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Article Citation Count: Gulec, Ulas...et al., "A 3D virtual environment for training soccer referees", Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 64, pp. 1-10, (2019).A 3D virtual environment for training soccer referees(Elsevier Science BV, 2019) Güleç, Ulaş; Yılmaz, Murat; İşler, Veysi; O'Connor, Rory V.; Clarke, Paul; 47439Emerging digital technologies are being used in many ways by and in particular virtual environments provide new opportunities to gain experience on real-world phenomena without having to live the actual real-world experiences. In this study, a quantitative research approach supported by expert validation interviews was conducted to determine the availability of virtual environments in the training of soccer referees. The aim is to design a virtual environment for training purposes, representing a real-life soccer stadium to allow the referees to manage matches in an atmosphere similar to the real stadium atmosphere. At this point, the referees have a chance to reduce the number of errors that they make in real life by experiencing difficult decisions that they encounter during the actual match via using the virtual stadium. In addition, the decisions and reactions of the referees during the virtual match were observed with the number of different fans in the virtual stadium to understand whether the virtual stadium created a real stadium atmosphere for the referees. For this evaluation, Presence Questionnaire (PQ) and Immersive Tendencies Questionnaire (ITQ) were applied to the referees to measure their involvement levels. In addition, a semi-structure interview technique was utilized in order to understand participants' opinions about the system. These interviews show that the referees have a positive attitude towards the system since they can experience the events occurred in the match as a first person instead of watching them from camera as a third person. The findings of current study suggest that virtual environments can be used as a training tool to increase the experience levels of the soccer referees since they have an opportunity to decide about the positions without facing the real-world risks.Article Citation Count: Satı, Benhür; Yolcu, Vahdi E, (2023). "A Bi-Objective Integrated Mathematical Model For Blood Supply Chain: Case Of Turkish Red Crescent", Journal Of Industrial And Management Optimization, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 3383-3418.A Bi-Objective Integrated Mathematical Model For Blood Supply Chain: Case Of Turkish Red Crescent(2023) Satır, Benhür; Yolcu, Vahdi; 54700Various criteria feature in blood supply chain (BSC) designs, where cost-based and time-based are the most commonly found in the literature. In the current study, total annual cost is used together with a new time-based objective. The total time spent in the transportation of blood products is considered as time lost, and weight is given to that time according to the product amount and then normalized with respect to shelf life. In using cost and time objectives, we developed a bi-objective mixed-integer mathematical programming model for the BSC of Turkish Red Crescent (TRC, the singular authority controlling BSC throughout Turkey), including collection, production, and distribution echelons, and also considering bag-type decisions for whole-blood collection. The objective of the study was to propose a BSC design model and solution approach. With all real-life TRC instances resolved optimally, a linear programming relaxation-based heuristic was developed for large-scale problem sizes. Real-life data were obtained from the TRC and the remainder from open-to-public sources. The study's main finding is that cost and time objectives alone produce significantly different designs, whilst using them together to form efficient-frontier solutions for decision-makers adds practical value.Article Citation Count: Kurt, Atil; Cetinkaya, Ferda Can; Azizoglu, Meral, "A blood distribution problem with new transportation options - an application for the Turkish Red Crescent", European Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 332-367, (2019).A blood distribution problem with new transportation options - an application for the Turkish Red Crescent(Inderscience Enterprises LTD, 2019) Kurt, Atıl; Çetinkaya, Ferda Can; Azizoğlu, Meral; 50129This paper considers the blood distribution problem in the Central Anatolian Regional Blood Centre of the Turkish Red Crescent (TRC) and proposes several demand satisfaction options considering the irradiation centres, urgent demands, and product availability. Our aim is to maximise the total weighted blood demand satisfaction. To address the problem, we develop a mixed integer linear programming model and propose a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA). The results of our experiments have revealed that the mathematical model cannot handle even small sized problem instances in reasonable times; however, the hybrid genetic algorithm is capable of handling complex daily operations of the Turkish Red Crescent.Article Citation Count: Karasakal, O., Kandiller, L., Özdemirel, N.E. (2011). A branch and bound algorithm for sector allocation of a naval task group. Naval Research Logistics, 58(7), 655-669. