Üniversitesi Öğrencilerinin Zaman Yönetiminde Düştükleri Zaman Tuzakları ve Bunlarla Başetme Yolları
Ökdem, Meltem
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Bu çalışmanın amacı üniversite öğrencilerinin zaman yönetimi becerilerini ortaya koymak ve zaman yönetiminde
düştükleri tuzaklar ve bu tuzaklarla baş etme yollarına ilişkin görüşlerini çeşitli değişkenlere (cinsiyet, okul türü ve
sınıf) göre değerlendirmektir. Araştırmada karma yöntem araştırmalarından “yakınsayan paralel desen”
kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel kısmının katılımcılarını 2017-2018 öğretim yılında bir kamu üniversitesi ve bir
özel üniversitede öğrenim görmekte olan 275 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Nitel kısmının katılımcılarını 12 si devlet ve
29’u özel üniversiteden olmak üzere 41 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Nicel verilerinin analizinde aritmetik ortalama ve
standart sapma, t-testi ve ANOVA nitel verilerin analizinde betimsel analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak
araştırma kapsamında yer alan öğrencilerin zaman yönetimi konusunda bireysel çabaları olmakla birlikte bu
çabaların yetersiz kaldığı ve zamanı etkin ve verimli kullanamadıkları ve bu süreci yönetemedikleri söylenebilir.
Zamanı iyi kullanamama nedenleri planlama yapmadıklarından, sosyal medya ve iletişim araçlarını iyi
kullanamadıklarından arkadaşlarına “hayır” diyemediklerinden, sosyal hayatlarından kaynaklandığını
söyleyebiliriz. Zamanlarını daha etkin kullanmaları için öğrencilerin planlama yapmaları önerilmektedir. Zaman
planlaması zaman kayıplarını önler. Öğrencilerin sosyal medyada çok zaman geçirdikleri iletişim araç
The aim of this study is to reveal the time management skills of university students, identify the time management “leaks” they fall into and examine the methods they use to cope with these leaks based on various parameters including gender, type of university and year of study. In the study, convergent parallel design is used as a mixed research method. The participants in the quantitative part of the study were 275 students who were students at public or private universities in the 2017-2018 academic year. The participants in the qualitative part of the study were 41 students, 12 of whom were at public schools and 29 at private schools. Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test and ANOVA were used to analyze the quantitative data. The findings of the study show that students sometimes practiced time management and sometimes used “time wasters” .A significant difference was found between the variable of year of study and students’ view of the significance of time wasters. Fourth-year students were found to be using time wasters more than second and first year students. Gender, type of university and year of study were found to have no effect on time management skills. In conclusion, although the participants were found to make personal efforts to manage their time, we found that they did not manage time well and their personal efforts were insufficient. The study reveals that the reasons for students’ inability to use their time efficiently were lack of planning, inefficient use of social media and communication tools, an inability to say “no” to friends, and their social lives. The careful use of communication tools, developing the ability to say “no” to friends, being organized and considering the effect of the study environment are suggested as time management techniques. Students are advised to plan their time more effectively. Time planning prevents losses of time. It has been seen that students could not use the communication tools effectively by which they spent much time on social media. Students' awareness about this matter should also be increased.
The aim of this study is to reveal the time management skills of university students, identify the time management “leaks” they fall into and examine the methods they use to cope with these leaks based on various parameters including gender, type of university and year of study. In the study, convergent parallel design is used as a mixed research method. The participants in the quantitative part of the study were 275 students who were students at public or private universities in the 2017-2018 academic year. The participants in the qualitative part of the study were 41 students, 12 of whom were at public schools and 29 at private schools. Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test and ANOVA were used to analyze the quantitative data. The findings of the study show that students sometimes practiced time management and sometimes used “time wasters” .A significant difference was found between the variable of year of study and students’ view of the significance of time wasters. Fourth-year students were found to be using time wasters more than second and first year students. Gender, type of university and year of study were found to have no effect on time management skills. In conclusion, although the participants were found to make personal efforts to manage their time, we found that they did not manage time well and their personal efforts were insufficient. The study reveals that the reasons for students’ inability to use their time efficiently were lack of planning, inefficient use of social media and communication tools, an inability to say “no” to friends, and their social lives. The careful use of communication tools, developing the ability to say “no” to friends, being organized and considering the effect of the study environment are suggested as time management techniques. Students are advised to plan their time more effectively. Time planning prevents losses of time. It has been seen that students could not use the communication tools effectively by which they spent much time on social media. Students' awareness about this matter should also be increased.
Zaman Yönetimi, Zaman Tuzakları, Zaman Harcatıcılar, Time Management, Time Leaks, Time Wasters
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
Fields of Science
Ökdem, Meltem (2019). "Üniversitesi Öğrencilerinin Zaman Yönetiminde Düştükleri Zaman Tuzakları ve Bunlarla Başetme Yolları/Time Leaks Among University Students and Methods of Coping With Them", Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 79-94.
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