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Article Citation Count: Yegül, M.F., Agpak, K., Yavuz, M. (2010). A new algorithm for u-shaped two-sided assembly line balancing. Transaction of the Canadian Society For Mechanical Engineering, 34(2), 225-241.A new algorithm for u-shaped two-sided assembly line balancing(CSME Trans, 2010) Yegül, Mustafa Fatih; Agpak, Kürşat; Yavuz, MustafaThis study introduces a new hybrid design for a specific case-of assembly lines, and proposes a multi-pass random assignment algorithm to find the minimum number of stations required. The algorithm also finds the sequence and the schedule of the tasks assigned. The new design is a combination of two-sided lines and U-shaped lines, which benefits from the advantages of both designs at the same time. One side of the line is arranged in U-shape allowing stations with crossovers, and the other side of the line is balanced like a traditional straight flow. Depending on product direction, either Left or Right side of the line can be designed in U-shape. Small and large-sized two-sided assembly line test-bed problems were solved using the algorithm. Optimal results are achieved for all small-sized problems. Due to the novelty Of the design, results of large-sized problems are compared to findings of studies on simple two-sided balancing. Algorithm produced better results in most of the casesArticle Citation Count: Çalışkan, al (2011). "Numerical analysis of a commercial display cabinet with air curtain", Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 415-425.Numerical analysis of a commercial display cabinet with air curtain(2011) Çalışkan, Sinan; Altunok, Taner; Başkaya, Şenol; Güngüneş, H. MuratMaintaining food temperatures below critical values is the important maximising the high quality display life of chilled foods. Air curtains are especially used in stores and retailer supermarkets as barrier systems to seperate inner and outer spaces from each other. For both air quality and energy saving, it is crucial that the air transfer between these two spaces are at minimum. Minimization of air transfer between inner and outer spaces, not only decreases heat transfer but also stabilizes the humidity balance. In this study, numerical analysis of a commercial display cabinet has been carried out. For this purpose PHOENICS, a computational fluid dynamics code, is utilized. Optimum jet system conditions for each of the one jet, two jet and there jet systems has been modified according to temperature change of the air, and comparisons among them have been made. The results indicate that, the results the both CFD analysis and experimental results are almost equal and refrigeration systems with three jets is required to obtain the necessary temperature values to keep products fresh in display cabinets, especially because they can distribute temperature in a homogeneous way, meaning that the temperature value is the best ideal system at every point in the cabinet with three jets.Conference Object Citation Count: Yildirim, E.; Kulah, H.; Arikan, M.A.S.,"An Electrostatically Actuated Parylene Microvalve for Lab-On-A-Chip Applications", 2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, Transducers'11, pp. 250-253, (2011).An Electrostatically Actuated Parylene Microvalve for Lab-On-A-Chip Applications(2011) Yıldırım, Ender; Arıkan, M. A. Sahir; Kulah, Haluk; 31835This paper presents a novel electrostatic microvalve to control in-plane flow on parylene based lab-on-a-chip-devices. Normally-closed design of the microvalve insulates the working fluid from the electric field, while providing low leakage up to 40 kPa inlet pressure. Prototypes are fabricated and tested for pull-in and flow characterization. Pull-in voltage is measured to be 150 V independent of the working fluid. No leakage is detected up to 20 kPa inlet pressure.Article Citation Count: Yıldırım, E., Külah, H. (2011). Analysis and characterization of an electrostatically actuated in-plane parylene microvalve. