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Article Citation Count: Preveze, B. (2018). "A Novel Analytical Method for Throughput Calculation of Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Running Different Routing Algorithms ", International Journal of Research Studies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol.4, No.4, pp.1-10.A Novel Analytical Method for Throughput Calculation of Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Running Different Routing Algorithms(2018) Preveze, Barbaros; 17573Because of the increasing number of internet related applications, the role of total router transmission delay became much more important for the service quality. For this purpose, the tunneling techniques have been widely used especially for real time multimedia transmission to have less number of route constructions and to be able to forward each packet at each router without the need of reaching the upper OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) layers. But, in mobile networks, since the network experience with more changes in traffic conditions and node locations, tunnels will be reconstructed for many times and some extra delay will occur to reconstruct these tunnels. In this work, the place of the tunneling algorithm is taken by the well-known MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) protocol and for confirmation the throughput calculations are made by considering two different routing algorithms, one of which is AEABR algorithm proposed in [1] (shown in [2] that it improves the system throughput w.r.t Fastest path Routing algorithm [3] for various vehicular velocities), and the other one is Fastest Path routing algorithm [3]. In this work a novel analytical method for throughput calculation of wireless ad-hoc networks running aforementioned routing algorıthms is proposed including the effects of extra delay caused by extra Route Reconstructions (RRC).Article Citation Count: Preveze, B. (2015). A novel cognitive method for throughput ımprovement of mobile multi-hop ad hoc networks. Wireless Personal Communications, 82(1), 229-243. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11277-014-2205-1A novel cognitive method for throughput improvement of mobile multi-hop ad hoc networks(Springer, 2015) Preveze, Barbaros; 17573We had previously defined a novel cognitive method for throughput improvement of IEEE 802.16j mobile multi-hop ad-hoc network which enables better management of the spectral access and buffer management of the nodes in the network. By this method we had minimized the packet loss ratio and improved the throughput of IEEE 802.16j network. In this study, a novel cognitive buffer management algorithm is proposed that arranges the packets stored in the buffers of the nodes in a probabilistic way and selects correct packet of the correct node to transmit first to provide fewer packet losses and also fewer average hop-counts for more throughputs. It is shown that the novel proposed buffer management algorithm provides about 19.45 % more throughput improvement (on average) with respect to the results evaluated by the buffer management algorithm used before (which was also shown to provide 12 % throughput improvement with respect to a First In First Out buffer management algorithm). All the results evaluated in this study are also confirmed by the results of analytical calculations, the results of the developed simulation program and the results evaluated in the literature.Article Citation Count: Preveze, Barbaros (2020). "A Novel High Performance Routing Algorithm for Mobile Multi-hop Tunneling Networks", Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 114, No. 1, pp. 1-27.A Novel High Performance Routing Algorithm for Mobile Multi-hop Tunneling Networks(2020) Preveze, Barbaros; 17573By the increased number of mobile devices, the demand of high speed connection oriented tunneling networks also increases. But, in mobile tunneling networks, the full route will have to be reconstructed more frequently because of more frequent route failures, where the requirements for extra route reconstructions (RRC) will cause extra delay and a decreased system throughput. In this work, a novel routing algorithm, optimum path routing (OPR) is proposed to extend the route life time of mobile multi hop tunneling networks and to increase the system throughput. On the other hand, as the most recent works in the literature indicate that, one of the greatest challenges of tunneling networks is to provide