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/nav.20474A branch and bound algorithm for sector allocation of a naval task group(Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) Karasakal, Orhan; Kandiller, Levent; Özdemirel, Nur Evin; 5706; 2634A naval task group (TG) is a collection of naval combatants and auxiliaries that are grouped together for the accomplishment of one or more missions. Ships forming a TG are located in predefined sectors. We define determination of ship sector locations to provide a robust air defense formation as the sector allocation problem (SAP). A robust formation is one that is very effective against a variety of attack scenarios but not necessarily the most effective against any scenario. We propose a 0-1 integer linear programming formulation for SAP. The model takes the size and the direction of threat into account as well as the defensive weapons of the naval TG. We develop tight lower and upper bounds by incorporating some valid inequalities and use a branch and bound algorithm to exactly solve SAP. We report computational results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution approachArticle Citation Count: Çelik, Gence Genç; Çelik, O. (2019). "A Case Study of Structural Failure of Mounting Systems for Solar Panels from South-Eastern Turkey: An Investigation of Design Parameters under Extreme Weather Events", International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI), Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 16-23.A Case Study of Structural Failure of Mounting Systems for Solar Panels from South-Eastern Turkey: An Investigation of Design Parameters under Extreme Weather Events(2019) Çelik, Gence Genç; Çelik, O.; 101566One of the biggest demand of growing population, and cornerstone of the socio-economical growth of Nations, Energy is expected today to be Sustainable, Easy to Reach, Economical, and Continuous. As one of the most common and imperative contributors of this Clean Energy Future, Solar Energy in various forms takes a significant role whole around the World. And It shows a great potential particularly for Turkey which imports the majority of its Energy Resources - including Conventional Ones - from Out Sources, to decrease Energy Dependency on Out-of-country Bases and increase awareness to develop competition in New Technology and Production Fields. Based on a Structural Failure Case of Supporting Frames designed for Solar Photovoltaics (PV) in a Solar Power Plant from Turkey, this paper addresses the significance of Local and Site-Specific Investigation of Climate Data to properly decide on Structural Design Parameters -particularly Loads of Snow and Wind- by staying still comformable with National Codes and Standards.Publication Citation Count: Tokdemir, Gul; Bilgen, Semih; Ercil, Yavuz, "A case study on web-based information system evaluation" Proceedings Of The 8th European Conference On Is Management And Evaluation (ECIME 2014), pp.244-252, (2014)A case study on web-based information system evaluation(ACAD Conferences Ltd, 2014) Tokdemir, Gül; Bilgen, Semih; Ercil, Yavuz; 17411A new framework is proposed to assess web-based information systems (WISs) which is domain-independent, that is, can be applied for profit seeking as well as service oriented or non-profit seeking organizations. Assessment starts from an identification of the critical success factors (CSF) that outline organizational strategies, and proceeds to determine the measures of three categories of relationships: User-WIS, Other systems-WIS, Organization-WIS. These measures and CSF's are evaluated collectively to arrive at an effectiveness measure. A case study illustrating the applicability of the assessment framework in the e-business domain is presented.Conference Object Citation Count: Ozyer, Sibel T. untranslated, Kayaalp, M., "A Collaborative and Content Based Event Recommendation System Integrated With Data Collection Scrapers and Services At A Social Networking Site", Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference On Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining, Asonam 2009, pp. 113-118, (2009).A Collaborative and Content Based Event Recommendation System Integrated With Data Collection Scrapers and Services At A Social Networking Site(IEEE Computer Society, 2009) Kayaalp, Mehmet; Özyer, T.; Özyer, Sibel T.; 18980There are many activities that people prefer/opt out attending and these events are announced for attracting people. An intelligent recommendation system can be used in a social networking site in order to recommend people according to content and collaboration assessment. This study is an effort to recommend events to users within a social networking site. It can be any networking environment. We have used social environment that has been designed as a facebook1 application. Our application has also been integrated with several web sites. System collects event data from several related web sites either by using web services or web scraping. It also permits users rating