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 21(10). and characterization of an electrostatically actuated in-plane parylene microvalve(IOP Publishing LTD, 2011) Yıldırım, Ender; Kulah, Haluk; 31835; 120121This paper presents analysis and implementation of a simple electrostatic microvalve designed for use in parylene-based lab-on-a-chip devices. The microvalve utilizes an in-plane collapsing diaphragm. To investigate the pull-in behavior of the diaphragm and flow characteristics, a thorough analysis is carried out using the finite element method. Microvalves with different diaphragm radii are fabricated using surface micromachining techniques. Pull-in tests are carried out under the no-flow condition with air, oil and water as the working fluid. Test results show that the pull-in occurs around 20 V for 450 mu m radius diaphragms with oil and air. However, it is not possible to observe pull-in up to 100 V (both ac and dc) for the case of water as the working fluid, due to its relatively high dielectric constant and conductivity. The flow tests show that no leakage flow was observed up to 4 kPa inlet pressure under 85 V actuation potential. The leakage ratio becomes 17% at 10 kPa inlet pressure. It is observed that the leakage can be reduced controllably by increasing the actuation potential, enabling the precise control of the flow rateArticle Citation Count: Onur, N., Arslan, K., Turgut, O., (2012). Yamuk kesitli kanal içerisinde hidrodinamik olarak tam gelişmiş ısıl olarak gelişmekte olan laminer akış ve ısı transferinin sayısal olarak incelenmesi. Çankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering, Volume 9 (2012), No. 2, pp.75–87Yamuk kesitli kanal içerisinde hidrodinamik olarak tam gelişmiş ısıl olarak gelişmekte olan laminer akış ve ısı transferinin sayısal olarak incelenmesi(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2012) Onur, Nevzat; Arslan, Kamil; Turgut, Oğuz; 53858; 47465; 46131Bu çalışmada yamuk kesit alanına sahip bir kanal içerisindeki hidrodinamik olarak tam gelişmiş ısıl olarak gelişmekte olan üç boyutlu zorlanmış konveksiyon akış ve ısı transferi kararlı rejim ve sabit yüzey sıcaklığı şartlarında sayısal olarak incelenmiştir. Sayısal çalışma Reynolds sayısının 100 ≤ Re ≤ 1000 aralığında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ç alışma akışkanı olarak hava (P r ∼= 0.7) kullanılmıştır. Sayısal çalışmanın gerçekleştirilebilmesi için ticari Sayısal Akışkanlar Dinamiği yazılımı olan Ansys Fluent 12.1 paket programı kullanılmıştır. Ortalama Nusselt sayıları ve ortalama Darcy sürtünme faktörleri farklı Reynolds sayıları için sunulmuştur. Yerel Nusselt sayıları kanal boyunca mesafenin fonksiyonu olarak çizilmiştir. Hız ve sıcaklık dağılımları kanal boyunca farklı pozisyonlarda grafiksel olarak verilmiştir. Ç alışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar literatürde yapılmış olan benzer çalışmalar ile kıyaslanmış ve sonuçların literatür ile uyum içerisinde olduğu saptanmıştır. Reynolds sayısındaki artışın ısı transferinde artışa ve sürtünme faktöründe azalışa neden olduğu görülmüştür. Yamuk kesitli kanal içerisindeki laminer akışta hidrodinamik ve ısıl olarak tam gelişmiş şartlardaki Nusselt sayısı değerinin 2.95 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sayısal çalışmanın sonucunda, ısı transferi ve sürtünme faktörü değerleri için yeni korelasyonlar elde edilmiştir.Article Citation Count: YILDIRIM, E., AKIN, T., ARIKAN, M.A.S., (2012). MEMS Malzeme karakterizasyonu için bütünleşik bir elektrostatik mikro bükülme test yapısı tasarımı ve gerçekleştirilmesi. Çankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering, Volume 9 (2012), No. 1, pp.9–23MEMS Malzeme karakterizasyonu için bütünleşik bir elektrostatik mikro bükülme test yapısı tasarımı ve gerçekleştirilmesi(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2012) Yıldırım, Ender; Akın, Tayfun; Arıkan, M. A. Sahir; 31835; 104090; 163987Mikro elektromekanik sistemlerde kullanılan malzemelerin mekanik özelliklerinin, üretim yöntemleri nedeniyle, mikro boyuttaki test yapılarıyla tespit edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, eyleyici, test numunesi ve ölçüm skalası tek bir yonga üzerinde bütünleşik olarak üretilmiş bir mikro bükülme test yapısı sunulmaktadır. Tüm bileşenlerin bütünleşik olarak üretilmiş olması, benzer sistemlerde gözlenen hizalama problemini ortadan kaldırmaktadır. Yapı, iki uçtan ankastre mesnetli bir test kirişinin orta noktasından tarak tipi bir elektrostatik eyleyici ile çekilmesi esasına dayanmaktadır. Bükülme miktarı, ölçüm skalası üzerinden, görüntü işleme yöntemleri kullanılarak tespit edilmektedir. Tasarlanan yapılar yalıtkan-üzeri-silisyum pullar kullanılarak üretilmiştir. Testler sonucunda, literatürde belirtilen sonuçlarla uyumlu olarak, silisyum elastik modülü 136 GPa olarak belirlenmiştirArticle