the network flexibility by instant adaptation on changing network conditions to keep the delay at lowest levels even in case of high traffic loads or node failures. To solve the aforementioned flexibility problem of the tunneling networks, a novel algorithm applicable to all kinds of routing algorithms called "avoid congested nodes (ACN)" is proposed. The results show that, the OPR algorithm proposed to increase the route life has succeeded in decreasing the RRC delay by 84% and improving the throughput by 20.17% with respect to the Fastest Path routing algorithm in the literature. And the ACN algorithm, proposed to provide a rapid adaptation of the nodes to the changing traffic conditions, has also succeeded in carrying back the throughput of the network with traffic load from 75.5% of its best performance evaluated with no traffic to its 94%.Article Citation Count: Preveze, Barbaros (2019). "A Novel Method For Performance Improvement of Slow Start Congestion Control Method In Packet Switched Networks", Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 451-467.A Novel Method For Performance Improvement of Slow Start Congestion Control Method In Packet Switched Networks(2019) Preveze, Barbaros; 17573By the introduction of all IP networks with the smart homes, smart phones, car multimedia systems wearable technologies and IP TV’s, the number of internet related devices and the number of applications have increased. This has generated an increased quantity of bandwidth usage in packet switching networks. Therefore, the betterment of the bandwidth usage and the system performance has become more significant. Thus, there is a large number of works in the literature attempting to improve the network performance. For this purpose, generally the modifications of used methods in the network structures are preferred, rather than making major hardware based modifications requiring more financial support. In this work, a novel method called Return Back to threshold (RBT) is proposed to be applied to packet switched networks for a better congestion control.Article Citation Count: Preveze, B. (2023). "A Novel Solution for Network Flexibility Problem in Mobile Multi-hop Tunneling Networks", Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.129, No.2, pp. 1049-1068.A Novel Solution for Network Flexibility Problem in Mobile Multi-hop Tunneling Networks(2023) Preveze, Barbaros; 17573Since the network throughput performance is limited by the available technology limits, there are too many attempts in the literature to improve the throughput performance of the network by modifying the routing algorithms currently in use. Although application of the tunneling on IP networks provides reserved paths for the higher priority packet streams and succeeds in providing faster communication performances, it is also determined in the literature that, the greatest up to date problem of tunneling networks is the flexibility problem, which is defined as the problem of difficulty to have minimal delay and highest throughput when congestions or node failures occur and the throughput decreases due to high traffic loads on the network. sIn this work, a high performance solution, called LB-ACN (Location Based- Avoid Congested Node) is proposed to solve this flexibility problem and to compensate the increased delay which came up due to the high traffic load and also due to inflexible tunneling network structure, considering the locations of the nodes in addition to their traffic loads. And it is shown that, it is succeeded to carry the throughput of the highly traffic loaded network back to 48.6 Mbps from 36.9 Mbps by about 31.7% performance improvement for which we could improve it from 36.9 Mbps up to 45.9 Mbps by 24.3% using the proposed ACN (Avoid Congested Node) algorithm in our previous work. As a result, we have succeeded in having about 7.4% more improvement on throughput performance in comparison with the previously proposed ACN algorithm.Publication Citation Count: Preveze, Barbaros; Safak, Aysel, "Alternative Enhancement of Associativity Based Routing (AEABR) for Mobile Networks", Vol. 32, pp. 67-+, (2010).Alternative Enhancement of Associativity Based Routing (Aeabr) for Mobile Networks(Springer, 2010) Preveze, Barbaros; Safak, Aysel; 17573This study proposes an alternative enhancement for the Enhanced Associativity Based Routing (EABR) method which is a derivation of ABR (Associativity Based Routing) by relative speed and relative distance estimation using the received power