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Item Citation Count: Temiz Dinç, Dilek (2020). "1980 Sonrası Türkiye’de Uygulanan Teknoloji Politikaları ve Türkiye Açısından Teknolojik Gelişme Göstergeleri", UİİİD-IJEAS, No. 28, pp. 119- 136.1980 Sonrası Türkiye’de Uygulanan Teknoloji Politikaları ve Türkiye Açısından Teknolojik Gelişme Göstergeleri(2020) Temiz Dinç, Dilek; 52039; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüToday, well-planned and implemented science and technology policies are needed for sustainable growth and development. Especially after 1980, due to the commencement of more importance to technological developments, the first time in this study, post-1980 technology policies applied in Turkey were examined under five-year development plans. If science and technology policies are considered an input, technological development indicators can be regarded as an output. In the second part of the study in this respect, in the context of technological development indicators for Turkey it is aimed to make a general assessment. From the study, the way to increase its competitiveness with other world countries Turkey giving more importance to the university-industry cooperation, a greater share allocation of the GDP from research and development activities, to increase the number of researchers expressed requirements. In this study, in order to increase the number of patents, it is emphasized that incentive practices should be reconsidered. It has been concluded that the necessity of establishing and implementing scieItem Citation Count: Taş, A. (2012). "A Fuzzy AHP approach for selecting a global supplier in pharmaceutical industry", African Journal Of Business Management, Vol.6, No.14, pp.5073-5084.A Fuzzy AHP approach for selecting a global supplier in pharmaceutical industry(2012-04-11) Taş, Ayşegül; 29252; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüOur study looks into the strategy that should be pursued for raw material procurement by a pharmaceutical firm operating in Turkey. In this paper, pharmaceutical research companies and food industry chemists operating in the global market in the pharmaceutical industry are examined and a suitable supply strategy is suggested for a company operating in Turkey under the specified criteria. The supplier selection is a multi-criterion problem which includes both qualitative and quantitative criteria. This paper proposes a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (fuzzy-AHP) to efficiently tackle both quantitative and qualitative criteria involved in selection of global supplier in pharmaceutical industry. Four main criteria and thirteen sub-criteria were identified for supplier selection in this problem. The number of suppliers to be selected under these criteria was identified as four. A numerical example presented illustrates the different selection criteria to select the best supplier in pharmaceutical industry.Item Citation Count: Gökmen, A. (2014). "A theoretical study on the concept of risk in enterprises, dynamics of risk in international business, investing in Turkey & evaluation of macro risks abstract", Ege Akademik Bakış, Vol.14, No.2, pp.175-187.A theoretical study on the concept of risk in enterprises, dynamics of risk in international business, investing in Turkey & evaluation of macro risks abstract(2014) Gökmen, Aytaç; 17660; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüRisk yönetimi, uluslararası işletmecilikte her zaman öneme sahip olmuştur. Bu kavram, en yalın tanımı ile işletmenin karşılaşabileceği belirsizliklerin bertaraf edilmesidir. Bununla beraber, hem içerden, hem de dışardan kaynaklanabilecek belirsizlikleri içerir. Dahası, risk yönetimi, politik, kültürel, finansal ve ekonomik risklerin hem işletme içi, hem de işletme dışı kaynaklar açısından değerlendirilmesini kapsar. Türkiye Avrasya’nın kesişme noktasında önemli bir ülkedir. Birçok pazara yakın ve gelecek vaat etmektedir. Ancak, pek çok ekonomik etkenden dolayı önemli derecede belirsizliğe maruzdur. Bu çalışmanın amacı ise, risk ve risk yönetimini kuramsal anlamda ulusal ve uluslararası kaynaklara dayanarak incelemek ve de durumu Türkiye açısında değerlendirip, çeşitli önerilerde bulunmaktır.Item Citation Count: Ruhlusaraç, Murat; Nakip, M. (2016). "Akademisyenlerin Otomobil Alım Tercihlerini Etkileyen Faktörler", Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar Dergisi, Vol.1, No.1, pp.100-111.Akademisyenlerin Otomobil Alım Tercihlerini Etkileyen Faktörler(2016-08) Ruhlusaraç, Murat; Nakip, Mahir; 