Citation Count: Yıldırım, E., Külah, H. (2012). Electrostatic energy harvesting by droplet-based multi-phase microfluidics. Microfluidics And Nanofluidics, 13(1), 107-111. energy harvesting by droplet-based multi-phase microfluidics(Springer Heidelberg, 2012) Yıldırım, Ender; Kulah, Haluk; 120121This paper presents an energy scavenging technique, merging microfluidics with electrostatic energy harvesting. The method employs droplet-based microflow of two phases with different electrical permittivities, resulting in a capacitance change across the microchannel, to harvest electrical energy. The technique is implemented on 3 mm wide, 1 mm deep minichannels. It is shown that 0.4 nW can be harvested using a single electrode pair, with air and water as the two phases flowing at 1 ml/min. The generated power can be increased significantly by microscale implementation, where the number of electrodes can also be increased for further improvementArticle Citation Count: Eıldırım, E., Arıkan, M.A.S., Külah, H. (2012). A normally closed electrostatic parylene microvalve for micro total analysis systems. Sensors And Actuators A-Physical, 181, 81-86. normally closed electrostatic parylene microvalve for micro total analysis systems(Elsevier Science SA, 2012) Yıldırım, Ender; Arıkan, M. A. Sahir; Kulah, Haluk; 120121This paper presents an electrostatically actuated, normally closed microvalve for parylene microfluidics. The proposed valve structure isolates the fluid from the electric field, and hence results in relatively low actuation potentials (<60 V) irrespective of the working fluid. Hereby, the microvalve solves electrolysis or electrode shielding problems observed in electrostatic actuation in micro total analysis systems. To investigate leakage properties, microvalves were tested under pressurized flow with de-ionized (DI) water. No detectable leakage ratio was observed up to 20 kPa inlet pressure, due to the unique semicircular valve seat design. It was shown that the valve seat could be reconfigured to enable sealing at various pressure levels for different applications.Book Part Citation Count: Yıldırım, Ender; Özgür, E.; Külah, H.; "A Droplet Based Multi-Drug Screening System Controlled With Electrostatic Microvalves", Proceedings of the 16th International Conference On Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Microtas 2012, pp. 959-961, (2012).A Droplet Based Multi-Drug Screening System Controlled With Electrostatic Microvalves(Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society, 2012) Yıldırım, Ender; Özgür, E.; Kulah, Haluk; 31835This paper presents a droplet-based drug effect analysis system utilizing electrostatically-actuated normallyclosed microvalves to screen the effect of multiple drugs on a single type of cell. Proposed system minimizes the need for off-chip equipment by utilizing parylene based electrostatic microvalves. Prototypes of the system were fabricated and tested using colored DI water and 3 μm diameter micro beads, emulating drugs and cells respectively. During the tests, micro beads could be successfully entrapped in 137 pl droplets. Tests carried out with yeast cells also yielded successful encapsulation of the cells. It was shown that, switching between the drugs could be achieved by applying 200 V dc to operate the microvalves.Conference Object Citation Count: Phurimsak, all. "Phaseguide assisted liquid lamination for magnetic bead-based assays", 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, 27-31 October 2013, Freiburg, Germany, pp. 1153-1155, 2013.Phaseguide assisted liquid lamination for magnetic bead-based assays(2013) Phurimsak, Chayakom; Yıldırım, Ender; Trietsch, Sebastiaan J.; Hankemeier, Thomas; Tarn, Mark D.; Pamme, Nicole; Vulto, PaulWe demonstrate a simple, pump-free platform for performing rapid magnetic bead-based processes via their transfer through sequentially laminated liquid streams, made possible by the use of phaseguide technology. We have applied this strategy to two on-chip assays: (i) a streptavidin-biotin binding assay, and (ii) a sandwich immunoassay for the detection of C-reactive protein (CRP). Here, functionalized magnetic beads were pulled through alternating lanes of reagents and buffer solution, allowing multiple binding and washing processes to be reduced into a single step, significantly shortening procedural times compared to conventional multi-step bead-based assays.Article Citation Count: Şimşek, B., Şimşek, E.H., Altunok, T. (2013). Empirical and statistical modeling of heat loss from surface of a cement rotary kiln system. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 28(1), 59-66.Empirical and statistical modeling of heat loss from surface of a cement rotary kiln system(Gazi University, Fac Engineering Architecture, 2013) Şimşek, Barış; Şimşek, Emir H.; Altunok, Taner; 220872; 8009In branches of industry too much energy consuming such as cement sector, controlled use of energy, only it is possible to know how energy is distributed in the system. In cement production process, a large portion of the heat losses which is due to energy consumption consist of convection and radiation heat losses from the surface of rotary kiln. In this study, empirical equation was derived for heat loss from surface of rotary kiln in a cement factory using empirical equations and statistical modeling techniques by the help of temperatures measured surface of rotary kiln. Measured with thermal cameras and the data necessary for experimental modeling was obtained the factory central control room. Total heat loss of system was calculated using Matlab. Statistical analysis related to results was carried out by Minitab 15.1.1 program. It was concluded that heat losses throughout rotary kiln increased toward the center of the kiln.Article Citation Count: Arslan, K., Onur, N. (2013). Experimental and numerical investigation of transition to turbulent flow and heat transfer inside a horizontal smooth rectangular duct under uniform bottom surface temperature. Heat And Mass Transfer, 49(7), 921-931. 10.1007/s00231-013-1134-yExperimental and numerical investigation of transition to turbulent flow and heat transfer inside a horizontal smooth rectangular duct under uniform bottom surface temperature(Springer, 2013) Onur, Nevzat; Arslan, Kamil; 47465; 53858In this study, steady-state turbulent forced flow and heat transfer in a horizontal smooth rectangular duct both experimentally and numerically investigated. The study was carried out in the transition to turbulence region where Reynolds numbers range from 2,323 to 9,899. Flow is hydrodynamically and thermally developing (simultaneously developing flow) under uniform bottom surface temperature condition. A commercial CFD program Ansys Fluent 12.1 with different turbulent models was used to carry out the numerical study. Based on the present experimental data and three-dimensional numerical solutions, new engineering correlations were presented for the heat transfer and friction coefficients in the form of and , respectively. The results have shown that as the Reynolds number increases heat transfer coefficient increases but Darcy friction factor decreases. It is seen that there is a good agreement between the present experimental and numerical results. Examination of heat and mass transfer in rectangular cross-sectioned duct for different duct aspect ratio (alpha) was also carried out in this study. Average Nusselt number and average Darcy friction factor were expressed with graphics and correlations for different duct aspect ratios.Conference Object A Reconfigurable Microfluidic Transmitarray Unit Cell(IEEE, 2013) Erdil, Emre; Topallı, Kağan; Zorlu, Özge; Toral, Taylan; Yıldırım, Ender; Kulah, Haluk; Aydın Çivi, Özlem; 31835)This paper presents a novel microfluidics based approach to develop a reconfigurable circularly polarized transmitarray unit cell. The unit cell comprises double layer nested split ring slots formed as microfluidic channels that can be filled by fluids. Split regions in the slots are realized by injecting liquid metal into the channels. Beam steering is obtained by implementing rotational phase shifting via manipulating the liquid metal in the slots. X-band unit cell prototypes are fabricated on glass substrate carrying a patterned metal film, and the slot channels are formed by Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) using soft lithography techniques.Article Citation Count: Özerkan, H.B., Çoğun, C. (2013). Development and experimental investigation of electrochemical drilling method using rotary tube tool. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 28(4), 885-895.Development and experimental investigation of electrochemical drilling method using rotary tube tool(Gazi University, Fac Engineering Architecture, 2013) Özerkan, H. Bekir; Çoğun, Can; 132262; 3837In this study, a new hybrid electrochemical drilling (ECD) method, based on electrochemical machining in nonconventional machining processes, was developed. In the developed method, tube tool makes rotary motion together with inner through hole flushing. A small scale prototype ECD machine has been designed and manufactured to test the developed method. One of the important features of the new system is the regulation of tool feed rate using current feedback control. The Hadfield (manganese) steel, whose strain hardening behavior makes it very difficult to machine with conventional methods, and AISI 1040 steel, whose machinability is fairly good, were drilled using the prototype machine and results were compared. Workpiece material removal rate increased with the increasing machining voltage, tool rotational speed, electrolyte concentration and flushing pressure in both types of steels. Average radial overcut values increased with the rotational speed of the tool. The AISI 1040 steel hole geometries were regular than that of Hadfield steel. Experimental results showed that deep holes can be drilled successfully with the proposed hybrid ECD methodArticle Citation Count: AKYÜREK, T., (2013). Hasar toleransında parametrik analiz-devir sayma tekniğinin etkisi. Çankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering, Volume 10 (2013), No. 1, pp.91–100Hasar toleransında parametrik analiz-devir sayma tekniğinin etkisi(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2013) Akyürek, Turgut; 48511Bu makalede hasar toleransında etken olan önemli parametrelerin hasar tolerans ömürleri üzerine etkileri çalışması kapsamında yük devirlerini sayma yönteminin yorulma çatlağı büyümesi tahminlerine etkileri analiz edilerek, sistemlerin hasar toleransına dayalı tasarımlarında en uygun, çözümü ararken göz önünde bulundurulması gerekli devir sayma teknikleri irdelenmektedir.Article Citation Count: Yaman, K., Çoğun, C. (2014). An experimental work on using conductive powder-filled polymer composite cast material as tool electrode in EDM. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73(1-4), 535-543. experimental work on using conductive powder-filled polymer composite cast material as tool electrode in EDM(Springer London Ltd, 2014) Yaman, Kemal; Çoğun, Can; 3837This paper introduces the composite tool electrodes made of electrical conductive powder-filled polyester resin matrix material, providing promise for the electrical discharge machining (EDM) process. The dendrite-shaped copper powder, graphite powder, and their mixture were used as conductive fillers. Six different types of composite electrodes, namely, plain copper-polyester, pressed copper-polyester, furnaced copper-polyester, plain copper-graphite-polyester, pressed copper-graphite-polyester, and furnaced copper-graphite-polyester were prepared. It is found experimentally that increasing v (f) improved workpiece material removal rate, tool wear rate, relative wear, and electrical conductivity of electrodes. The pressed copper-polyester electrodes were found to be promising in the ED finishing of workpieces at low machining current settings. The practical applicability of the proposed composite electrodes in the industry was also illustratedBook Part Citation Count: Arslan, K., Onur, N.,"Comparison of Different Turbulent Models in Turbulent-Forced Convective Flow and Heat Transfer Inside Rectangular Cross-Sectioned Duct Heating At the Bottom Wall",Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment, pp. 577-584, (2014).Comparison of Different Turbulent Models in Turbulent-Forced Convective Flow and Heat Transfer Inside Rectangular Cross-Sectioned Duct Heating At the Bottom Wall(Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment, 2014) Arslan, Kamil; Onur, Nevzat; 53858In this study, steady-state turbulent-forced flow and heat transfer in a horizontal smooth rectangular cross-sectioned duct was numerically investigated. The study was carried out in the turbulent flow region where Reynolds number ranges from 1 × 104 to 5 × 104. The flow was developing both hydrodynamically and thermally. The bottom surface of the duct was assumed to be under constant surface temperature. A commercial CFD program Ansys Fluent 12.1 with different turbulent models was used to carry out the numerical study. Different turbulence models (k–ε Standard, k–ε Realizable, k–ε RNG, k–ω Standard and k–ω SST) were used. Based