strength (RPS) of the nodes. In this study, it is shown that EABR outperforms some other well known protocols. The performance of EABR is improved in terms of number of route reconstructions (RRC) and connected status percentage (CSP). Message overhead and bandwidth utilization is also investigated.Conference Object Citation Count: Převeze, B.; Şafak, A.,"Associativity Tick Averaged Associativity Based Routing (Ataabr) for Real Time Mobile Networks",Eleco 2009 - 6th International Conference On Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. II208-II212, (2014).Associativity Tick Averaged Associativity Based Routing (Ataabr) for Real Time Mobile Networks(2019) Preveze, Barbaros; Safak, Aysel; 17573This study proposes a long lived routing method which is also based on Associativity such as ABR (Associativity Based Routing) for real time applications. The main purpose of our work is improving the ABR algorithm in order to reduce the outage of the nodes and decreasing the number of reconstructions required to keep the nodes in communication. The performance of ABR is compared with other long-lived relay selection algorithms for real-time applications.Publication Citation Count: Preveze, Barbaros; Safak, Aysel, "Comparative Analysis of Novel Long Life Routing Methods in Mobile Networks", 2010 Ieee 21st International Symposium On Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (Pimrc), pp. 1596-1601, (2010).Comparative Analysis of Novel Long Life Routing Methods In Mobile Networks(IEEE, 2010) Preveze, Barbaros; Safak, Aysel; 17573In this study we propose two novel ABR extended Long Life Routing Methods called Alternative enhancement for Enhanced Associativity Based Routing (AEABR) and Associativity Tick Averaged ABR (ATAABR) methods which are also modifications of Associativity Based Routing (ABR). Comparison of these associativity based long Life routing algorithms in Mobile Networks are done for route speeds, life times and outage times Since ABR at most focuses on power strength, it will be preferable in most systems to establish long life routes from source to destination considering the power constraints. It is shown in this paper that, the novel algorithms that we propose provide better life time, link speeds and outage time results than EABR (Enhanced Associativity Based Routing) method and other relay selection algorithms taken into consideration in this work. It's illustrated that the performance of EABR method, is really better than other relay selection algorithms for number of Route reconstructions (RRC) or relay changes and Connected Status Percentage (CSP). On the other hand it has also been illustrated that AEABR and ATAABR improve the connection stability of EABR by keeping the connection outage time at lower levels where ATAABR require less modification on algorithm and needs less computation time. AEABR improves either connection outage times or number of RRC. During this analysis message overhead and bandwidth wastage of each algorithm is also investigated. The proposed algorithms can be used in designing a unicast mobile network having power constraints to provide longer path life and lower number of route reconstructions.Article Citation Count: Preveze, Barbaros (2020). "Dynamic Optımızatıon of Image Brıgthness Level With Optimal Gamma Value Assessment (OGVA) Method", Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 222-228.Dynamic Optımızatıon of Image Brıgthness Level With Optimal Gamma Value Assessment (OGVA) Method(2020) Preveze, Barbaros; 17573In this study, the proposed Optimum Gamma Value Assignment (OGVA) method is intended to dynamically optimize the image intensity level in non-desired images due to undesired light levels. For this purpose, it is aimed to make the dark images which cannot be seen due to lack of light, while bright images are dynamically dimmed by using the optimum gamma correction value applied on the image momentarily. It has been shown that this novel method, which will only be implemented as software, without requiring any additional hardware, yields satisfying results even at different light levels.Article Citation Count: Preveze, B. (2020). "Dynamic Optımızatıon of Image Brıgthness Level With Optimal Gamma Value Assessment (OGVA) Method", Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, Vol.20, No.2, pp.222-228.Dynamic Optımızatıon of Image Brıgthness Level With Optimal Gamma Value Assessment (OGVA) Method(2020) Preveze, Barbaros; 17573In this study, the proposed Optimum Gamma Value