118963; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüBesides providing people's daily transportation, cars also meet the psychological needs and the corporeal needs such as recreation, entertainment and trip. Academicians on the other side constitute a part of the society taken as a role model to pursue with interest whose ideas wondered. Therefore, this study investigates the existence of relationship between the purchase and use of cars which is an indispensable product due to demographic structures of academicians. Academicians are given a questionnaire according to demographics such as age, gender, income level and by the psychological factors such as the personality and learning-related features as well. The research questionnaire consisting of 2 pages was applied on 135 academicians who work in schools on different social and science areas. Applied survey data is processed with SPSS 20.0 and discriminant analysis was made to a number of hypotheses and then Wilks' Lambda test control is conducted. As a result, at the level of 5% significance, it was found that there exists difference between gender and monthly income with the preferred automobile brand they find attractive and difference between age and monthly income with frequences of car purchase. In this case, the monthly income among the demographic factors that affects the choice of buying a car is very effective, and age and gender are among the other influential factors.Item Citation Count: Temiz, Dilek; Gökmen, Aytaç, "An analysis of the export and economic growth in Turkey over the period of 1950-2009", Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, No. 5, pp. 123-141, (2010).An analysis of the export and economic growth in Turkey over the period of 1950-2009(2010) Gökmen, Aytaç; Temiz, Dilek; 52039; 17660; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüBu ampirik çalısma, Türk ekonomisinde 1950-2009 dönemindeki reel ihracat ve reel GSYİH ile ifade edilen büyüme arasındaki iliskiyi, senelik zaman serisi verileri kullanarak incelemektedir. Çalısmanın çözümlemesinde bir dizi ekonometrik yöntem kullanılmaktadır: ADF birim kök sınaması, Johansen esbütünlesme sınaması, vektör hata düzeltme modeli (VECM) ve Granger nedensellik sınaması. Bu çalısmanın sonuçları bütün değiskenlerin ilk farklarında durağan olduğunu göstermektedir. Buna ek olarak Johansen esbütünlesme sınaması iki değisken arasında uzun dönemde iliski olduğunu göstermektedir. Granger nedensellik sınaması, ekonomik büyümeden reel ihracata doğru tek yönlü nedenselliği göstermektedir. Nedensellik sonuçları, vektör hata düzeltme modelinin (VECM) gösterdiği sonuçlarla uyumludur. Reel ihracat ve ekonomik büyüme arasında hem uzun dönemde, hem de kısa dönemde nedensellik iliskisi vardır. Bu nedenselliğin yönü ise ekonomik büy ümeden (reel GSYİH) ihracata doğrudur.Item Citation Count: Nakip, M., Aytaç, G. (2017). An empirical survey of consumer ethnocentrism in Kazakhstan and the preference of consumers on imported products. Bilig, 82, 65-90.An empirical survey of consumer ethnocentrism in Kazakhstan and the preference of consumers on imported products(Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi, 2017-07) Nakip, Mahir; Gökmen, Aytaç; 118963; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüThe reality of globalization declines the frontiers for cross border international trade and investments as well as functions as a means to converge the consumer needs and expectations on a global base. The convergence of the expectations of consumers is considerably beneficial for international businesses in their international marketing activities. However, this issue does not realize in every country or regional market. Yet, consumer ethnocentrism is a profound obstacle for international businesses which emphasis nationalistic sentiments, pride and the rejection of any product or idea that is made in another country without any rationale reasoning. Thus, this study is aimed at researching the subject of consumer ethnocentrism in the Central Asian Turkish Republic of Kazakhstan. The results indicate that there is not a strong relation between ethnocentric perceptions and product necessity in Kazakhstan. Also, sub-dimensions of ethnocentrism have different correlation levels with each imported products. In addition, religious and moral values are not effective factors in explaining the variation in imported productsItem Citation Count: Gökmen, Aytaç; Nakip, Mahir, "At the convergence of energy corridors: energy situation