on the present numerical solutions, new engineering correlations were presented for the heat transfer and friction coefficients. The numerical results for different turbulence models were compared with each other and the experimental data available in the literature. It was observed that k–ε turbulence models represented the turbulent flow condition very well for the present study.Article Citation Count: Arslan, K., Onur, N. (2014). Experimental investigation of flow and heat transfer in rectangular cross-sectioned duct with baffles mounted on the bottom surface with different inclination angles. Heat And Mass Transfer, 50(2), 169-181. investigation of flow and heat transfer in rectangular cross-sectioned duct with baffles mounted on the bottom surface with different inclination angles(Springer, 2014) Arslan, Kamil; Onur, Nevzat; 47465; 53858In this study, steady-state forced convection heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics in a horizontal rectangular cross-sectioned duct, baffles mounted on the bottom surface with different inclination angles were investigated experimentally in the Reynolds number range from 1 x 10(3) to 1 x 10(4). The study was performed under turbulent flow conditions. Effects of different baffle inclination angles on flow and heat transfer were studied. Results are also presented in terms of thermal enhancement factor. It is observed that increasing in baffle inclination angle enhances the heat transfer and causes an increase in pressure drop in the duct.Article Citation Count: Korkmaz, O., İder, S.K. (2014). Hybrid force and motion control of flexible joint parallel manipulators using inverse dynamics approach. Advanced Robotics, 28(18), 1221-1230. force and motion control of flexible joint parallel manipulators using inverse dynamics approach(Taylor&Francis Ltd, 2014) Korkmaz, Ozan; İder, Sıtkı Kemal; 108608An inverse dynamics control algorithm is developed for hybrid motion and contact force trajectory tracking control of flexible joint parallel manipulators. First, an open-tree structure is considered by the disconnection of adequate number of unactuated joints. The loop closure constraint equations are then included. Elimination of the joint reaction forces and the other intermediate variables yield a fourth-order relation between the actuator torques and the end-effector position and contact force variables, showing that the control torques do not have an instantaneous effect on the end-effector contact forces and accelerations because of the flexibility. The proposed control law provides simultaneous and asymptotically stable control of the end-effector contact forces and the motion along the constraint surfaces by utilizing the feedback of positions and velocities of the actuated joints and rotors. A two degree of freedom planar parallel manipulator is considered as an example to illustrate the effectiveness of the methodConference Object Citation Count: Bütev Öcal, al. "Effect of alkali treatment parameters on surface structure and mechanical properties of porous Ti6A17NB scaffolds", IMMC 2014, Istanbul, TURKEY.Effect of alkali treatment parameters on surface structure and mechanical properties of porous Ti6A17NB scaffolds(2014) Bütev Öcal, Ezgi; Yeni, Elif Eda; Yılmaz, Emre; Esen, Ziya; Bor, Şakir; 52373In the present study, highly porous Ti6Al7Nb alloy scaffolds having 70% pore contents with 200-250 µm average pore size were produced through the spacer holder technique as a result of evaporation of Mg powder from the Ti6Al7Nb-Mg powder mixtures. In order to make the manufactured Ti6Al7Nb foam surfaces more suitable for biomedical applications they were exposed to alkali and heat treatment. Porous samples were immersed in 5M NaOH (aq.) solutions at 60°C for 24 hours then subsequent heat treatment was carried out to obtain crystalline sodium titanate layer. Crystallization heat treatments were also conducted in muffle furnaces to investigate the effect of heat treatment environment on titanate formation. Then, the morphology, structure and chemical composition of the formed titanate layers were characterized by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and TF-XRD techniques. According to mechanical testing, produced Ti6Al7Nb alloy foams had elastic moduli and yield strength very close to that of bone which makes them suitable for biomedical application because of the lessened stress shielding problem