Assignment (OGVA) method is intended todynamically optimize the image intensity level in non-desired images due to undesired light levels. Forthis purpose, it is aimed to make the dark images which cannot be seen due to lack of light, while brightimages are dynamically dimmed by using the optimum gamma correction value applied on the imagemomentarily. It has been shown thaConference Object Citation Count: Preveze, Barbaros; Şafak, Aysel (2010). "Effects of ant colony and fastest path routing algorithms on performance improvement of novel cognitive methods", Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC 2010, pp. 478-483.Effects of ant colony and fastest path routing algorithms on performance improvement of novel cognitive methods(2010) Preveze, Barbaros; Şafak, Aysel; 17573This paper demonstrates the usage of novel cognitive methods that improve the throughput of a WIMAX network by minimizing packet loss. The effects of the ant colony and fastest path routing algorithms on the throughput are investigated. A combination of Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) spectrum sharing techniques is used. Data packet loss rate is minimized for real-time voice and video packet transmissions. A unicast mobile multimedia network with improved system throughput is provided with both routing methods, even for a small node count. © 2010 IEEE.Conference Object Citation Count: Preveze, Barbaros; Şafak, Aysel (2011). "Fair spectrum sharing in wireless networks",2011 IEEE 19th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2011, pp.770-773.Fair spectrum sharing in wireless networks(2011) Preveze, Barbaros; Şafak, Aysel; 17573Efficient utilization of available resources and the avoidance of overload conditions have high importance for any communication network. For a CSMA based VANET the wireless bandwidth must be shared fairly among all nodes. In VANET the network and available bandwidth are in dynamical structures. Thus, if the congestion control is not provided for the VANET based broadcast communication; the lower priority applications may use the entire spectrum and may cause starvation of some important applications. In this work it is shown that our proposed MCAF (Most Congested Access First) throughput improvement method also provides fair data rate per node in vehicular communication. The data rate per node with fair spectrum allocation is determined using the MCAF simulation and calculation results. Finally, the evaluated results are confirmed by comparing them with the results of other works evaluated in the literature. © 2011 IEEE.Book Part Citation Count: Preveze, Barbaros (2016). "How to use novel methods for improving the performance of wireless cognitive networks", in Spectrum Sharing in Wireless Networks: Fairness, Efficiency, and Security, CRC Press, USA, pp. 411-421.How to use novel methods for improving the performance of wireless cognitive networks(2016) Preveze, Barbaros; 17573Article Citation Count: Al-Mishmish, Hameed R. M.; Preveze, Barbaros; Alkhayyat, Ahmed (2019). "Improvement of Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Networks Bandwidth Efficiency under Interference and Power Constraints", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 5335-5353.Improvement of Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Networks Bandwidth Efficiency under Interference and Power Constraints(2019) Al-Mishmish, Hameed R. M.; Preveze, Barbaros; Alkhayyat, Ahmed; 17573The definition of the bandwidth efficiency (BE) of cognitive cooperative network (CCN) is the ratio between a number of the licensed slot(s) or sub-channel(s) used by the unlicensed users to transmit a single data packet from the unlicensed transmitter to unlicensed destination, and from unlicensed relay(s) to unlicensed destination. This paper analyzes and improves the BE in the underlay CCN with a new reactive relay selection under interference and power constraints. In other words, this paper studies how unlicensed cooperative users use the licensed network slot(s) or sub-channel(s) efficiently. To this end, a reactive relay selection method named as Relay Automatic Repeat Request (RARQ) is proposed and utilized with a CCN under interference and power constraints. It is shown that the BE of CCN is higher than that of cooperative transmission (CT) due to the interference and power constraint. Furthermore, the BE of CCN is affected by the distance of the interference links which are between the unlicensed transmitter to the licensed destination and unlicensed