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Article Citation Count: Islam,M. Qamarul; L. Tiku,Moti; Yıldırım, F." Nonnormal Regression.I. Skew Distributions", Commun. Statist.—Theory Meth., Vol.30, No.6, pp.993-1020.Nonnormal Regression.I. Skew Distributions(2001) Islam, M. Qamarul; L. Tiku, Moti; Yildirim, F.In a linear regression model of the typey¼ Xþe, it is oftenassumed that the random erroreis normally distributed. Innumerous situations, e.g., whenymeasures life times or reac-tion times,etypically has a skew distribution. We considertwo important families of skew distributions, (a) Weibull withsupport IR:ð0,1Þon the real line, and (b) generalised logisticwit hsupport IR:ð 1,1Þ. Since the maximum likelihoodestimators are intractable in these situations, we derivemodified likelihood estimators which have explicit algebraicforms and are, therefore, easy to compute. We show that theseestimators are remarkably efficient, and robust. We develophypothesis testing procedures and give a real life exampleArticle Citation Count: Kardam, Filiz; Tokgöz, G. (2004). "Gender Based Discrimination at Work in Turkey: A Cross-Sectoral Overview", Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, Vol.59, No.4, pp.151-172.Gender Based Discrimination at Work in Turkey: A Cross-Sectoral Overview(2004) Kardam, Filiz; Tokgöz, GülayBu makalede Türkiye'de kadınların istihdam durumları ve çalışma yaşamının değişik alanlarında karşılaştıkları cinsiyete dayalı ayrımcılık uygulamaları, esas olarak 1994-1998 yılları arasında yürütülen "Kadın İstihdamını Geliştirme Projesi" (KİG) kapsamında gerçekleştirilen araştırmaların bulguları temelinde tartışılmaktadır. KİG projesi araştırmaları kadınların sanayide ve hizmetler sektöründeki güncel istihdam durumlarının yanı sıra kadınların işgücüne katılmak için üstesinden gelmeleri gereken kültürel engellere ilişkin zengin bilgi sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada çalışma yaşamına girişte ve işyerlerinde karşılaşılan ayrımcılık biçimleri ele alınmakta ve günümüz Türkiye'sinde kadınların işgücü piyasasındaki konumlarının mevcut toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri, geleneksel ataerkil değerler ve ayrımcılık tarafından nasıl belirlendiği incelenmektedir. Kadınların geleneksel olmayan istihdam alanlarında artan sayıları ve uluslararası sözleşmelere de bağlı olarak çalışma yaşamında kadınların eşitliğini öngören yasal düzenlemelerin varlığı, kadınların toplumdaki rolüne ilişkin zihniyet yapılarını ve geleneksel yaklaşımları köklü biçimde sarsmak ve değiştirmek bakımından yeterli olmamaktadır.Article Citation Count: Kardam, F.; Yüksel, İ. (2004). "Kadınların Yoksulluğu Yaşama Biçimleri : Yapabilirlik Ve Yapabilirlikten Yoksunluk", Nüfusbilim Dergisi\Turkish Journal of Population Studies, No.24, pp.45-72.Kadınların Yoksulluğu Yaşama Biçimleri : Yapabilirlik Ve Yapabilirlikten Yoksunluk(2004) Kardam, Filiz; Yüksel, İlknurBu çalışmada düşük sosyo-ekonomik gruptaki kadınların yoksulluğu algılamaları, yoksullukla ilgili tecrübeleri ve yaşam stratejileri Amartya Sen’in ‘yapabilirlik yaklaşımı’ndan yararlanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Makalenin amacı, temel kapasiteleri ve yaşam deneyimleri farklılık gösteren kadınların yoksulluğu yaşama biçimleri arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıkları ortaya çıkarırken, gelir ve tüketimin yanı sıra maddi olmayan kaynakları ve olanakları da ele almaktır. Çalışmada, Ankara’da düşük gelir grubunda yaşayan 40 kadın ile derinlemesine görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Görüşülen kadınların evleri ve çevreleriyle ilgili gözlemlere ek olarak yoksulluğu önleyici programlara sahip bazı kurumlardan da bilgi edinilmiştir.Article Citation Count: Islam, M. Qamarul; Tiku, Moti L. (2004). "Multiple linear regression model under nonnormality", Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol.33, No.10, pp.2443-2467.Multiple linear regression model under nonnormality(2004) Islam, M. Qamarul; Tiku, Moti L.We consider multiple linear regression models under nonnormality. We derive modified maximum likelihood estimators (MMLEs) of the parameters and show that they are efficient and robust. We show that the least squares esimators are considerably less efficient. We compare the efficiencies of the MMLEs and the M estimators for symmetric distributions and show that, for plausible alternatives to an assumed distribution, the former are more efficient. We provide real-life examples.Article Citation Count: Yazıcı, Mehmet (2006). "Private charity and cooperation vs. non-cooperation", Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 860-863.Private charity and cooperation vs. non-cooperation(2006) Yazıcı, Mehmet; 144084This study analyzes cooperative and non-cooperative outcomes in the context of private charity and compares them on efficiency grounds. Analysis is conducted in a model economy where there are two rich individuals and one poor and the rich care about the well-being of the poor. The results of the analysis suggest that, when making donations to the poor, the rich should get together and act cooperatively instead of behaving independently. Given the fact that there are many donors in reality and therefore it is difficult for them to get together for cooperation, this result implies a role for government to provide a mechanism for cooperation and justifies the support of the governments for charity organizations.Article Citation Count: Yazıcı, M. (2006). "Does the Incomplete Information Matter with Export Quotas?", Journal of Applied Sciences, No.6, pp.1935-1938.Does the Incomplete Information Matter with Export Quotas?