Analysis of Kızılcasar Village in terms of Vernacular Architecture
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Bal Koçyiğit, Filiz
Yıldırım, Nazlı Nazende
Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur
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In this study, the structure of the settlement areas in the historical texture and the measures
that could be used in the history of using environmental energy and energy in the residential
architecture in the most effective way were investigated and the effects of these measures on life style
were examined both in urban and residential dimensions. The study was sampled in Kızılcaşar Village
of İncek district in Ankara, which is located in the Central Anatolia Region, which has a hot and dry
climate. This review showed that; local and historical urban and residential architecture, first of all,
respect for each other, not only in cultural dimensions but also in environmental dimensions, which
are crucial in such settlement areas. The interrelationships and paths between residential settlements in
the village are formed within a certain respect in order to provide water and effective usage of the
stream for all the residential units. At the same time in the settlement, relations between the houses,
effective use of sunlight in the space during the summer and winter periods enables the use of heat and
lighting energy in the most efficient way. Similarly, using air currents increases air quality. In this
respect, it is important to ensure natural ventilation and coolness during hot weather and decrease air
pollution during winter. Thereby, indoor air quality is improved in all seasons. In addition, in these
residential structures, energy is provided for other requirements such as drying of laundries and
protection of food from hot weather.
Vernacular Architecture, Kızılcasar Village, Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, Natural Energy Sources
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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Bal Koçyiğit, Filiz; Yıldırım, Nazlı Nazende; Dökmeci Yörükoğlu, Papatya Nur, "Analysis of Kızılcasar Village in terms of Vernacular Architecture", Beyond All Limits Congress on Sustainability in Architecture, pp. 105-110, 2018.
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Beyond All Limits Congress on Sustainability in Architecture
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