in Turkey and a critical evaluation with Porter's model", Transcontinental Strategies For Industrial Development And Economic Growth, pp.146-160, (2017).At the convergence of energy corridors: energy situation in Turkey and a critical evaluation with Porter's model(IGI Global, 2017) Gökmen, Aytaç; Nakip, Mahir; 17660; 118963; ÇAnkaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüTurkey is at the threshold of Eurasia connecting various energy corridors. It has an improving economic volume and is one of the 20 largest economies in the world. Energy and economic development are highly correlated. Turkey is dependent on imported energy. In order to keep up with the economic expansion, the energy requirements of Turkey must be met in a diversified, timely and reliable way. Thus, the aim of this paper is to define the geographic disposition of Turkey at the convergence of energy lines, review its energy situation comprehensively and make critical evaluations on energy and economy related issues, also with using the diamond model developed by Michael E. Porter resting on credible national and international publications and data.Item Citation Count: Gökmen, Aytaç. (2009). "Balanced Scorecard (Dengeli Başarı Göstergesi): Bsc Oluşturma Süreci Ve Uygulama Yöntemi", Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Vol.2, No.1, pp.11-23.Balanced Scorecard (Dengeli Başarı Göstergesi): Bsc Oluşturma Süreci Ve Uygulama Yöntemi(2009) Gökmen, Aytaç; 17660; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüZamanımız işletmeleri oldukça yoğun bir rekabetin bulunduğu bir çevrede uğraşılarına devam etmektedirler. Rekabetin bu denli belirleyici olduğu bir çevrede işletmelerin amaçlarını belirlemeleri ve bu amaçlarına ulaşacak politikalar geliştirmeleri güç olmaktadır. Geçmişte işletmeler başarı göstergesi olarak büyük çoğunlukla mali göstergeleri kullanmalarına rağmen artık, tek başına mali göstergeler yeterli olmamaktadır. Bu anlamda, işletmelerin uygun faaliyet politikalarını belirlemeleri için geliştirilen bir çözüm Balanced Scorecard (BSC)' dır. BSC işletmelerin amaç ve stratejilerini soyut ve somut göstergelere dönüştürmelerini ve işletmenin geleceğe dönük uğraşıları ve performansları daha iyi değerlendirdikleri bir yöntemdir. BSC mali göstergelerin yanında müşteri ilişkileri, içsel göstergeler (süreç planlama, üretim, pazarlama, istihdam gibi iç çevre etkenleri) ve de yeni bilginin işletme içinde edinilmesi, dağılımı ve kullanılması demek olan yenilik ve öğrenme ile ilgili göstergeleri de dikkate alarak işletmelerde kapsamlı bir denetim aracı halini almıştır. Bu çalışmada hedef, BSC kavramını yeniden değerlendirmek ve BSCnin oluşturulması ile uygulanmasına ait kavramsal bir modeli güvenilir uluslararası kaynaklara dayanarak ortaya koymaktır.Item Citation Count: Gökmen, A.; Temiz, D. (2013). "Born Global Firms: A Foreign Trade Related Study on Turkey", Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics , Voo.6, No.12.Born Global Firms: A Foreign Trade Related Study on Turkey(2013) Gökmen, Aytaç; Temiz, Dilek; 17660; 52039; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüWith the comprehensive advent in information and communication technologies and worldwide ease of transportation, the volume of international trade and business increased profoundly. Within this process, a Born Global Firm (BGF), right from its initiation, aims at creating competitive advantage by marketing a large volume of its products in various international markets by utilizing technological advances. Therefore, the rational behind the idea of BGF is to become an international firm in a short period of time and making international business affairs core of its business activities. Thus, the aim of this study is to review the concept of BGF theoretically and relate the issue to foreign trade affairs resting on significant sources related to the Turkish case mainly focusing on trade statistics as to review the potential development of BGFs in Turkey.Item Citation Count: Gönenç, H., Kan, Ö.B., Karadağlı, E.C. (2007). Business groups and internal capital markets. Emerging Markets Finance And Trade, 43(2), 63-81. http://dx.doi.org/10.2753/REE1540-496X430204Business groups and internal capital markets(Taylor&Francis INC, 2007-04) Gönenç, Halit; Kan, Özgür B.; Karadağlı, Ece Ceylan; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası TicaretWe compare the performance of firms affiliated with diversified business groups with the performance of unaffiliated firms in Turkey, all emerging market. We