(2006) Yazıcı, Mehmet; 144084This study investigates whether or not incomplete information matters when the government adopts the export quotas in intervening in the oligopolistic export markets. Incomplete information the government has is about the unit-production cost of the domestic firm. It is shown first that quotas optimal under full information (full-information policy) result in Stackelberg outcome, the best outcome in a non-cooperative setting from the domestic firm`s point of view. When the full-information policy is implemented in the presence of incomplete information, it is found that no cost-type has an incentive to misrepresent itself as the other type. This means that full-information outcome will be achieved with incomplete information. Hence, incomplete information does not matter in the case of export quotas. This result, however, does not carry over to the case of more than one domestic firm.Book Part Citation Count: Arın, K. Peren; Omay, Tolga (2006). "Inflation and growth: An empirical study for the comparison of the level and the variability effects", Trends in Inflation Research, pp. 207-213.Inflation and growth: An empirical study for the comparison of the level and the variability effects(2006) Arın, K. Peren; Omay, Tolga; 19320This paper analyzes the interaction between the inflation and growth within the Mankiw-Romer-Weil (1992) framework. Our results indicate that the inflation level has a significant negative effect on output in advanced capitalist economies, whereas inflation variability has a negative and significant effect on output in the long-run for all sub-samples. Our results also show that the variability effects are larger in terms of significance. © 2006 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.Review Citation Count: Dener, Hasan I. (2007). "An Autobiography of Hilmi Çelik", Bilgi Dünyası, Vol.8, No.1, pp.174-176.An Autobiography of Hilmi Çelik(2007) Dener, Hasan IşınArticle Citation Count: Hasanov, Mübariz; Omay, Tolga, "Are the Transition Stock Markets Efficient? Evidence from Non-Linear Unit Root Tests", Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 1-12, (2007).Are the Transition Stock Markets Efficient? Evidence from Non-Linear Unit Root Tests(2007) Omay, Tolga; Hasanov, Mübariz; 19320In this paper we address efficiency of eight transition stock markets, namely, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian and Slovakian stock markets by testing whether the price series of these markets contain unit root. For this purpose we employ the nonlinear unit root test procedure recently developed by Kapetanios et al. (2003) that has a better power than standard unit root tests when series under consideration are characterised by a slower speed of mean reversion. The results of nonlinear unit root tests indicate that only Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian and Slovakian price series contain unit root, consistent with weak form efficiency.Article Citation Count: Çakmak,Diren. (2007). "Legislation On Ottoman Copyright Law", Türkiyat Arastırmalari Dergisi, Vol.21, pp.191-234.Legislation On Ottoman Copyright Law(2007) Çakmak, Diren; 131918In this study the age of copyright law in Turkey is 157 years is determined and, the fact that copyright as a term has entered in our country in the year 1850 with Statute of Encumen-i Danis, the first legal text on copyright is Statute of Copyright dated 1857, Statute of Copyright and Translation dated 1870 is compensatory legal text of Statute of Copyright, the second legal text on copyright is Code of Copyright dated 1910 is determined.Review Citation Count: Çakmak, Diren (2007). "The journal forum: 1954-1960 in Turkey", International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 31-39.The journal forum: 1954-1960 in Turkey(2007) Çakmak, Diren; 131918In the ten years (1950-1960) of Democrat Party rule in Turkey, intellectuals were obliged to create some alternative centers of power, particularly in view of government's oppressive policies towards the universities and the press. Forum Journal constituted one such center of criticism. Forum's writers -most of whom were educated in the republican regime- opposed the DP's pragmatic approach to politics and wanted to center political life on reason and to eliminate conservative attitudes. Most of the writers were from the Faculty of Political Science in Ankara University. Forum started to be published in April 1954. Forum did not aim at a struggle to acquire political power. Forum had an influence on almost the whole of the Turkish intelligentsia in the years 1954-1960. The