relay to the licensed destination. In addition, the BE for multiple relays selection over a CCN under interference and power constraints is also analyzed and studied, and it is shown that the BE of CCN decreases as the number of relays increases.Article Citation Count: Preveze, Barbaros;...et.al. (2022). "SDN-Driven Internet of Health Things: A Novel Adaptive Switching Technique for Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol.2022.SDN-Driven Internet of Health Things: A Novel Adaptive Switching Technique for Hospital Healthcare Monitoring System(2022) Preveze, Barbaros; Alkhayyat, Ahmed; Abedi, Firas; Jawad, Aqeel Mahmood; Abosinnee, Ali S.; 17573In the last decent, the number of Internet of Things (IoT) health-based paradigm reached to a huge number of users, services, and applications across different disciplines. Thus, hundreds of wireless devices seem to be distrusted over a limited or small area. To provide a more efficient network, the software-defined network (SDN) thought to be a good candidate to deal with these huge number of wireless users. In this work, after a novel SDN algorithm is proposed for the hospital environment, it is also designed and integrated into an Internet of Health Things (IoHT) paradigm. The novel algorithm called adaptive switching (AS) is proposed as a novel adaptive access strategy based on adaptively hoping among existing Go-Back-N and Selective Repeat techniques. Finally, the throughput performance of the proposed AS method is compared with the performances of traditional Go-Back-N and Selective Repeat ARQ methods using the developed MATLAB simulation. For this, an optimal Perror rate that the network should prefer to switch either from Go-Back-N to Selective Repeat or from Selective Repeat to Go-Back-N method to maximize the network throughput performance is determined. The evaluated results are also confirmed by theoretical calculation results using well-known Mathis throughput formula. It is observed from the simulation results that the best throughput performance can be evaluated, when AS switches to Go-Back-N if the Perror is less than 3.5% and it switches back to Selective Repeat when the Perror is greater than 3.5%. By this way, it is also observed that the throughput always has its best possible results for all Perror rates and up to 37.52% throughput improvement is provided by the use of novel proposed adaptive switching (AS) algorithm.Book Part Citation Count: Preveze, Barbaros, "Throughput improvement in mobile ad hoc networks usingcognitive methods" Multimedia Over Cognitive Radio Networks: Algorithms, Protocols, And Experiments, pp.403-421, (2015).Throughput improvement in mobile ad hoc networks usingcognitive methods(CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, 2015) Preveze, Barbaros; 17573Article Citation Count: Preveze, Barbaros (2011). "Yeni Rotalama Algoritmalarının 802.16j AĞI Etkin Çıktı Oranı Artırımına Düşük Araç Hızları Altındaki Etkileri", Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol.16, No.1, pp.127-145.Yeni Rotalama Algoritmalarının 802.16j AĞI Etkin Çıktı Oranı Artırımına Düşük Araç Hızları Altındaki Etkileri(2011) Preveze, Barbaros; 17573Çoklu ortam verileri içeren kablosuz gezgin ağlarda, yeni bilişsel yöntemler ve rotalama algoritmaları kullanılarak, sistemdeki rota ömrü, bağlantı kesinti miktarı, ortalama sekme sayısı ve paket kaybı gibi performans parametrelerinin iyileştirilmesiyle, IEEE 802.16j ağ yapısının etkin çıktı oranının arttırılması sağlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, mevcut IEEE 802.16j ağında kullanılmakta olan OFDMA ve TDMA erişim tekniklerine ek olarak kullanılmak üzere önerilen, En Çok Sıkışan İlk Erişir (MCAF), Spektrumsal Yardımlaşma (SA) ve Arabellek Yönetimi (BM) metotları ile 802.16j ağında etkin çıktı oranı artırımı için elde edilen simülasyon sonuçları, elde edilen teorik sonuçlarla ve literatürde elde edilmiş olan diğer çalışmaların sonuçlarıyla kıyaslanarak doğrulanmıştır. Bu çalışmada ayrıca, önerilen AEABR (Erişebilirlik Tabanlı Rotalama Alternatif Geliştirimi) ve ATAABR (Erişilebilirlik Tik Ortalamalı Erişebilirlik Tabanlı Rotalama) isimli yeni uzun ömürlü rotalama algoritmalarının, geliştirilen etkin çıktı oranı yükseltimi metotlarıyla birlikte uygulanmasıyla, diğer rotalama algoritmalarına göre, daha da yüksek etkin çıktı oranları elde ettikleri gösterilmiştir. Önerilen yeni metotlar, dağınık ağ yapılarının, gezgin düğümler tarafından, anlık plansız sinyalleşme ile yönetimine dayanarak çalışmaktadır.