address the question of whether group-affiliated firms create internal capital markets or control large cash flows. Our findings indicate that group affiliation improves a firm accounting performance, but not stock market performance. Deviation of cash-flow rights front voting rights has a negative but insignificant effect on accounting performance, but a significant effect on market performance. We also find that a firm's accounting, but not stock market, performance increases with the level of group diversification. Our results show that internal capital markets play an important role for the existence of business groups in all emerging market contextItem Citation Count: Temiz, Dilek. (2019). "Çin’in ekonomik büyümesinde ivme kaybı: İhracat-kamu harcamaları etkisi, Toda-Yamamoto nedensellik testi", Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, No.54, pp.461-486.Çin’in ekonomik büyümesinde ivme kaybı: İhracat-kamu harcamaları etkisi, Toda-Yamamoto nedensellik testi(2019) Temiz, Dilek; 52039; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüÇin, uyguladığı başarılı reformlar ve dışa açılma politikası ile önemli bir ekonomik büyüme performansı yakalayarak, gelişmiş ekonomilerle arasını hızla kapatan bir ekonomi görünümüne sahipti. Ancak, 2010 yılından itibaren büyüme hızı yavaşlamaya başladı. Büyüme hızındaki bu ivme kaybının birçok nedeninin olmasıyla birlikte, Çin’in ihracat artış hızının ve Çin’deki kamu harcamalarının azalması başlıca nedenler arasında sayılabilir. Bu çalışmada, Çin’in ihracatı, kamu harcamaları ve ekonomik büyümesi arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisi, Toda-Yamamoto nedensellik testi ile araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada, 1960-2017 dönemini kapsayan yıllık veriler kullanılmıştır. Ampirik analizler sonucunda, Çin’in ekonomik büyümesi ile kamu harcamaları arasında çift yönlü, ihracatı ile ekonomik büyümesi arasında ise ihracatından ekonomik büyümesine doğru tek yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi saptanmıştır. Bu bulgular göre, Çin’in ekonomik büyümesi ile kamu harcamaları ilişkisi, hem Wagner’in hem de Keynes’in hipotezlerini desteklemekte, ekonomik büyümesi ile ihracatı ilişkisi ise ihracata dayalı büyüme hipotezini desteklemektedir. Çalışmada ayrıca varyans ayrıştırması analizi ile Çin’in ekonomik büyümesi üzerinde ihracatının etkisinin kamu harcamalarının etkisinden daha fazla olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.Item Citation Count: Klasra, Mushtaq Ahmad, "Cointegration, causality and the transmission of shocks across wheat market in Pakistan", Quality&Quantity, Vol.43, No.2, pp.305-315, (2009).Cointegration, causality and the transmission of shocks across wheat market in Pakistan(Springer, 2009-03) Klasra, Mushtaq Ahmad; Çankaya Üniversitesi,İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi,Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüThis paper uses quarterly price data and examines the transmission of shocks across different spatially separated locations besides identifying causality among these locations. Johansen and Juselius's (Econ. Stat., 52, 160-210, 1990) multivariate cointegration procedure identified two cointegrating vectors among these locations. Following Toda and Yamamoto (J. Econom., 66, 225-250, 1995), causality tests showed only one bi-directional causality and it was between Peshawar and Hyderabad locations. Faisalabad and Sargodha appeared independent (i.e. exogenous) market locations in price discovery process. Peshawar market showed maximum (i.e. 5) number of significant links. The generalized impulse response functions, though, suggested similar (cyclical) pattern of responses across the markets, but their time profile, which provides insight into the system's speed of convergence to long run equilibrium path, varied with different level of extent and persistency. Responses to shock originating in consumption markets (i.e. Karachi, Peshawar and Lahore) remained short lived; whereas the shocks stemming from surplus wheat producing locations (i.e Multan, Sargodha and Faisalabad) produced long and more persistent responses.Item Citation Count: Klasra, M.A.; Fidan, H.,"Competitiveness of Major Exporting Countries and Turkey in the World Fishery Market: A Constant Market Share Analysis",Aquaculture Economics and Management, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 317-330, (2005).Competitiveness of Major Exporting Countries and Turkey in the World Fishery Market: A Constant Market Share