events they have attended or planned. Given the social network between people, system tries to recommend upcoming events to users. For this purpose a combination of content based and collaborative filtering has been used. We have also taken geographical location info and social concept of an event. © 2009 IEEE.Article Citation Count: Jafari, Aref...et al. (2014). "A combined spatial and frequency based texture model for organsegmentation in computed tomography examinations" Journal Of Medical Imaging And Health Informatics, Vol.4, No.2, pp.230-236.A combined spatial and frequency based texture model for organsegmentation in computed tomography examinations(Amer Scientific Publishers, 2014) Jafari, Aref; Hassanpour, Reza; Shahbahrami, Asadollah; Wong, StephanThe organ segmentation in computed tomography (CT) examination is a tedious and error prone task. The local similarity of the pixels from different organs, and the differences between the pixels of the same organ observed in different examinations are two most challenging problems affecting the segmentation process. In this study, statistical and spectral texture properties are combined with the a-priori knowledge about the human body to develop a model for reliably segmenting organs in CT examinations. The main goal of the developed model is fusing local and global statistics to support spatial-frequency analysis and to maximize the simultaneous localization of energy in both spatial and frequency domains. The feature space dimension is reduced by means of a wrapper technique applied as a pre-processing filter. The proposed classifier utilizes a linear combination (ensemble) of two support vector machines (SVM) where the first SVM classifies the input samples according to their textural information and the second one correct the results of the first classifier by searching the spatial information of those samples in a statistical atlas.Article Citation Count: Al-Mihrab, Mohammed A.; Salim, Ali J.; Ali, Jawad K. (2020). "A Compact Multiband Printed Monopole Antenna With Hybrid Polarization Radiation for GPS, LTE, and Satellite Applications", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 110371-110380.A Compact Multiband Printed Monopole Antenna With Hybrid Polarization Radiation for GPS, LTE, and Satellite Applications(2020) Al-Mihrab, Mohammed A.; Salim, Ali J.; Ali, Jawad K.A new compact printed monopole antenna is presented in this paper. An open-loop hexagonal radiator excited by a microstrip feed line, which is printed on top of the substrate, which is FR4 type, while on another side, a partial ground plane is fixed and embedded with two pairs of slits as well as a pair of rectangular strips. Triple operating bands with two different polarization types are obtained. The lower band has right-hand circular polarization (RHCP) characteristic, whereas the upper band has left-hand circular polarization (LHCP) characteristic means that a dual-band dual-sense circular polarization (CP). Concerning the middle band, a linear polarization (LP) has been gotten in this antenna. Numerical analysis and experimental validation of the proposed antenna structure have been performed, and results are demonstrated. The measured impedance bandwidths (IBWs) are 14.7% (1.478-1.714 GHz), 6.8% (2.54-2.72 GHz), and 13.1% (4.29-4.89 GHz), respectively. The measured 3-dB axial ratio bandwidths (ARBWs) are 6.2% (1.510-1.606 GHz), and 22.7% (4.035-5.07 GHz) for the lower and the upper band, respectively. So, it's suitable for covering modern wireless applications such as GPS (Global Positioning System), LTE (Long Term Evaluation), and Satellite.Article Citation Count: Al-Mihrab, M...at all (2020). "A compact size multiband printed monopole antenna with triple sense circular polarization for wireless applications", Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 22, No. 9-10, pp. 483-494.A compact size multiband printed monopole antenna with triple sense circular polarization for wireless applications(2020) Al-Mihrab, M.; Salim, A.; Al-Saedi, H.; Ali, J.A penta-band printed monopole antenna based on a hexagonal open loop shape is presented in this paper. The proposed antenna demonstrated a variety in the polarization. Antenna is loaded with some parts and two stair-shaped slits is created in the partial ground plane for enhancing the multiband behavior. A circularly polarized (CP) waves are generated at a three bands with impedance bandwidths (IBWs) of 10.62%, 33.65% and 8.61% centered at 1.60, 5.20 and 6.50 GHz and 3-dB axial ratio bandwidths (ARBWs) of 9.10%, 7.58%, and 4.41% respectively. While a linearly polarized (LP) waves at the other two bands over ranges (2.51-2.64 GHz) and (3.10-3.31 GHz). Besides, the proposed antenna showed a different sense of circular polarization; right hand, left hand, and right hand. The antenna is simulated and fabricated on an FR-4 (glass epoxy) substrate with relative permittivity of 4.6, thickness of 1.6 mm and a loss tangent of 0.02. The properties of multiband and circular polarization, makes the proposed antenna candidates for many modern wireless applications.Article Citation Count: A Comparative Evaluation of Popular