institutions and ideas suggested by Forum were realized to a large extent with the Constitution accepted after the military intervention in the year 1960. For example, the establishment of a second chamber of the legislative assmebly -the Senate-, the constitutional court, the state planning organization, autonomous universities, independence of judges, free press, granting rights to strike and collective negotiations to workers, free opposition, the principal of social equality..etc that had all been discussed in the pages of Forum, found place in the Constitution 1961. So it is possible to claim that Forum Journal with its great contribution for the reconsolidation of the democratic regime demonstrated the higly significant role in Turkish political life. Forum writers treated the military intervention in 27 May 1960 as the liberator of Turkish democracy although it caused a temporary break in the democratic regime. This study which is based on the evaluation of Forum Journal will be a serious contribution considering the journal's support in military intervention of 1960 in Turkish political life.Article Citation Count: Bozbeyoğlu Çavlin, Alanur ;...et.al. (2010). "Ailenin karanlık yüzü: Türkiye'de ensest", Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1-37.Ailenin karanlık yüzü: Türkiye'de ensest(2010) Bozbeyoğlu Çavlin, Alanur; Koyuncu, Ece; Kardam, Filiz; Sungur, AltanBu makale Adana, Ankara, Diyarbakır, Erzurum, İstanbul ve Kocaeli illerinde ensesti yaşayanların ulaşabileceği kurumlarda çalışan çeşitli mesleklerden 98 uzman ile yapılmış yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelere dayanan Türkiyede Ensest Sorununu Anlamak (2009) isimli niteliksel araştırmanın bulguları kullanılarak yazılmıştır. Uzmanlar ensesti çok küçük bir bölümü görünür olan bir buzdağı olarak tarif etmiştir. Ensest mağdurları her yaştan kız ve erkek çocuk olabilirken, istismar genellikle dokunma, okşama gibi tacizlerle başlamaktadır. Bazı vakalar uzun süre bu şekildeki tacizlerle devam ederken bazılarında cinsel saldırı anal ve vajinal tecavüze varabilmektedir. Saldırganlar başta baba olmak üzere, dede, ağabey, amca, dayı ve kuzen gibi genellikle mağdurdan yaşça büyük erkek akrabalardır. Saldırganlar için ortak sosyo-ekonomik özelliklerden söz etmek mümkün değildir. Görüşmeler her türden aile yapısında ensestin olabileceğini göstermiştir. Ensestin ortaya çıkmasının önünde başlıca engeller çocuğun kendini ifade etmesinin zorlukları, saldırganın duygusal ve fiziksel tehdit içeren tutumu, toplumun namus anlayışının yarattığı baskı ve toplumun ve kurumların bireyden önce ailenin bütünlüğünü korumaktan yana tutumları olarak sayılabilir.Article Citation Count: Islam, M.Q., Tiku, M.L. (2010). Multiple linear regression model with stochastic design variables. Journal of Applied Statistics, 37(6), 923-943. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02664760902939612Multiple linear regression model with stochastic design variables(Routledge Journals, 2010) Islam, M. Qamarul; Tiku, Moti L.In a simple multiple linear regression model, the design variables have traditionally been assumed to be non-stochastic. In numerous real-life situations, however, they are stochastic and non-normal. Estimators of parameters applicable to such situations are developed. It is shown that these estimators are efficient and robust. A real-life example is givenArticle Citation Count: Doğan, Ergun; Wong, Koi Nyen. (2010). "Plant Size, Turnover and Productivity in Malaysian Manufacturing", RePEc.Plant Size, Turnover and Productivity in Malaysian Manufacturing(2010) Doğan, Ergun; Wong, Koi Nyen; 43080Malaysian manufacturing has an asymmetrical structure: small and medium-sized enterprises dominate in numbers, but contribute relatively little to total output, employment, and exports as compared to their larger counterparts. In light of an increasingly competitive environment arising from globalization, a sound knowledge of turnover patterns within the sector by plant size and its potential impact on aggregate productivity growth is imperative. We find that turnover, particularly of large plants, makes a substantial contribution to overall productivity growth in manufacturing. Hence, from a policy perspective, facilitating turnover might be as important as supporting existing plants in promoting aggregate productivity growth.Article Citation Count: Islam, Q. (2010). Mahalanobis distance under non-normality. Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 44(3), 275-290. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02331880903043223Mahalanobis distance under non-normality(Taylor&Francis LTD, 2010) Islam, M. QamarulWe give a novel estimator of Mahalanobis distance D2 between two non-normal populations. We show that it is enormously more efficient and robust than the traditional estimator based on least squares estimators. We give a test statistic for testing that D2=0 and study its power and robustness propertiesArticle Citation Count: Yazıcı, Mehmet; Qamarul, Islam M. (2011). "Impact of exchange rate and customs union on trade balance at commodity level of Turkey with eu (15)", Ekonomska Istrazivanja, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 75-85.Impact of exchange rate and customs union on trade balance at commodity level of Turkey with eu (15)(2011) Yazıcı, Mehmet; Qamarul, Islam M.; 144084This paper investigates the short-run and long-run impact of exchange rate and customs union on the trade balance at commodity-group level of Turkey with EU (15). Bounds testing approach is employed where a new strategy in the model selection phase is adopted ensuring that optimal model is selected from those models satisfying both diagnostics and cointegration. Results indicate that in the short-run exchange rate matters in determination of trade balance of 13 commodity groups out of 21 and customs union in 8 cases. Pattern of response of trade balance to exchange rate does not suggest a J-curve effect in any of cases. As for the long-run effect, neither exchange rate nor customs union has a statistically significant effect on trade balance of any of commodity groups, suggesting that those significant short-run effects don't last into long-run.Article Citation Count: Yazıcı, M., Islam, M.Q. (2011). Impact of exchange rate and customs uinon on trade balance at commodity level of Turkey with EU (15). Ekonomska Istrazivanja-Economic Research, 24(3), 75-85.Impact of exchange rate and customs uinon on trade balance at commodity level of Turkey with EU (15)(Juraj Dobrila ,University Pula, 2011) Yazıcı, Mehmet; Islam, M. Qamarul; 144084This paper investigates the short-run and long-run impact of exchange rate and customs union on the trade balance at commodity-group level of Turkey with EU (15). Bounds testing approach is employed where a new strategy in the model selection phase is odopted ensuring that optimal model is selected from those models satisfying both diagnostics and cointegration. Results indicate that in the short-run exchange rate matters in determination of trade balance of 13 commodity groups out of 21 and customs union in 8 cases. Pattern of response of trade balance to exchange rate does not suggest a J-curve effect in any of cases. As for the long-run effect, neither exchange rate nor customs union has a statistically significant effect on trade balance of any of commodity groups, suggesting that those significant short-run effects don't last into long-runArticle Citation Count: Omay, Tolga, "Can Term Structure of Interest Rate Predict Inflation and Real Economic Activity: Nonlinear Evidence from Turkey?", Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics: Applications In Physical, Biological, and Financial Systems, pp. 269-294, (2012)Can Term Structure of Interest Rate Predict Inflation and Real Economic Activity: Nonlinear Evidence From Turkey?(Springer, 2011) Omay, Tolga; 19320Article Citation Count: Sakarya, Arif Orcun; Temiz, Dilek, "Supply response of the wine industry in Turkey", Asia Life Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 271-287, (2011)Supply Response of the Wine Industry In Turkey(Asia Life Sciences, 2011) Sakarya, Arif Orçun; Temiz, Dilek; 19342Regarding the high wine production potential; the main goal of the study is to discover whether there is a long run relationship between wine production, wine net export and demand and to display the possible contribution of latter variables on wine production in Turkey. Following the wine market overlook; related contribution is analyzed by using annual time series data for the years 1961-2005, the Johansen cointegration test and ordinary least squares method. The empirical findings have shown that, as the wine net export or the wine demand increases, wine production also increases in Turkey. Cointegration test has proved that there is a long run relationship between wine production and the other variables.Article Citation Count: Kardam, F., Cengiz, K. (2011). Republican citizenship in Turkey: historical development, perceptions and practices. Middle Eastern Studies, 47(1), 151-165. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00263206.2011.535677Republican citizenship in Turkey: historical development, perceptions and practices(Routledge Journals, 2011) Kardam, Filiz; Cengiz, Kurtuluş; 199957This article, the result of qualitative research conducted in Ankara, aims to depict the republican understanding of citizenship from the behaviour patterns and daily practices of citizens and to show how it diverges from various other forms of citizenship understanding. Republican citizenship-the most dominant and hegemonic understanding of citizenship in Turkey-was constituted in the process of foundation of the Turkish Republic as a nation-state. In Turkey's historical experience, this tradition, which is based on civil responsibilities, could not develop sufficiently in terms of individual rights and democratic values. As reflected in the perceptions and practices of citizens, Turkish society is still not very close to a democratic understanding of citizenship that strongly defends human rights, legitimacy of differences, equality between people as well as embodying responsibilities for the society
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