Analysis(2005) Klasra, Mushtaq Ahmad; Fidan, Halil; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası TicaretThe purpose of this study is to examine whether and to what extent the shares of selected countries' fishery exports in the world markets reflect their international competitiveness. The Constant Market Share (CMS) model, which decomposes export growth into some broad components (i.e., structural effects, market effects, commodity effects and competitive effects), is applied to examine this issue. The results of decomposition analysis revealed that structural factors have been more significant in explaining the growth of exports. The growth effects, though, appeared positive for each country, the exports of open economies like Canada, the United States, Iceland and Turkey benefited more from the growth of world exports. The analysis of commodity composition and market effects suggests that countries like Canada, the United States, Iceland and Turkey were pursuing the product differentiation policy and were penetrating in those markets, which have been growing relatively faster. These countries remained committed throughout the sample period (i.e., 1980-2000) to export their diversified products in fast-growing markets. The analysis of competitiveness effects, which are derived as a residual, show that Norway, Spain, the United States, Indonesia, Thailand, sChile and China were strong fishery exporters and increased their competitiveness during the sample period.Item Citation Count: Doğru, Çağlar. "Handbook of Research on Contemporary Approaches in Management and Organizational Strategy", 1. Basım, ABD: IGI Global, (2019).Contemporary Change Management and Leadership in Local and International Businesses(IGI Global, 2019) Gökmen, Aytaç; Doğru, Çağlar; 17660; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüItem Citation Count: Alasafi, L.; Göksu, T.; Albayati, A., "Copyright Protection By Robust Digital Image Watermarking in Unsecured Communication Channels", Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 234-249, (2017).Copyright Protection By Robust Digital Image Watermarking in Unsecured Communication Channels(Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science, 2017-01) Alasafi, Layth; Göksu, Tuna; Albayati, Ammar; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası TicaretThe transition from analog technologies to digital technologies has increased the ever-growing concern for protection and authentication of digital content and data. Owners of digital content of any type are seeking and exploring new technologies for the protection of copyrighted multimedia content. Multimedia protection has become an issue in recent years, and to deal with this issue, researchers are continuously searching for and exploring new effective and efficient technologies. This thesis study has been prepared in order to increase the invisibility and durability of invisible watermarking by using the multilayer Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in the frequency plane and embedding two marks into an image for the purpose of authentication and copyright when digital content travels through an unsecured channel. A novel watermarking algorithm has been proposed based on five active positions and on using two marks. In addition to the extraction process, watermarking images will be subjected to a set of attack tests. The evaluation criteria have been the bases of assessing the value of SNR, PNSR, MAE and RMSE for both the watermarking images and the watermarking images after attacks, followed by the invisibility of the watermarking being measured before and after the attacks. Our lab results show high robustness and high quality images obtaining value for both SNR and PNSR.Item Citation Count: Özşuca Erenoğlu, Ekin Ayşe. "Credit Dynamics in Turkey: An Insight Bank Loans Tendency Survey", Current Debates on Social Sciences Human Studies 1, Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları, pp. 222-231, 2018.Credit Dynamics in Turkey: An Insight Bank Loans Tendency Survey(Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları, 2018) Özşuca Erenoğlu, Ekin Ayşe; Karacagil, Zeynel; Anaz, Efecan; 237965; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüItem Citation Count: Gökmen, Aytaç. Culture, cross-cultural communication, and international business communication in the global context: A critical approach, in Smart Strategies and Societal Solutions for Sustainable International Business, pp. 52-63.Culture, cross-cultural communication, and