Search Engınes On Finding Turkish Documents For A Specific Time Period (2017). Bitirim, Yiltan; Gorur, Abdul Kadir, Tehnicki Vjesnik-Technical Gazette, 24(2), 565-569.A Comparative Evaluation Of Popular Search Engines On Finding Turkish Documents For A Specific Time Period(Univ Osijek, Tech Fac, 2017) Bitirim, Yıltan; Görür, Abdül Kadir; 107251This study evaluates the popular search engines, Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Ask, on finding Turkish documents by comparing their current performances with their performances measured six years ago. Furthermore, the study reveals the current information retrieval effectiveness of the search engines. First of all, the Turkish queries were run on the search engines separately. Each retrieved document was classified and precision ratios were calculated at various cut-off points for each query and engine pair. Afterwards, these ratios were compared with the six years ago ratios for the evaluations. Besides the descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H statistical tests were used in order to find out statistically significant differences. All search engines, except Google, have better performance today. Bing has the most increased performance compared to six years ago. Nowadays: Yahoo has the highest mean precision ratios at various cut-off points; all search engines have their highest mean precision ratios at cut-off point 5; dead links were encountered in Google, Bing, and Ask; and repeated documents were encountered in Google and Yahoo.Article Citation Count: Saltık, S.; Esen Ziya; Dericioğlu, Arcan F. (2023). "A Comparative Study of Effects of Additive Particle Size and Content on Wetting Behavior and Brazing Performance of C/SiC Composite". Journal Of Materıals Engineering And Performance, Vol. 32, No. 13, pp. 5946-5955.A Comparative Study of Effects of Additive Particle Size and Content on Wetting Behavior and Brazing Performance of C/SiC Composite(2023) Saltık, Simge; Esen, Ziya; Dericioğlu, Arcan F.; 52373This study has focused on the influence of size and content of SiC particle incorporation on the wetting behavior of the Ticusil brazing filler alloy and on its brazing performance in C/SiC composite/Ti6Al4V alloy joints. The effect of the size and content of additive SiC particles on the variation of molten brazing filler alloy contact angle was recorded at various brazing time and temperatures. Moreover, the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of the additive containing C/SiC composite/Ti6Al4V alloy joints produced by the brazing method were investigated. The contact angles in both brazing filler alloys containing nano- and micro-sized SiC particles exhibited a sudden decrease with time during isothermal holding as observed in as-received brazing filler alloys. As the quantity of the SiC particles increased in the brazing alloy, the recorded contact angle values including the final, stable contact angle increased, while the time for the drastic contact angle change also increased remarkably. Compared to as-received counterparts, the addition of 2 wt.% nano-sized SiC and 1 wt.% micro-sized SiC particles improved the shear strength of the joints by 35 and 8%, respectively. Although the recorded contact angle values were close to each other in brazing alloys containing SiC particles with different sizes (37 and 42 degrees for 1 wt.% micro-sized and 2 wt.% nano-sized additions), higher increment was achieved in the mechanical performance of the joints with nano-sized SiC additive due to more homogeneous reinforcement effect of the nanoparticles. The results indicated that the optimum brazing filler alloy contact angle for the highest shear strength is similar to 40 degrees for both nano- and micron-sized additive containing Ticusil filler alloy.Article Citation Count: Koçak, Eyüp; Aylı, Ece; Türkoğlu, Haşmet (2022). "A Comparative Study of Multiple Regression and Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction of Nanofluid Heat Transfer", JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS, Vol. 14, No. 6.A Comparative Study of Multiple Regression and Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction of Nanofluid Heat Transfer(2022) Koçak, Eyüp; Aylı, Ece; Türkoğlu, Haşmet; 283455; 265836; 12941The aim of this article is to introduce and discuss prediction power of the multiple regression technique, artificial neural network (ANN), and adaptive neuro-fuzzy interface system (ANFIS) methods for predicting the forced convection heat transfer characteristics of a turbulent nanofluid flow in a pipe. Water and Al2O3 mixture is used as the nanofluid. Utilizing fluent software, numerical computations were performed with volume fraction ranging between 0.3% and 5%, particle diameter ranging between 20 and 140 nm, and Reynolds number ranging between 7000 and 21,000. Based on the computationally obtained results, a correlation is developed for the Nusselt number using the multiple regression method. Also, based on the computational fluid dynamics results, different ANN architectures with different number of neurons in the hidden layers and several training algorithms (Levenberg-Marquardt, Bayesian