recognized sustainable building rating systems, LEED and BREEAM; and it analyses the role of interior architect within these assessment systems. Additionally, this study questions the status of interior architecture within national and international laws and regulations concerning sustainability. In light of these examinations, it suggests strategies for improving the role of interior architecture in sustainable design in Turkey.Item Citation Count: BATU, B. (2010). A new suggestion for the architectural typology of Bodrum: “four room houses”. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri EnstitüsüA new suggestion for the architectural typology of Bodrum: “four room houses”(2010-04) Batu, Burçin; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüThe study examines the state of four room houses in the context of traditional architectural styles of Bodrum, and proposes them as a new style excluding the previously described (“kule”, “musandıralı” and “sakız”) styles. For the purpose, some of the houses that are considered as four room houses have been examined and four of them have been technically drawn. Then the differentiation of the four room houses and the previously described styles has been signified, and a discussion has been made to propose them as a new style.Item Citation Count: BERKSOY, Ö.B. (2010). A study on the relationships among corporate identity and interior space bank cases: Garanti Bank and Ziraat Bank. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Çankaya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri EnstitüsüA study on the relationships among corporate identity and interior space bank cases: Garanti Bank and Ziraat Bank(2010-09) Berksoy, Özge Beril; Çankaya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık BölümüThis thesis study examines the relations between the concept corporate identity and interior space. It is tried to explain what corporate identity is and how it is examined in relation with interior spaces. As discussing the corporate identity and interior space concept, a case study about two different banks is made. This research is achieved by the help of personal observations, visuals and a survey study. Basically by mentioning about the general approach to the problem and the aim of the study; the definition, history and design of the corporate identity are tried to be conveyed in detail. Moreover, in related with corporate identity, another significant notion image is introduced. A relation is tried to be established among corporate identity and interior space and also the importance of identity existence in corporations is emphasized. It has been derived benefit from the samples of Corporate Identity Manuals, bank interiors and logos. By determining that would be a base for the case study; the theories of human perception, senses, space perception and Semiotics are referred. At the end of the thesis, the results of the case study are evaluated and it is thought that it may have a guide attribute for the future researches.