international business communication in the global context: A critical approach(2023-11-17) Gökmen, Aytaç; 17660; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüInternational business communication concerns the reconciliation of businesses and products which strive to embrace both the private and government sectors of numerous countries to conduct business transactions. Yet, inter-cultural communication is used when delivering different messages among different societies while doing international business. Thus, the aim of this chapter is to define the concepts of culture, international business communication and inter-cultural communication as well as integrate them on a global scale.Item Citation Count: Gökmen, Aytaç. (2010). "Developments And Prospects In e–Government Implementations In Turkey", International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, Vol.2, No.2, pp.27-39.Developments And Prospects In e–Government Implementations In Turkey(2010) Gökmen, Aytaç; 17660; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret Bölümü21st century is the age of globalization. Globalization is the process of transforming regional or local developments and phenomena into global realities. Globalization is also a process that unifies the world into a single society which is a combination of economical, social, political and technological influences. The most substantial actor in this process is the Internet and its contributions to data and knowledge procurement among the states, legal and natural persons. Moreover, Turkey is one of the leading states in the world to encourage the use of Internet and e – government implementations to integrate Turkey with that of the world and render premium services to her citizens and other related entities. The e – government which is also known as e- gov, online government or digital government, is a concept to utilize the Internet technology as a means to exchange information, provide services and transactions with citizens, business and other branches of government. Some e – government implementations both in practice and forthcoming in Turkey are e – Government Gateway, Public Sector Network, Informantions Disaster Recover System and Justice Net. It is aimed to constitute and develop knowledge society; to facilitate access to knowledge, decrease time consumption, provide better access to public services and enhance efficiency, ensure transparency and accountability, lower the costs and save sources in Turkey by e- government regulations. The aim of this study is to reveal the developments and realities of e – government in Turkey theoretically depending on comprehensive international and national publicationsItem Citation Count: Dinç, Dilek; Gökmen, Aytaç. Digital economy: The correlation between digital technology and economic growth-an emperical application, in Promoting Sustainable Management Through Technological Innovation, pp. 87-99, 2023.Digital economy: The correlation between digital technology and economic growth-an emperical application(2023-10-06) Dinç, Dilek; Gökmen, Aytaç; 52039; 17660; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret BölümüThe aim of this study is to explain the concept of digital economy and to examine the effect of digital technology on economic growth. In the study, the causality relationship between digital technology and economic growth in the Turkish economy for the period 2004-2021 was investigated with the Toda-Yamamoto test. As a result of the study, according to 10% significance level, bidirectional causality between internet usage-economic growth, computer usage-economic growth, and one-way causality between mobile line usage and economic growth from mobile line usage to economic growth was determined. No causal relationship was found between website ownership and economic growth in enterprises. According to the 5% significance level, a one-way causality relationship was determined from only computer and internet use to economic growth. © 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved.Item Citation Count: Özşuca, Ekin Ayşe. "Does Financial Inclusion Affect Poverty and Income Inequality? Evidence from Emerging and Developing Economies in Globalisation& Public Policy", London: Ijopec Publication, p. 63-78, 2019.Does Financial Inclusion Affect Poverty and Income Inequality? Evidence from Emerging and Developing Economies(Ijopec Publication, 2019) Özşuca, Ekin Ayşe; 237965; Çankaya Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Uluslararası Ticaret Bölümü