regularization, scaled conjugate gradient) are tested to find the best ANN architecture. In addition, ANFIS is also used to predict the Nusselt number. In the ANFIS, number of clusters, exponential factor, and membership function (MF) type are optimized. The results obtained from multiple regression correlation, ANN, and ANFIS were compared. According to the obtained results, ANFIS is a powerful tool with a R-2 of 0.9987 for predictions.Article Citation Count: Alsaka, Dina Yaqoob; Arpali, Çağlar; Arpali, Serap A. (2018). "A comparison of iterative Fourier transform algorithms for image quality estimation", Optical Review, Vol.25, No.5, pp.625-637.A comparison of iterative Fourier transform algorithms for image quality estimation(2018) Alsaka, Dina Yaqoob; Arpali, Çağlar; Arpali, Serap Altay; 20809A comparison was established between two iterative Fourier transform algorithms (IFTAs), such as the original Gerchberg–Saxton (GS) and the mixed-region amplitude freedom (MRAF) algorithms, for the hologram reconstruction of different target images through the full reference image quality estimation (IQE) and pixel homogeneity in the Fourier plane presented theoretically and experimentally. The comparison was applied depending upon both algorithms based on a computer-generated hologram (CGH) implemented utilizing a reflective phase-modulated liquid-crystal spatial light modulator (LC-SLM) to obtain the digital kinoform holograms of the desired intensity distributions. These digital holograms were applied to reconstruct the intensity patterns for 852 nm, which represents a laser beam source. The theoretical and experimental results of the reconstructed patterns obtained using the MRAF algorithm were found to be smoother and better than the patterns obtained using the GS algorithm. Unmodulated light beam (dc term) is removed from the reconstructed patterns attributed to digital kinoform holograms of MRAF algorithm as an alternative to the theoretical and experimental results without using any additional optic equipment at the light path. Moreover, this paper discussed the full reference objective quality estimations, such as mean square error (MSE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural content (SC), normalized absolute error (NAE), normalized cross correlation (NK), and homogeneity of pixels, through the contrast (Cont) and inverse difference moment (IDM) for numerical and experimental results. According to the two desired intensity distributions processed theoretically and experimentally, the results of MRAF algorithm were found to be in the highly accurate recovered phase, the quality of image was enhanced, and the dc term was decreased. Image quality estimation of full reference objective relay on the feedback algorithms experimental attestation has not been implemented yet.Article Citation Count: Alsaka, Dina Yaqoob; Arpali, Caglar; Arpali, Serap Altay, "A comparison of iterative Fourier transform algorithms for image quality estimation", Optical Review, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 625-637, (2018)A Comparison of Iterative Fourier Transform Algorithms for Image Quality Estimation(Optical Soc Japan, 2018) Alsaka, Dina Yaqoob; Arpalı, Çağlar; Altay Arpalı, Serap; 20809A comparison was established between two iterative Fourier transform algorithms (IFTAs), such as the original Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) and the mixed-region amplitude freedom (MRAF) algorithms, for the hologram reconstruction of different target images through the full reference image quality estimation (IQE) and pixel homogeneity in the Fourier plane presented theoretically and experimentally. The comparison was applied depending upon both algorithms based on a computer-generated hologram (CGH) implemented utilizing a reflective phase-modulated liquid-crystal spatial light modulator (LC-SLM) to obtain the digital kinoform holograms of the desired intensity distributions. These digital holograms were applied to reconstruct the intensity patterns for 852 nm, which represents a laser beam source. The theoretical and experimental results of the reconstructed patterns obtained using the MRAF algorithm were found to be smoother and better than the patterns obtained using the GS algorithm. Unmodulated light beam (dc term) is removed from the reconstructed patterns attributed to digital kinoform holograms of MRAF algorithm as an alternative to the theoretical and experimental results without using any additional optic equipment at the light path. Moreover, this paper discussed the full reference objective quality estimations, such as mean square error (MSE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural content (SC), normalized absolute error (NAE), normalized cross correlation (NK), and homogeneity of pixels, through the contrast (Cont) and inverse difference moment (IDM) for numerical and experimental results. According to the two desired intensity distributions processed theoretically and experimentally, the results of MRAF algorithm were found to be in the highly accurate recovered phase, the quality of image was enhanced, and the dc term was decreased. Image quality estimation of full reference objective relay on the feedback algorithms experimental attestation has not been implemented yet.Article Citation Count: Karataş, Mustafa Serdar...et al. "A Comparison of Radiation Shielding of Stainless Steel With Different Magnetic Properties", Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 186-189, (2014).A Comparison of Radiation Shielding of Stainless Steel With Different Magnetic Properties(Vinca Inst Nuclear Sci, 2014) Çalık, Adnan; Akbunar, Şahin; Uçar, Nazim; Yılmaz, Nihat; Karakaş, Mustafa Serdar; Akkurt, İskender; 48915The radiation shielding properties of three different stainless steels have been investigated. For this purpose, linear attenuation coefficients at photon energy levels of 662 keV and 1250 keV have been mea sured. The obtained results showed that ferritic stainless steel was more capable in stopping the high energy photons than its non-magnetic counterpart. © 2014 Vinca Inst Nuclear Sci. All rights reserved.Conference Object Citation Count: Özaydın, S., “A Complexity Reduction Method for Joint MSVQ”, ISEIA2016, Accepted to be presented on 4rd International symposium on Engineering, Artificial Intelligence & ApplicationsTechnology & Science, Kyrenia-Cyprus, 2-4 November 2016.A complexity reduction method for joint MSVQ(2016) Özaydın, SelmaArticle Citation Count: Dokeroglu, Tansel; Deniz, Ayça; Kiziloz, Hakan E. (2022). "A comprehensive survey on recent metaheuristics for feature selection", Neurocomputing, Vol.494, pp.269-296.A comprehensive survey on recent metaheuristics for feature selection(2022) Dokeroglu, Tansel; Deniz, Ayça; Kiziloz, Hakan Ezgi; 234173Feature selection has become an indispensable machine learning process for data preprocessing due to the ever-increasing sizes in actual data. There have been many solution methods proposed for feature selection since the 1970s. For the last two decades, we have witnessed the superiority of metaheuristic feature selection algorithms, and tens of new ones are being proposed every year. This survey focuses on the most outstanding recent metaheuristic feature selection algorithms of the last two decades in terms of their performance in exploration/exploitation operators, selection methods, transfer functions, fitness value evaluations, and parameter setting techniques. Current challenges of the metaheuristic feature selection algorithms and possible future research topics are examined and brought to the attention of the researchers as well.Article Citation Count: Nasser, Ahmed; Sever, Hayri (2020). "A Concept-based Sentiment Analysis Approach for Arabic", The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 778-788.A Concept-based Sentiment Analysis Approach for Arabic(2020) Nasser, Ahmed; Sever, Hayri; 11916Concept-Based Sentiment Analysis (CBSA) methods are considered to be more advanced and more accurate when it compared to ordinary Sentiment Analysis methods, because it has the ability of detecting the emotions that conveyed by multi-word expressions concepts in language. This paper presented a CBSA system for Arabic language which utilizes both of machine learning approaches and concept-based sentiment lexicon. For extracting concepts from Arabic, a rule-based concept extraction algorithm called semantic parser is proposed. Different types of feature extraction and representation techniques are experimented among the building prosses of the sentiment analysis model for the presented Arabic CBSA system. A comprehensive and comparative experiments using different types of classification methods and classifier fusion models, together with different combinations of our proposed feature sets, are used to evaluate and test the presented CBSA system. The experiment results showed that the best performance for the sentiment analysis model is achieved by combined Support Vector Machine-Logistic Regression (SVM-LR) model where it obtained a F-score value of 93.23% using the Concept-Based-Features + Lexicon-Based-Features + Word2vec-Features (CBF + LEX+ W2V) features combinations.Book Part Citation Count: Afsin, Mehmet Ertug; Schmidt, Klaus Werner; Schmidt, Ece Guran, "A configurable CAN FD controller: architecture and implementation", 2017 25th Signal Processing And Communications Applications Conference (SIU), (2017).A configurable CAN FD controller: architecture and implementation(IEEE, 2017) Afşin, Mehmet Ertuğ; Schmidt, Klaus Werner; Schmidt, Ece GüranCAN FD is a new standard which provides fast. data rate while preserving the compatibility with CAN (controller area network). In this paper, a Configurable IP core architecture (A-CAN) which is compatible with the CAN FD standard, is proposed. Different than existing CAN/CAN FD controllers, the numbers and sizes of transmit and receive buffers of A-CAN can be configured in run time. To this end, A-CAN enables the best use of single controller hardware for different applications and enables improving the real time communication performance. A CAN communicates with the host device over SPI without any specific interface requirements. A-CAN is implemented on an FPGA Evaluation Board and its functionally is verified at a rate of 2 Mbps.